The sport supplement industry continues to flourish at a rapid pace and in the recent past we have witnessed a huge increase in the number of sports supplements, pills and powders, thus making it difficult for people to keep track of all supposed health benefits offered by them. One of the popular supplements that is highly in demand these days is Creatine. This supplement is mostly used by male bodybuilders, but the truth is, women can also equally benefit from supplementing Creatine. Below we will discuss the benefits of Creatine for Women and the possible side effects associated in supplementing with Creatine.
What is Creatine?
First and foremost point to be cleared is that CREATINE IS NOT A STEROID. Creatine is the naturally produced chemical compound in body, which is used to build skeletal muscles, lean muscles and to regulate a variety of functions in different parts of the body like heart and brain. The body also receives Creatine from foods rich in protein and the body naturally produces about 2g of Creatine every day. Creatine is mainly produced in liver and it is transferred to diverse cells through bloodstream to provide the required energy daily. It provides energy to your body and regulates a variety of functions. Creatine though famously used by men, is considered equally beneficial for women to lose fat, gain lean muscles and stay in good shape.
Creatine for Women is not actually a steroid and hence it never supports building bulky muscles in women until women take it for mass gain. The Creatine supplement for Women works to burn fat deposits in body, while protecting muscle loss and boosting metabolism to burn stored fat cells in body and blood; thus proving beneficial for women.
Benefits of Creatine for Women
Although there is a great difference in the anatomy of males and females, but the energy systems and muscles work the same way in both. So, if the Creatine supplement can enhance the performance of males at high intensities, then it can do the same for women as well. According to studies, women supplementing with Creatine can experience significant increase in their strength and energy level in as little as five weeks. So, females who are serious about their athletic performance and strength training or participating in sports where there is a need of high intensity work, must make use of Creatine supplement to support their performance, exercise adaptations and recovery.
There are many Benefits of Creatine for Women and some of them are mentioned below:
Women Athletes
Creatine for Women Athletes is proved to be very helpful and beneficial as it provides their body with required energy and strength and keeps them working even in tougher situations. Creatine can potentially become their next winning partner by keeping them full of energy and active for extended hours at gym and at sport activities. This is the primary benefit of Creatine in especially those women who are athletes.
Weight Loss
Creatine is responsible for increasing metabolic activity in body which boosts the energy supply to chemical processes. Increased metabolism helps in using the extra fat in body and protects the breakdown of muscle. Women usually lose weight slowly as their metabolism is slower than men. So, supplementing with Creatine can help increase their metabolism which may lead to faster weight loss and building lean muscles. Now, anyone would consider this a very attractive benefit of Creatine for Women.
According to the Korean University, Creatine for Women is also helpful in treating depression. It can treat depression faster than any other anti-depressant pills. It is effective in alleviating the depression level in athletes.
Increasing Brain Capability
The daily dose of Creatine supplement can significantly boost the brain working capacity as the supplement provides sufficient energy to brain required for optimal functioning. It is also found that the Creatine Supplement for Women can also treat Parkinson’s disease by delaying the symptoms of Parkinson’s and preventing the breakdown of brain cells.
Muscular Dystrophy
Women are more likely to suffer from degenerative muscular diseases like muscular dystrophy; and with Creatine supplement, women can benefit by preventing and treating such degenerative muscle diseases. It also makes the disease well tolerated amongst the women patients.
Anti-Aging for Women
By saying anti-aging doesn’t mean that it will prevent aging of your skin and reverse the aging of your skin, instead women supplementing with Creatine supplement are less likely to suffer from conditions like Sarcopenia and osteoporosis as they age. Women after menopause experience hormonal imbalance and this puts them at higher risk of such degenerative conditions. So, Creatine supplement in conjunction with resistance training can offer promising results and prevent such degenerative conditions when women age. So this is another important benefit of Creatine for Women, especially older women.
The above mentioned Benefits of Creatine for Women are enough to prove the significance of Creatine supplementation for women. Creatine supplements for women are not only helpful for maintenance of physical health, but mental health of women can also be augmented with the regular use of Creatine supplements. It is recommended to take the Creatine supplements in prescribed doses to avoid further complications and consult with your fitness coach to know the exact dosages for Creatine to avail maximum benefits out of it.
Side Effects of Creatine for Women
It is always necessary to take the Creatine for Women supplement in the prescribed doses to avoid complications and Side Effects of Creatine for Women. Some people may experience a variety of side effects like headaches, bloating and stomach cramps and the reasons for such side effects are:
- Dehydration or lack of fluid in body.
- Using wrong Creatine supplement or inferior quality Creatine.
- Overdosing the Creatine supplement with the hope to maximize the results.
Apart from these Side Effects of Creatine for Women, there are no other complications associated and these side effects subside if one takes a little bit of care. You can prevent the side effects of Creatine by keeping yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water and taking the Creatine in prescribed doses after consulting your fitness coach. Overall, it is completely safe and has no side effects associated even after prolonged use.