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How to Take Care of Yourself After Abortion?

Taking proper care is essential for physical health and wellbeing after abortion. It is observed that nearly 1 in 4 women have abortions before the age of 45 years.(1) Abortion performed by a medical professional is comparatively safer and has lesser side effects.

What to Expect After Abortion?

Abortion is of different types. An appropriate method is recommended by the doctor depending on the person’s medical condition and pregnancy stage. Types of abortions are:

  • Vacuum aspiration
  • Abortion pill
  • Dilatation and evacuation

After the completion of the abortion procedure, a person’s menstrual cycle returns in 4-8 weeks. There is irregular spotting and bleeding initially.

It is observed that some females may experience strong emotions and mood changes in days and weeks following the abortion, which is due to a sudden change in hormones. Also, abortion can be an emotionally challenging experience and people may seek support from friends and family, days and weeks after the procedure.

A female can get pregnant after an abortion as soon as she ovulates. Therefore it is important to use protection or abstain from sex for those trying to avoid pregnancy.

Symptoms After Abortion

The post abortion symptoms experienced vary regardless of the type of abortion. The severity of the symptom depends on what stage of pregnancy it is done at. The obvious symptoms experienced after abortion are:(2)

How To Take Care Of Self After Abortion?

How To Take Care Of Self After Abortion?

Fatigue and weakness are experienced by a female in the days following abortion. It is important to take good care and come back to normal health status.

Physical Care

The cramping pain after abortion is similar to menstrual cramps. Therefore it is important for friends and family members to take care of the person who has undergone an abortion. Also, physical and mental strain to the body should be avoided. The cervix takes time to close after abortion and that increases the risk of infection. To reduce this risk, a female should avoid the following:(3)

  • Using tampons
  • Penetrative sex
  • Putting anything in the vagina
  • Using swimming pools

Despite being a short procedure, a person takes several weeks to recover and therefore it is important to take care of oneself after abortion.(2) Following techniques can be tried:

  • Massage stomach and lower back
  • Use a heat pack
  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers
  • Attend follow-up appointments

Emotional Care

Abortion is an emotionally challenging experience. Also, there is hormonal change after the procedure which leads to changes in the mood. There is a decrease in the level of estrogen and progesterone after abortion and this is a reason behind low mood or mood changes post-abortion. As the menstrual cycle return to normal the hormone level also stabilizes.

Also, some people experience ongoing emotional difficulties that should not be ignored. A connection has been observed between abortion and a higher risk of depression, anxiety, sleep disorder, and other mental health conditions.(4) Along with this, people with a mental health condition may be at an increased risk of these effects.

Adequate time off work should be taken out, to speak with family members and friends, and also a doctor should be consulted if mental health disease is experienced.

Recovery From Abortion

The recovery time varies from person to person. Abortion done in the first trimester has no side effects and the person recovers in a few days. Recovery may take longer for later-term abortions.

2% of people with abortions have complications and in such cases, recovery can take several weeks.(5)

Medical Care After Abortion

After an abortion, most people have a follow-up appointment for a check-up in a few weeks.(2) If there are no signs of complication, no further care may be required.

If symptoms of complication are experienced, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Most abortion clinics provide 24-hours support helpline that can help determine if emergency treatment is needed. The symptoms of emergency include:

Abortion can be a physically and mentally exhausting procedure and how a person recovers from it vary. It is important to seek help from friends and family to come out through it. Also, one should keep in touch with the doctor to avoid unnecessary complications.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 24, 2022

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