Acne and pimples are common problems for many, especially for the teenagers. Though there are many reasons behind the cause of the acne and pimples, such as hormonal changes in teens; impurities in the blood is a prominent cause of acne and pimples even in adults. Hence, what is usually considered as a “teen” problem is often found to trouble adults and a common reason is blood impurity. When there are too many impurities and toxins in the bloodstream, the skin will reflect that condition in the form of acne and pimples.
Blood impurities and Acne
Just as the blood circulates oxygen and nutrients to the different cells throughout the body, so it does in case of the toxins and impurities. As these toxins and impurities enter the different organs and cells of the body, the natural functioning of these cells is disrupted. Consequently, the cells of liver or kidneys or even the lymphatic system fail to flush out these toxins and impurities. Hence, acne, pimples and other skin problems are erupted.
Can Herbal Blood Purifiers Help Get Rid of Acne?
Having one or two pimples now and then is an altogether different issue that can be caused by food habit, lifestyle changes or even due to excessive sebum secretion and open pore clogging. But, when it is a persistent problem that is leaving the skin scarred, it can really be annoying. If the pimples burst or are plucked, they can leave permanent scars behind and it is also very painful and irritating on the skin. Hence, treating them rightly is a must.
Though there are various over-the-counter medicines that can externally reduce the pimples and acne for the time being, internal cleansing is a must. This is called the process of “blood purification”. There are various herbal blood purifiers that can help the body to get rid of the toxins and impurities that cause the acne and pimples. This, not only prevents the skin problems, but it also helps the body in fighting other ailments that are often caused by these toxins and impurities.
How do the Herbal Remedies Help in Treating Acne?
As we eat, breathe or drink and are exposed to the natural environment that is full of toxins and impurities, the body receives these toxins. The toxins are harmful and react with the body cells and various troubles, diseases and disorders occur. Hence, to treat any disease or discomforting condition of the body, removal of the toxins is a must.
The natural herbs have natural “soap-like ingredients” called saponins that can wash off the toxins.
These saponins help in a number of ways –
- They help in the breaking down of the damaged red blood cells, so that the iron and other components can be recycled.
- They help in the absorption of nutrients in the lining of the intestine.
Apart from the saponin property, these natural herbs also help in the increase of bile production which in turn helps in removing the toxins through kidneys. Hence, in a number of ways, the toxins and impurities can be removed from the body and thereby, one of the root causes behind acne can be catered to and solved.
Herbal Blood Purifiers That Can Help Get Rid of Acne
The nature is abundant in various herbs and other natural ingredients that are useful in preventing, controlling and curing acne and pimples, by purifying the blood. These herbal ingredients remove the impurities and toxins from the blood. Hence, along with treating the different kinds of skin problems, they also benefit us in fighting various other diseases.
Here are some of the most useful herbal ingredients and remedies that can treat acne.
- Garlic as a Blood Purifier to Get Rid of Acne: This usual and common kitchen ingredient or herb is an excellent blood purifier. It can help the body to get rid of the toxins and impurities.
- You can simply eat some raw garlic cloves every day.
- You can also make some pulp out of crushing the garlic cloves and apply it directly on the acne. After five minutes of application, it can be washed off with warm water.
Garlic fights with the acne causing bacteria and thus, treats acne.
- Using Neem as a Blood Purifier for Getting Rid of Acne: The antibacterial properties of neem are not unknown to anyone. It is therefore used in culinary dishes, eaten raw or in the form of juice and also supplements and herbal medicines that contain neem, are also consumed by many. Neem juice or eating neem during meals will help the body fight the bacteria that cause acne. Also a neem paste can be applied directly on to the acne for twenty minutes and then washed off. This will treat the acne permanently, by purifying the blood naturally.
- Turmeric: As a herbal blood purifier, turmeric has been used for centuries. There are two easy and highly effective remedies to get rid of acne with turmeric. These include –
- Making a thick paste with coconut oil and a little turmeric and apply it on the acne. After twenty minutes, it should be washed off. As coconut oil also has antibacterial properties, it is a great way to kill the acne germs and treat the problem.
- If you have an excessively oily skin and cannot use coconut oil, you can mix turmeric with sandalwood powder and with a little milk and then apply it on the acne. You can wash it off after it dries up on the skin.
For complete and internal blood purification, you can mix a teaspoon full of turmeric with a glass of warm milk and drink it. Regular intake of turmeric will cure acne problem.
- Using Burdock Root as a Herbal Blood Purifier to Get Rid of Acne: Burdock root is very popular in treating acne through a blood purification process. For that a teaspoon full of burdock root has to be boiled with two cups of water and reduced to one cup, by simmering it. This burdock root and water reduction can be directly applied on the acne with a cotton ball. One can even drink this burdock root tea twice or thrice a day in small portions for better results.
- Red Clover: This bright pink flower not only is a delight to the eyes, but also a blessing for the skin. This herb has great detoxification properties that can remove the impurities from the blood and thereby reduce acne, pimples and many other skin problems. It also helps in the removal of the scars and blemishes caused by acne. Red clover herbal capsules are widely available in the market for oral consumption.
- Grapefruit: This wonderful fruit can purify the blood by removing toxins and impurities. You can simply make juice from grapefruit and drink it.
- Using Sarsaparilla as Herbal Blood Purifier to Get Rid of Acne: Not only a blood purifier, but sarsaparilla is also a great remedy for mercury poisoning. It is often mixed with green tea for easy consumption. The best part of this herb is that it tastes quite pleasant, unlike many other herbs.
- Pau de’arco: This herb has a wide range of medicinal properties that include antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal. Along with treating cough and cold and other internal infections, this herb is also a great blood purifier that helps in the removal of blood toxins and impurities. Thus, the acne and pimple problems can well be treated with this herb.
- Yellow Dock Root and Pokeroot: Since the lymphatic system has a lot to do with the acne problems, it is very important that the lymphatic system is in a good performing condition. To enhance its function, purification of blood by removal of toxins and impurities is a must. Yellow dock root and pokeroot are herbs that work very efficiently in the blood purification process. For getting rid of acne and pimple problems, this can help a lot.
- Carqueja: Yet another blood purifier that removes toxins from blood is carqueja. It enhances the functionality of the kidneys and liver and thereby, it can eliminate the toxins.
There are many other herbs available that have direct or indirect impact on the acne and pimple problems. However, these are the most common herbs that one can use. Since these are herbs, there are no side effects and these natural ingredients can cater to many other internal health problems as well. Moreover, along with all these, you must also drink a lot of water as water can flush out toxins to a great extent. Keep a watch on your lifestyle and food habits and follow the herbal remedies to get rid of acne problems and you will not have to face them again.
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- Acne or Acne Vulgaris: Causes, Risk Factors, Symptoms, Treatment, Home Remedies
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