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6 Healthy Substitutes for Lard

What is Lard?

Lard is a type of semisolid fat that is used for baking and cooking purposes. It gives food rich and creamy flavor and texture. It is made from pork and is high in saturated fat. Some people do not consume it for religious and dietary reasons.(1) There are numerous healthy alternatives that can be used instead of lard, which can be consumed by everyone.

Is Lard Healthy?

Lard is primarily a fat source and has no protein and carbohydrates. Fats are needed by the body to provide energy and also are required to absorb many vitamins. It also helps moderate the body’s response to carbohydrates as fat are digested slowly in the body and eating fat with carbohydrates can help in preventing sugar crash. Lard is less saturated fat than butter and more saturated than olive oil. Therefore, it can be considered a middle option for fat choices. Apart from being a source of fat, it is also a good source of vitamin D that is difficult to obtain from other foods.(2)

Substitutes for Lard

  1. Butter

    Butter can be simple and an easy substitute for lard. By making a few changes in the recipe, butter can match up to the taste in the final product. Butter contains a bit less fat than lard and to meet up the requirement, more amount is needed to be used. Those looking out for weight loss options may need to look for the unsalted butter options in the recipe.

  2. Coconut Oil

    Coconut oil is linked to many health benefits. It may be beneficial for heart health and play a role in reducing LDL cholesterol.(3) It can be substituted for lard in equal quantities and can be used in grilling or pan-frying foods. It can change the flavor of the recipes a bit, due to the strong coconut taste.

  3. Vegetable Oil

    Vegetable oil is widely used for cooking and baking purposes. It is used by the chefs and bakers because of their high smoke points, which are the temperature at which the oil starts burning and producing smoke.(4) It can replace lard especially while frying, grilling, or sautéing. The baked goods such as cookies and cakes may be less dense or tender on using oil instead of lard.

  4. Olive Oil

    Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants and can be used in recipes for heart-healthy twists.(5) It can be used in a ratio of 1:1, making it one of the simplest substitutes for lard. However, using it may alter the flavor and texture of the food a bit as it may give it an olive-like flavor. Olive oil can be best used for grilling, frying, and sautéing rather than baking goods or making sweets.

  5. Avocado

    Avocado can act as a lard substitute as its mild flavor and creamy texture can boost the fat content of most of the recipes. They also contain important nutrients such as potassium, folate, vitamin C, and vitamin K.(6) They can be used for baked goods including cakes and cookies. Using avocadoes can change the color, taste, and texture of the food.

  6. Mashed Bananas

    Bananas can be a good substitute for lard and they can cut down the calorie content as well. It is high in potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, and vitamin C and it can be used in baked goods such as bananas, cakes, and muffins.(7) Mashed bananas cannot work as cooking oil or in savory dishes. Additionally, there would be a need to adjust the ingredients in the recipe because of their sweet taste.

    Lard enhances the flavor and texture of food and is made from pork and is high in saturated fat. There are several alternatives with additional flavors and nutrients that can be used instead of lard.

    For those who have problems in adding lard try your recipes by using the alternatives and enjoy similar goodness.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:January 19, 2022

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