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Who Is At Risk For Neck Pain & Is There A Test For It?

Although neck pain is common in childhood, clinical studies on its causes and persistence are very rare. But the persisting neck pain has become a common illness for most office workers. Studies state that neck pain is often noticed in a much larger rate in office workers especially intensive computer users than in the general population.

Work-related neck disorder is caused due to a multitude of factors such as individual, physical and psychological factors. There are many studies to evaluate the greater risks of developing neck pain and to determine the incidence of work-related neck pain.

Who Is At Risk For Neck Pain?

Who Is At Risk For Neck Pain?

Experiencing pain on the right side of the neck is a very common complaint you could have heard. In most cases, pain occurs due to muscle strain or any other potential reason. People generally treat their pain using simple home remedies and over the counter medications. Nevertheless, when you experience chronic pain that is persisting for longer periods of time, it is suggested to visit the doctor without further delays.

The neck is basically prone to strain because people move it constantly throughout the day. So, individuals feel pain shoulders, back, jaw, and head. These common reasons will determine who are at higher risk for neck pain

Degeneration Or Wear And Tear- Neck problems may not be necessarily caused due to injury. However, arthritis, cervical fractures, inflammation or damage to the discs of the neck results in a pinched nerve. The most common and obvious symptom for cervical degeneration is a stiff neck.

Sore Neck From Sleeping Wrong- Neck pain from sleeping in an awkward position is a very common issue for causing a sore neck. Selecting the right pillow height for your sleeping position can bid good-bye or prevent neck pain.

Physical Risk Factors- People whose work necessitates prolonged sitting have higher chances of neck pain. In other words, working at a desk for too long without changing position can result in a sore neck. However, these cases are potentially reversible with suitable exercise and muscle strengthening procedures.

Rheumatoid Arthritis- Patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis often have neck pain. It is an anti-inflammatory disease that can cause damage to the joints. Although it typically affects the joints of fingers and wrists, it can affect even the other parts of the body including the neck. (1) (3)

Is There A Test For Neck Pain?

Your doctor will perform a physical exam and check your complete medical history. When you experience some discomforts or pain in any region of your neck, be specific to discuss the symptoms. Also, ensure that you are specific about the other medication if you have been taking it.

Based on your description, the doctors will check for tenderness, numbness and muscle weakness. Some of the tests conducted to determine the cause of the neck pain will be discussed below

Imaging Tests For Neck Pain

Your doctor may probably recommend imaging tests to get a better picture for the cause of the neck through tests like

X-Ray – A neck x-ray also known as cervical sprain x-ray is taken to see the nearby structures includes the bones of the neck and spinal cord which can diagnose the cause of the neck pain, fractures or determine the degeneration of the disc

CT-Scan– It is a non-invasive scan that uses x-rays to produce images for diagnosing neck pain. Your doctor may order this test if you have been in an accident recently. In most cases, it is combined with a myelogram to get a view of what’s happening with your bones, nerves, and discs.

MRI– It is often performed when the pain has not improved since the basic treatment. (2)


If you have minor neck pain or stiffness, you can ease out at home using simple home remedies accompanied by suitable rest. However, when they are sore and cause discomfort, make an appointment with the doctor and get relieved from pain.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2213555/
  2. https://www.practicalpainmanagement.com/patient/conditions/neck-pain/diagnosing-neck-pain
  3. https://www.medicinenet.com/neck_pain/article.htm

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 15, 2020

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