An Overview of Ingrown Nail or Onychocryptosis!
Ingrown nail is perhaps one of the most common painful conditions pertaining to the nails. The medical term for ingrown nails is onychocryptosis. Ingrown Nails occur when the side edge of the nail starts to grow within the flesh of the adjacent skin. This tends to cause a lot of discomfort and pain. Ingrown nails are normally seen in Toenails, but in extremely rare cases the finger nails can also become ingrown.
Improper trimming of nails or an injury to the nail are some of the primary causes of Ingrown Nails. Poor circulation as a result of medical conditions like diabetes can also cause ingrown nails or onychocryptosis.
The primary symptoms of Ingrown Nails are persistent pain, redness and swelling around the nails. If this condition is not treated in a timely manner, it can lead to infections which will require much aggressive treatment measures or even at times surgical removal of the nail.
The treatment for Ingrown Nails is quite easy, but there are also certain Home Remedies that can be used for treatment of Ingrown Nails. Also certain diet modifications can help in having healthy nails. This article gives a brief overview of some of the home remedies for ingrown nails and diet for healthy nails.
6 Best Home Remedies for Ingrown Nails or Onychocryptosis:
- Warm Water Soaks: This is quite an effective home remedy for ingrown nails, especially ingrown toenails. Warm water soaks a few times a day not only calms down the inflammation caused due to ingrown nails, but also soothes the skin and provides pain relief. It also helps to deal with swelling and tenderness caused due to Ingrown Nails. All you need to do is fill a small tub with warm water. Put your foot in the tub for about 15 minutes. Do this at least three to four times a day for optimal relief.
- Cotton Wedge: Putting a cotton wedge under the nail is yet another way to get relief from the painful symptoms of Ingrown Nails. It also helps in hastening the recovery process. All you need to do is soak the feet in warm water and then pat them completely dry. Gently lift the affected nail making sure that there is little to no pain when doing so with tweezers and place a rolled piece of cotton between the nail and the skin. Replace the cotton after about every two hours or whenever the feet get wet for best results.
- Epsom Salt: This is yet another effective home remedy for ingrown nails or onychocryptosis. This helps to soften up the skin around the affected area and makes it easier to draw the ingrown nail out. It also helps in decreasing the inflammation. Mix a tablespoon of Epsom salt in a tub of warm water. Soak the affected foot in the tub for about 15-20 minutes. Remove the feet and pat it completely dry. You need to do this at least three times daily for best relief of symptoms of ingrown nails.
- Apple Cider Vinegar: This is a well known home remedy for many ailments and can also be effective in the treatment of ingrown nails. The antiseptic and antiinflammatory properties significantly help in relieving the symptoms of ingrown nails. It also helps in preventing infection. Mix some Apple Cider Vinegar in a tub of warm water. Soak the affected foot in this solution for about 20 minutes. Remove the foot and pat it dry. Cover the area with a bandage for about an hour and then remove it for best relief of the symptoms of Ingrown Nails.
- Hydrogen Peroxide: This is a natural disinfectant and decreases the risk of infection and relieves pain and inflammation caused by ingrown Nails. All you need to do is mix half a cup of hydrogen peroxide in a tub of warm water. Soak the affected foot in this solution for about 20 minutes. This needs to be done at least three times a day for best results.
- Turmeric: Turmeric is a very ancient home remedy for various medical conditions. It is also quite helpful for treating ingrown nails. Turmeric is a natural antiseptic and antiinflammatory and thus prevents infection and calms down inflammation. It also helps in reducing pain caused due to Ingrown Nails. All you need to do is make a paste of half a teaspoon of turmeric with a little mustard oil. Apply the paste directly over the affected area and cover it with a bandage. Do this at least three times daily for best relief from the symptoms of Ingrown Nails.
Diet for Healthy Nails
Foods Rich in Vitamin B12: Foods such as beef, eggs, liver are extremely rich in vitamin B12. Lack of vitamin B12 causes brittle and thin nails which may easily break. Thus eating foods rich in vitamin B12 is good for the health of your nails.
Foods Rich in Vitamin C: Foods rich in vitamin C are also extremely beneficial when dealing with Ingrown Nails. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and helps in decreasing inflammation and reduces swelling and pain caused by Ingrown Nails. Some of the foods rich in vitamin C are oranges, mangoes, red peppers.
Foods Rich in Zinc: Foods rich in Zinc are also very beneficial for healthy nails. It helps in preventing infection and also keeps the nails healthy. Some of the foods rich in zinc are soybeans, tofu, pumpkin, green beans, cheese and oysters.
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