There is no fixed time for the nightmare disorder to disappear. Thus, it is advisable to get proper treatment. Various natural therapies are available apart from conventional therapies.
Can Nightmare Disorder Go Away On Its Own?
A nightmare disorder may go away with its own, but nobody knows the exact period after which the patient does not experience symptoms of this condition. Thus, instead of waiting for the nightmare disorder to go away of its own, proper management therapy should be taken by the patient after consulting with an expert in treating this condition. As age increases, the frequency of nightmares tends to decrease. After the age of 30, nightmares tend to reduce1. The best way to start the treatment is to know the reason behind the nightmares. There are various reasons behind nightmare disorder. The causes range from psychological condition to an underlying medical condition. The treatment is provided to the patient according to the cause. Following are the treatment available for nightmare disorder:
Medications: Medications are not generally used in the management of nightmare disorder. Medications are generally used for the management of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Prazosin is generally recommended for level A PTSD while clonidine is advised for Level C PSTD.2 Trazodone and gabapentin are also prescribed in this indication.
Imagery Rehearsal Therapy: Imagery rehearsal therapy is a part of cognitive-behavioral therapy and is given to patients with Post-traumatic stress disorder. The severity of nightmares is reduced after the therapy. Visualizations of the outcome which is less frightening than the original outcome are done during the therapy.3
Stress Management: Nightmare disorder may also be caused due to stress and anxiety. Various methods related to stress management should be adopted. Techniques such as yoga, meditation, and exercise prove to be useful in such circumstances. Counseling is also done to reduce stress and anxiety.
Treating Underlying Medical Conditions: Nightmare disorder is not only related to psychological health; it may also be due to medical conditions. Treatment of nightmare disorder depends upon the underlying conditions such as sleep apnea.
Hypnosis: Hypnosis is the alternative treatment strategy in patients suffering from a nightmare disorder. The alternate therapy is used when other therapies fail to provide relief to the patient.
What Are The Natural Remedies For Nightmare Disorder?
Natural remedies are also provided to the patient in addition to conventional treatment. The treatment aims to manage the symptoms and to prevent the trigger for nightmare disorder. Following are some of the natural remedies for nightmare disorder:
Herbal Drugs: Insomnia is managed by various herbal drugs. These herbs help induce sleep and also maintain a regular sleep pattern. Various herbs used for nightmare disorder include valerian, passionflower, and hops.4
Essential Oil: Essential oils improves sleep quality and helps relaxing mind. According to a study, sleep quality was improved in almost 64% of the patient who had taken essential oils5. The essential oils include lavender oil and frankincense
Food: Level of melatonin, a sleep cycle regulator, is increased by various foods. Foods which contains a high quantity of tryptophan forms melatonin inside the body. Corn, rice, sprouted seeds, fenugreek, and tomatoes increase the level of melatonin.
Supplements: Various supplements such as Vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium helps in reducing insomnia.
Creating A Sleep Environment: Practicing good sleeping hygiene leads to sound sleep. Taking a shower before sleeping relaxes the body and mind. Fix the time of daily sleeping and adhere to that time. This may help reduce night terror.
Avoiding Caffeine: Resist yourself from drinking caffeinated drinks at least 6 hours before bedtime.
The patient should take treatment for this disorder as it affects both physically and mentally. Natural remedies include food, supplement, proper sleep hygiene, avoiding caffeine and herbal drugs. Creating a sleeping environment also have a positive impact on body and mind.
Also Read:
- Are Nightmares Dangerous & How Do You Know If You Have A Nightmare Disorder?
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- What Leads To Nightmare Disorder & Can It Be Cured?
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