Pain When Sitting: Eliminating The Symptoms Of Sitting Disability

“Not all pain show, not all wounds heal. Sometimes you can’t see the pain someone feels.” Pain while sitting is one such pain which might not be visible to the open eyes, but tortures a victim in a harassing way which keeps him away from the normal life and usual living. There are many factors responsible for such a kind of pain occurring when sitting long. We will discuss about such pain which encounters a person when sitting. The following array of the article will mention about the causes, treatments and some of the crucial preventive measures for pain while sitting symptoms.

Pain When Sitting: Eliminating The Symptoms Of Sitting Disability

Pain When Sitting Or Sitting Disability:

Sitting disability is a condition in humans where the affected person is unable to sit mainly because of pain. People living on wheel chairs also have the issue of sitting problems. So, it can be said that pain when sitting is surely associated with sitting disability. Sitting disability is also called as invisible disability. Though this is an unrecognized condition of disability where there are no particular known symptoms associated with it, yet severe back pain is one of the major symptoms of sitting disability. Sitting problems are associated with the fact that the people suffering from such conditions are not able to sit properly or move naturally.

Pain Accompanied With Sitting Posture:

Posture is actually an active process which describes the way one carry or aligns his body and limbs. Standing or Sitting are some of the common posture or position we maintain in our day to day life. “Watch your posture!” It is highly essential to pay proper attention for maintaining a good and strong posture. However most of us ignore this and in turn struggle with pain and various other odd issues. Posture can also be defined as a constant or an unchanging state in body position which can also be taken as a kind of temporary arrested state of body movements. However it must be remembered that posture is always linked to movements. Posture is known to affect the physiology, anatomy, muscle activity etc. Various postures affect the body in various ways. Mainly the sustained postures where the soft tissues are prone to withstand a sustained load on one direction for long without interruption, results in musculoskeletal problems.

Sitting and bending postures are known to be linked with various kinds of pain which include the following:

Optimal Sitting Posture: It is studied and explained that sitting in moderate flexed posture can be considered as the optimal sitting posture so as to avoid or reduce pain when sitting. It is also advised that maintaining lordosis (extension of lumbar spine) is best to prevent unnecessary pain when sitting.

Possible Causes Of Pain When Sitting: Explained In Brief!

There are some known reasons linked to the sitting problems or pain when sitting issue. Here below are some of the possible causes of pain when sitting:

  • Sitting for long in same posture can affect the spine in a critical manner, which in turn may lead to pain in back. Sitting usually results in flexion of the lumbar, thoracic and lower cervical spine greatly.
  • Normal back pain can result in pain when sitting
  • Unsuccessful back surgery also results in pain when sitting
  • Various pain syndromes including pelvic pain or neuralgia can cause pain when sitting
  • Usually pregnant women or women soon after delivery suffer from severe pain while sitting
  • Spondylolisthesis can also be a cause of pain when sitting.
  • Coccydynia, ischial tuberosity, sciatica etc can also result in sitting problems due to severe pain.

Preventive Measures For Avoiding Pain When Sitting:

“Care is an absolute, prevention is ideal!” Below are some of the preventive measures which can be taken so as to avoid the pain when sitting or sitting problems.

Absolute sitting setup as preventive measure for avoiding pain when sitting:

  • Setup a comfortable chair while working on desk that meets perfectly with the desk height to maintain proper posture while sitting.
  • Try to reduce aggravation and provide comfort to the spine while sitting or any of the bending posture.
  • Also make sure you keep proper measures of your arms and elbows while sitting at workstation. It must be noted that your arms are closer to the desk, and also elbows are not at 90 degree angle. This would prevent many of the spinal cord issues and also help you prevent pain in shoulders, arms, neck and back.
  • Note down to keep proper low back support or the lumbar support cushion for comforting your back.
  • Also keep a note on eye measure while sitting and working on desk. You must be sure your eye levels at the computer screen so that you are not required to raise or lower your head down or cause any strain to the spine. This would prevent neck, shoulder and low back pain

Apart from the precautions taken during sitting; it is also needed to follow some other necessary preventive measures so as to prevent or reduce pain when sitting. Here we are with the list.

  • Stretch your body for 2 minutes, after every 30-45 minutes of sitting while working at desk.
  • Go for a walk in your room for 15 minutes every 2 hours which would help in proper blood circulation and prevent pain. Proper blood flow gets the essential nutrients to the spine.
  • Keep a habit of maintaining proper posture while sitting.

Exercises To Eliminate Pain When Sitting:

“Where there is no ray of light, there is exercise!” We all know, exercise is the best supplement for a healthy body. Managing healthy posture and keeping a fit body is possible with exercise. There are also some essential exercising moves prescribed for sitting problems or eliminating pain when sitting. Let us give a look on some of the noted exercises for the same.

  • Shoulder Roll: This is one of the important exercises that can keep you away from the pain while sitting like shoulder pain, arm pain and also back pain. It is easy and has very less chance of going wrong. Get your shoulder forward, take them up and then get them back as much possible. Now, let them relax. Do both the shoulders at a time.
  • Stretch Sitting: It is found that stretch sitting help greatly to eradicate back pain while sitting. All you need to do in such a technique is get your back away from the prolonged back rest, lengthen it and then finally root yourself higher against the back rest. By doing this when sitting long, you are able to provide little traction to your lower back and help in elongating spine to prevent low back pain when sitting.
  • Improve Your Head, Neck And Spine By Pulling Your Head And Neck Back: An absolute posture for healthy and pain free body can be attained while your ears are just above your shoulders. For getting such a posture while working on desk or sitting or chair you need to pull your head and neck back. Instead of pushing back, pull back your head and neck. You can hold a clump of your hair and pull back first and then let your neck relax down.
  • Nice Stretch In Sleeping By Abdominal Side And Tucking Your Hips With Legs: A fine stretch in relaxed position of sleeping by the abdominal side can help amazingly in reducing pain while sitting. Make sure you are tucking your hips while on the stretched position on the floor.
  • Stretch In Standing Posture With Entire Spine In Every Hour: If you are sitting long or if your work involves prolonged sitting on desk or working in front of computer, you need to stand up every 45 minutes to one hour, take a 2-4 minutes break from your chair and stretch your entire spine by stretching or bending back your neck vertebrae as well as unround from the top of your neck or from the upper spine.

Final Note To Pain When Sitting:

Pain is temporary, quitting is forever!” So, as a final note on this current article about pain when sitting, one thing to be mentioned is that if you are one of those who is suffering from any kind of pain when sitting or facing sitting problems, all you need to do is look for essential help from professionals and go for necessary care required to come out of the pain. Remember, “They cannot help you if you do not let them know you need it.” So, in case you have such an issue of pain when sitting or symptoms of sitting disability and are not able to help you by self, then talk to your dear ones and take required measures for treating you from making the pain worst to survive. But yes! It is more important to take essential precautions and keep away from the danger.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 24, 2018

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