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What To Eat & Avoid When You Have Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a liver condition that leads to a build-up of fat cells in the liver. It is not caused by drinking alcohol. Excessive body weight, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and old age are some of its risk factors. It is usually a harmless disease. But if it is not treated in time, it may lead to irreversible damage in the liver. It can be reversed if the lifestyle is modified. It includes avoidance of smoking, avoidance from fried, high glycemic unhealthy food, loss of body weight, regular exercise, etc.

What To Eat When You Have Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?

What To Eat When You Have Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?

Healthy diets that contain all the essential nutrients play a significant role in the proper functioning of the liver. It is essential to combat infections, regulate hormone secretion, and increase blood clotting and release energy. Non-alcoholic fatty liver is a liver problem that is marked by excessive accumulation of fat cells in the liver. It affects the functioning of the liver by damaging its healthy cells.(1)

The food to eat when you have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease are-

Vegetables- raw or cooked vegetables especially green vegetables have lots of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They help in weight loss and gaining a healthy weight.

Coffee– according to many research studies, it has the potential to reduce the risk of liver damage. Those who are regular coffee drinkers are at reduced risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Fruits- Fresh fruits have healthy sugar, fiber, and fat. They also contain a healthy number of antioxidants that protect the liver and reduces weight.

Healthy Proteins- healthy proteins such as tofu, fish, dairy products, nuts and seeds like pistachios, pumpkin seeds, etc. are high in protein and less in fat. Fish, nuts, and seeds contain omega -3 fatty acids which can remarkably reduce the fat in the liver and control inflammatory changes in the liver.

Oatmeal- it contains soluble fibers and carbohydrates. It helps a lot in satisfying one’s appetite thereby controlling body weight.

Olive Oil– it contains omega-3 fatty acids in high quantities that can reduce liver fat and enzyme levels. It helps to reduce body weight.

Garlic- it acts as a detoxifying agent. It contains components such as allicin, selenium, and arginine that help to reduce blood pressure and improve the functioning of the liver.

Green Tea– it reduces fat cells and cholesterol in the body. it acts as a promising agent in managing Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.(1)

What To Avoid When You Have Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?

What To Avoid When You Have Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?

The food to avoid in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease are-

High Glycemic Food- food that contains high glycemic levels such s cookies, candy, pastries, fruit juice, chocolate, etc. should be avoided as it highly increases fat levels in the body.

White Flour- it includes white bread, pasta, and rice. It increases blood sugar levels as it contains less fiber.

Fried Foods- Fried foods include french fries or deep-fried vegetables, potato chips, tortilla chips, crackers, and potato chips. These foods contain high levels of fats and calories increasing one’s weight.

Salt- high consumption of food containing sodium and salt in the food elevates the levels of sodium in the body. It causes excess retention of water in the body. Salt intake should be limited.

Red Meat- red meat contains high levels of saturated fat. It increases weight, so it should be avoided to maintain healthy food.

Diet Foods- the food that is labeled with diet food, contain high levels of fat, high sugar or artificial sweeteners. It includes diet sodas, diet jam, etc.(1)


Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease can be managed if the lifestyle is modified. Dietary changes such as the introduction of fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, fish, olive oil, etc. and avoidance of high salt, high sugar, etc. can help to manage NAFLD.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:February 5, 2020

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