In case you are looking for a highly effective and absolutely simple means of administering herbal medicines; then herbal tinctures are definitely the first place you need to look. These tinctures are generally overlooked, as a method of administering herbal medicines; most individuals are not as familiar with their use, as they are with herbal teas and capsules. However, herbal tinctures are actually one of the most effective means of taking herbal medicines, especially for managing symptoms in acute conditions.
Herbal tinctures are concentrated herbal extracts that have tremendous health benefits. Read below to know more about what herbal tinctures are and also know about how they are prepared, along with some of their benefits.
What are Herbal Tinctures?
As mentioned above, herbal tinctures are concentrated herbal extracts that contain alcohol as the solvent in them. In case you are using water, glycerine, vinegar or any menstruum or solvent, other than alcohol, then the preparation is known to be an extract and not a tincture. Herbal tinctures can be taken straight by the dropper or may be diluted in tea. These tinctures can be prepared from fresh or dried flowers, roots, leaves, barks or berries.
It must be mentioned that in order to qualify as an alcoholic tincture, the extract must have an ethanol percentage of at least 25% to 60%. Sometimes, an alcohol percentage of as high as 90% is also used in preparing such an herbal tincture.
How are Herbal Tinctures Prepared?
Highly concentrated alcoholic extracts of an herb is known to be an herbal tincture. They are generally prepared by soaking or macerating the chosen herbs in alcohol at a ration typically ranging from 1:1 (herb to alcohol) to 1:10; depending on the desired strength and recommended dosage of the chosen herbs.
Herbal tinctures are prepared because herbs are absorbed more quickly in to the blood circulation and thus begin to effect faster when taken in the herbal tincture form.
Here is how herbal tinctures are prepared:
Essential Supplies for Making Herbal Tinctures:
Below are some of the essential supplies for preparing herbal tinctures.
- A clean glass jar with a lid.
- Herbs of your own choice.
- Alcohol like, vodka or rum.
Herbal Tincture Preparation:
- At first, choose herbs which you plan to use. You may choose chamomile tinctures which are great for kids and also enhances restful sleep and also are known to be great for skin, you may choose herbs that are helpful for treating nausea, heartburn etc.
- Once you have selected your herbs to make herbal tinctures, fill the glass jar 1/3 to 1/2 full with dried herbs. Filling half full of the jar with herbs could make a stronger and more effective tincture. Make sure, you do not pack down.
- Next, pour boiling water to the jar to simply dampen all of the herbs.
- Then, fill the rest of the jar with alcohol and stir it with a clean spoon.
- Now, put the lid of the jar and store the jar in a cool and dry place; shaking it regularly, for at least 3 weeks and up to about 6 months.
- Strain through cheesecloth and compost the herbs.
- The final step here is to make your labels in the jar, you stored the herbal tinctures. Label each bottle with as much detail as you can. You can mention, the common name of the herb, the latin name, part used, percentage of alcohol, fresh or dried herbs used, source, date, dosage etc.
How to Use Herbal Tinctures?
- The standard dose for adults is 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of the herbal tinctures, taken up to 3 times in a day, as required.
- Kids usually require 1/4 to 1/3 of the adult dose of herbal tincture.
- For children, pregnant women, or for individuals those not wanting to consume alcohol, it can be poured into hot liquids such as tea so as to evaporate the alcohol before consuming.
What are the Benefits of Herbal Tinctures?
There are a lot of benefits of herbal tinctures. First and foremost benefits, is that they are easy to use and also work at a quick rate.
Tinctures are the Only Ways to Get Plant or Herbal Medicines:
Tinctures are the only one way to get fresh herbal medicines. Certain herbs, like milky oat seed, are most beneficial when taken fresh. This herb is one of the best restoratives for damaged nerve tissue. However, its effectiveness is best when taken in the form of tincture.
Again, as herbal tinctures are so much concentrated, the amount of the medicine one requires to consume is much less.
Benefits of Herbal Tinctures in Treating Acute Conditions:
One of the most important benefits of herbal tinctures is the speed with which the medicine is delivered throughout the body. Herbal tinctures are most potent when dealing with acute manifestations of conditions like pain and anxiety, when one requires immediate relief of symptoms.
Herbal Tinctures are Easiest to Digest:
Herbal tinctures are easier to digest. So, in case you have certain digestive disorders that impair your ability to breakdown capsules or tablets, then you may use these tinctures and ensure that the body receives the dosage taken.
So, now that you are known to the preparation method and some of the benefits of herbal tinctures; you must be excited enough to make use of these tinctures to treat your acute medical conditions. It is essential for you to consult with medical professional for getting properly diagnosed and treated.
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