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How Long Does It Bleed After Tooth Extraction & How to Stop the Bleeding?

There are typically 32 teeth in humans out of which 8 are incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolar and 12 molar teeth. People get the teeth removed due to various reasons like decay, pain or tooth damage. This procedure of removal of teeth is called tooth extraction. In some cases, dentists advice the patients to get the tooth removed depending on the condition of the tooth.

What are the Various Causes for Tooth Extraction?

Teeth are extracted because of following reasons:

  • Tooth decay
  • In case there is an extra tooth
  • Tooth damage
  • Broken tooth
  • Milk teeth in children still remain and would not give way for permanent teeth to grow
  • Many people get their one or more wisdom teeth removed as there will be no sufficient space to develop or they may be infected or decayed
  • In cancer patients, the teeth extraction is common as they are infected. This infection is the side effect of cancer drugs which affect the immunity of the body.

How Long Does It Bleed After Tooth Extraction?

In the case of surgical removal of tooth, the gums are stitched to stop the excessive bleeding. These stitches would gradually dissolve. This happens in some cases where the incision is deep. In cases of simple extraction of tooth, the socket is packed with a gauze pad. The patient is told to bite it till the bleeding stops. Bleeding following tooth extraction generally stops within 30 – 60 minutes1. However, the oozing out of blood stops between 12 to 24 hours. It usually should not continue beyond 24 yours. If it continues, extra care should be taken.

How to Stop the Bleeding After Tooth Extraction?

It is normal to bleed after pulling out of a tooth. The dentist puts gauze in the socket formed after tooth extraction and tells the patients to bite it with pressure. Usually bleeding stops when the pressure given is sufficient and the gauze should be kept till it stops. In case if the bleeding is persistent, the following things can be done to stop the bleeding:

  • Black tea bags can be kept in the socket and bite it firmly to stop the bleeding after tooth extraction.
  • Sometimes the gauze should be replaced with the new one if it has completely soaked in blood. Chewing of gauze should be avoided.
  • The level of head should be raised with respect to body while lying down. Keeping a pillow to elevate the head which can help control bleeding after tooth extraction.
  • Bleeding after tooth extraction increases with increase in the body temperature. Hence, the area of tooth removal should be treated with ice cubes. Ice should be wrapped with gauze and kept on the wound directly.
  • A herb known as yarrow can be sprinkled over the wound and pressure should be applied.
  • Pure vitamin C powder (free from sugars and any flavors) can be sprinkled over the wound. It helps to decrease bleeding after tooth extraction. Zinc lozenges can be used after tooth extraction which helps in clotting of blood in that area.
  • An astringent is a substance which tightens the skin. Pure form of witch hazel shrub has an astringent property and can be applied using gauze which should be held tightly at the wound. It helps to reduce bleeding after tooth extraction.
  • Ankaferd Blood Stopper (ABS), a herbal complimentary medicine, is known to stop bleeding within 10 seconds of tooth extraction when sprayed at the site2.


Bleeding after tooth extraction is normal in the cut areas but can be very dangerous if not stopped. Persistent bleeding may lead to serious problems. It should be taken more care when the bleeding occurs in sensitive areas. Blood clotting is a natural phenomenon and should start within a few minutes of the cut. However, if bleeding doesn’t stop, the above mentioned ways should be practiced to stop it.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 11, 2020

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