Gout flare-up on eating chocolate might be less because of the chocolate and more because of the ingredients present in it.
Milk chocolates should not be consumed by those suffering from gout due to their high sugar content. Consuming food containing high fructose content has long been associated with gout.(1) Most prevention recommendation for gout involves reducing the amount of sweetener in the diet.
Because of the sugar content, chocolate is not considered a good snack for those suffering from gout.
Dark chocolate is well known for its numerous health benefits. But a dark chocolate bar with 70 to 85 percent cacao contains 24 grams of sugar that means 6 teaspoons of sugar.(2)
Milk chocolate is not considered true chocolate because it has no cacao content but cocoa butter, milk solids, and sugar. It has probably the same or more sugar content than dark chocolate.
Can A Person Suffering From Gout Eat Chocolate
If you choose chocolate which doesn’t include ingredients which trigger gout, eating chocolate can help in gout.
Sugar-free chocolates can be a solution for chocolate lovers suffering from gout.
Chocolate which does not contain added sugar and sweeteners are beneficial for people with gout in the following ways:
- Chocolate lowers uric acid crystallization which can be a key to control gout.(3)
- The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of chocolate due to polyphenol present in it helps in reducing inflammation and providing relief from gout. According to a study, the antioxidants also help lower the blood pressure.(4) High blood pressure is a risk factor for gout.
- The antioxidants also improve kidney function and reduce renal injury.(5) Kidney helps eliminate uric acid preventing a gout attack.
- Chocolate contains theobromine which plays a role in positively influencing the mood.(6) Stress flares up gout, and a good mood keep stress away.
Does Chocolate Treat Gout?
Eating a moderate amount of dark sugar-free chocolate can help combat the symptoms of gout duet to its anti-inflammatory properties. It helps lower the blood pressure and the cholesterol level, all of which help decrease the chances of uric acid build-up in the bloodstream.
The uric acid build-up causes gout and related inflammation around the joints.
Chocolate can help in treating active gout flares after they have begun and also in the prevention of future gout attacks in the following ways,
- During an active gout attack, the anti-inflammatory properties of cacao (present in chocolate) help interrupt the inflammatory response cycle. This cycle if left unchecked can cause a mild gout attack to flare up badly.
- Flavonoids and procyanidins present in cacao create the anti-inflammatory effect.
- In between the gout attacks the strong antioxidant property helps keep the body functioning at its best. It maintains the kidney function which is critical for preventing future gout attacks.
- The epicatechin flavonoids present in chocolate provide this antioxidant effect.
Though sugar-free dark chocolate is considered beneficial for those suffering from gout, it is always recommended to consult a doctor before starting any kind of diet, even chocolates.
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