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Can Alopecia Be Treated Naturally

What is Alopecia?

Alopecia is a hair problem characterized by a large amount of hair loss, leaving a smooth and hairless patch on the scalp. In some alopecia conditions, you may find hair getting thinner and breaking few inches above the root, leaving an exclamation point type of hair at place.

Is The Hair Loss In Alopecia Permanent?

Hair loss caused by alopecia tends to come and go, with the hair growing back within a few months or in few months.

Is There Any Cure For Alopecia?

There is no cure for alopecia. The treatment for alopecia tends to slow down the process of hair loss, or makes the hair come back faster. But there is no surety that the hair loss would not recur in alopecia.

Can Alopecia Be Treated Naturally

Can Alopecia Be Treated Naturally

There are few natural remedies which might prove helpful in reducing the hair loss or even preventing the hair fall.

Natural Remedies for Treating Alopecia

Before starting any natural remedy, we should make sure that the diet we take is rich in vitamins and minerals, as they are equally required for healthy hair and to maintain perfect functioning of the immune system in the body. Any type of bad habit, such as consuming alcohol or tobacco should be controlled to treat alopecia naturally.

Exercising regularly also helps in keeping us fit by improving blood circulation to the scalp and helps treat alopecia naturally.

Having a healthy lifestyle and following a good home remedy can help keep the scalp and hair healthy and strong and fight alopecia. Some of the natural home remedies for treating alopecia are:

Onion Juice. Onion juice is a well-known natural remedy for re-growing hair in the bald patches, including those left by alopecia. Onion contains sulfur, which can fight free radicals and improve blood circulation to the scalp, which in turns helps in managing and treating alopecia naturally. Onion juice also fights any scalp infection which causes the hair loss.

Garlic. Similar to onion, garlic is also a great natural remedy for alopecia. Garlic supports hair growth by increasing collagen production and preventing hair fall in alopecia.

Fenugreek Seeds. The fenugreek seeds are dihydrotestosterone blocker, which causes hair fall and thus helps in encouraging hair growth naturally. Fenugreek seeds are really a successful natural remedy in treating androgenetic alopecia.

Green Tea. Green tea contains antioxidants and polyphenols, which help in strengthening hair follicles, preventing scalp infection, and regenerating healthy cells on the scalp. Green tea is one of the best naturally remedy recommended to treat hair fall caused by alopecia.

Almond Oil. Almond oil is a great natural remedy for treating all things related to hair and skin. Almond oil reduces dandruff and also prevents split ends. Its regular use ensures healthy and smooth hair and scalp. Almond oil makes the hair strong from the roots to prevent fall and breakage. Almond oil is one of the best natural remedies to treat alopecia naturally.

Licorice Root. Licorice Root is a rejuvenating substance, which helps prevent scalp infection and get rid of dandruff. Licorice root rejuvenates the scalp and promotes hair growth, which is a great natural treatment for alopecia.

Mustard Oil. Mustard oil is known for a long time for its expertise in boosting hair growth. Mustard oil contains protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which nourishes hair, increases the volume of hair and reduces hair loss. Hence, mustard oil is an effective natural treatment for alopecia.

Beetroot. Beetroot contains protein, potassium, vitamin B and C, all of which are essential for healthy hair. Beetroot is a very good food for healthy hair and a beneficial natural remedy for alopecia treatment.

Curry Leaves. Curry leaves have all the nutrients, which help prevent hair fall, and also help avoid premature greying and stimulate the re-growth of hair follicles. You can try treating alopecia naturally with curry leaves.

Amla (Indian Gooseberry). Amla is a rich source of Vitamin C, which is essential for strengthening hair. Vitamin C also helps in building collagen, which is vital for hair growth. Amla also prevents premature greying of hair. All these benefits of amla make it an effective natural treatment of alopecia.

Coconut Milk. Coconut milk works for hair fall by stimulating hair follicles and increasing hair growth. Coconut milk can be massaged on the scalp to prevent hair fall in alopecia.

Honey. Honey tastes great when topped on waffles and pancake, and works great for hair health too when massaged on the scalp. Honey cleans away the scalp impurities, which clog the hair follicles and strengthen them to stimulate hair growth. Mix honey with olive oil and yogurt and apply it on the scalp to treat alopecia naturally.

Egg. Egg gives us beautiful hair, as it contains biotin, folate, vitamin A, and vitamin D, which not only treat alopecia but also help hair re-grow faster and nourishes hair from within. Eggs are natural remedy for alopecia treatment.

Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is well known for its hair and skin benefits. Aloe Vera has a stimulating nature and increases blood circulation to the scalp and treats alopecia naturally.

Lemon. Lemon is rich in vitamin B, vitamin C, and folic acid; all of which are essential for hair growth. Application of lemon juice on scalp restores scalp’s natural pH and cleans away the dead cells, which clog the hair follicles and aids hair growth.

All the above natural remedies are very good for hair and you can even use them if not suffering from alopecia, to keep your hair healthy and strong. Opt for the natural remedy, which suits your hair the best in treating alopecia naturally.


  1. WebMD. (2022). Alopecia Areata. https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/guide/alopecia-areata
  2. Medical News Today. (2022). What you need to know about alopecia areata. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/70956
  3. Healthline. (2022). Alopecia Areata: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments. https://www.healthline.com/health/alopecia-areata

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 28, 2023

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