Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Lose Belly Fat?

Apple cider vinegar is a well-established tonic to improve health for more than thousands of years. Several types of research have shown that consumption of apple cider vinegar will help in improving health as well as reduce belly fat.

Apple cider vinegar is a 2-step fermentation procedure. The first fermentation includes crushing the cut apples and adding yeast, which converts the mixture into alcohol. The second level consists of adding bacteria that turns the alcohol content into acetic acid. It takes about one month to produce the vinegar in the traditional procedure. However, manufacturers are using several methods that speed up the process and are now achieving it within a day.

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Lose Belly Fat?

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Lose Belly Fat?

Yes, apple cider vinegar help you lose belly fat. Acetic acid is the essential element of the apple cider vinegar. It is a short chain of fatty acids, which dissolves to become hydrogen and acetate upon consumption. According to research conducted in animals, apple cider vinegar helps in reducing the belly fat in several ways:

  • Apple cider vinegar reduces sugar levels – helps in reducing the blood sugar levels, and helps in improving the liver ability to produce naturally-generated sugars
  • Apple cider vinegar decreases insulin levels – the presence of the acetic acid helped in reduction of insulin levels in rats, which favors in fat burning capability
  • Apple cider vinegar enhances metabolism – consumption of the vinegar to rats showed that there was enhancement in the metabolism rate, which helps in increasing fat burning rate
  • Reduction in fat storage – using the apple cider vinegar in obese rats protected them from obesity and developed genes that helped in reduction of belly fat
  • Suppresses hunger – the acetate content in the vinegar helps in reducing or suppressing the craving for eating more food.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Helpful for the Human Beings?

After carrying out research on the rats, researchers went onto examine the effectiveness of it on humans in reducing belly fat. They began with a small group of eleven members. After consumption of high carbohydrate meals, the eleven members consumed the apple cider vinegar. After an hour, there was a decrease in the blood sugar levels by at least 50%. Additionally, they ended up consuming at least 275 calories less in comparison to other days.

Due to the suppressing effect contained in the apple cider vinegar, there were positive results as to which the food left the stomach, which was at a slow rate. Apple cider vinegar helped in consuming fewer amounts of food than the usual days due to the craving for more intakes. Furthermore, drinking the vinegar with a starchy meal slowed the stomach emptying. Due to this, the feeling of fullness prolonged and the insulin and blood sugar levels were well within limits.

How to Consume Apple Cider Vinegar?

According to the researches, consuming one or two tablespoons of pure apple cider vinegar a day is helpful in reducing the belly fat. Apart from helping in losing weight, it also promotes good health, enhances metabolism, and decrease triglycerides. All the results carried out were successful and were encouraging. Apart from reducing belly fat alone, cider vinegar helps in the following ways:

  • Reducing blood sugar levels
  • Increasing insulin sensitivity
  • Reduction in fasting blood sugars
  • Improves PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome)
  • Decreases cholesterol
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Helps in killing viruses and harmful bacteria.

You can add the apple cider vinegar to the daily diet as a salad dressing for reducing belly fat. You can also use it for pickling vegetables or simply mix with water. Do not increase the intake of the amount, as excessive intake results in side effects such as increased acid reflux, nausea, bloating, chest burning, and heartburn.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 22, 2018

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