Cellulite is formed of strands of connective tissue that separate fat cells into compartments and connect fat to skin. Cellulite affects more than 85 percent of women, representing all shapes and sizes.
Cellulite can be seen in people of all age groups. They can be teenagers, or even younger and even older people. It is most common in the thighs.
Other places on the body where cellulite can be seen are the legs, buttocks and stomach.
Cellulite is made up of free-floating fat cells that are deposited just beneath the skin .These free floating fibers form a honeycomb shaped pattern in the production of cellulite. So, whenever fat is deposited in the body, it is like a layer being added up every time.
Presence of cellulite is more common in females and found less in men because their fibers run horizontally, forming a criss cross pattern unlike the honeycomb pattern in females. This criss cross pattern of cellulite in men prevents adding layer on another layer in the body.
Major causes of cellulite can be hormonal imbalances; genetics and an unhealthy lifestyle. Cellulite tends to get worse and increase with age. So, you should take appropriate steps to get rid of it on its first appearance.
There are many effective therapies possible to get rid of cellulite from the thighs which include several exercise, home remedies and other methods. Let us discuss various methods to get rid of cellulite from thighs in detail.
13 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Cellulite From Thighs
Let us discuss the home remedies to get rid of Cellulite from the thighs first because natural ways are the best to treat anything.
Dry Brushing to Get Rid of Cellulite from Thighs
Dry brushing is one of the simplest home remedy to get rid of cellulite in your thighs. Though there is no scientific proof to back the effectiveness of Dry Brushing in getting rid of Cellulite from the thighs but the reviews and success stories tell a lot about the effectiveness of this method.
Dry Brushing improves blood circulation and with the improved blood flow to the skin, it will appear plumb thereby reducing the appearance of cellulite.
Dry Brushing also improves lymphatic drainage, and also helps in removing the build-up of toxins from body. You must use a brush with natural bristles and not synthetic. The bristles should be stiff and not too hard.
There are brushes available in the market which has movable handles to reach difficult to reach spots as well if you need.
Method of Dry Brushing
Before beginning brushing, make sure your skin and the brush are both dry. The ideal time to do dry brushing is before the shower.
- Gently brush from your feet up to your shoulders, focusing more on areas with the most cellulite.
- Remember to brush from left to right side of the body and keep the brushing movements concentrated toward the heart to encourage blood circulation.
- Do this dry brushing for about five minutes.
- In the end, shower to wash away the dead skin cells and impurities.
- Do this once daily before taking a shower for a few months or until you notice improvement in your skin texture.
Ideally, there is no specific duration after which you should do Dry Brushing. It can be done daily or even twice daily as you feel comfortable.
Maintain Good Hydration Level to Get Rid of Cellulite from Thigh
Cellulite pockets in the body when created layer after layer get full of toxins that accumulate in your body over the years. If we remain dehydrated, we tend to eat more food as when we are dehydrated we feel hungry and keep eating a lot of food and this can lead to weight gain and higher amounts of fat in the body.
Since, water is the prime importance for the body to make it function smoothly. Drinking water is the best way to remove toxins from your body. It will also keep your body well hydrated, which in turn will give your skin a healthy glow and texture.
Drink sufficient amount of water in a day as indicated by your body and also make sure that to drink some amount of water as soon as you wake up in the morning. Drinking water mixed with a little lemon juice or honey in the morning after waking is also very beneficial for the body.
Eating fruits like Melons etc is also very beneficial to combat dehydration.
Seaweed to Get Rid of Cellulite from Thighs
Seaweed is a natural exfoliating agent; seaweed stimulates blood circulation, improves skin texture and flushes harmful toxins from the body. This in turn helps reduce the appearance of cellulite of thigh and other parts of the body naturally.
Method of Using Seaweed to Get Rid of Cellulite from Thighs
Method 1:
- Mix together three tablespoons of ground seaweed with a little amount of sea salt and olive oil.
- Massage this mixture on the thighs preferably before bathing for 10 minutes.
- Take a normal shower after the massage.
- Apply a gentle moisturizer after the shower.
- Follow this remedy once daily for several weeks.
- You can store this mixture in a container to be used later.
Method 2:
- Taking Seaweed bath is also very beneficial in getting rid of cellulite from the thighs.
- You can take seaweed baths to reduce cellulite.
- Add four sheets of seaweed to your bath tub filled with lukewarm water.
- Soak in it for 20 minutes.
- Do this twice a week to get rid of cellulite from the thighs quickly.
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper is well known home remedy for its quality to burn fat when taken in meals. It is also beneficial in getting rid of cellulite from thighs.
Cayenne pepper has the natural ability to heat up the body, increase blood circulation and boost metabolism.
And, it also helps in getting rid of dead skin cells and toxins from the body when taken in appropriate quantities and help I getting rid of cellulite from thighs. But make sure that you do not eat Cayenne pepper in excess as it is harmful for the body when taken more than the required quantities.
Method of Using Cayenne Pepper to Get Rid of Cellulite from Thighs
- Take a table spoon of Cayenne Pepper and add a teaspoon of ginger and juice of one lemon.
- Add this mixture to a glass of warm water and mix it in water.
- Drink this mixture for two times in a day to get rid of cellulite faster.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Another excellent home remedy is Apple cider vinegar which can help in getting rid of cellulite because of the presence of very important ingredients i.e. – minerals, potassium, magnesium and calcium. These elements play a key role in excretion of toxins from the body.
These minerals also help in the retention of water in the body. And, this in turn reduces cellulite from the thighs.
Method of Using Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid of Cellulite from Thighs
Method 1:
- Mix one part apple cider vinegar with two parts water.
- You can also add a little honey in water and apple cider vinegar.
- Rub the solution on the thighs.
- Leave this mixture on your thighs for at least 30 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.
- You can keep doing this treatment twice daily to get rid of cellulite from the thighs easily.
Method 2:
- Mix apple cider vinegar and water in equal parts, and rub it on the thighs.
- Wrap your thighs with plastic wrap and put a warm towel over the thighs for one hour.
- After an hour, remove the wrap and rinse the area with lukewarm water.
- Do this once daily until you get rid of your cellulite completely.
- You can also mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of honey, and drink it two times a day on a regular basis to get rid of cellulite from the thighs.
Coffee Powder to Get Rid of Cellulite from the Thighs
We all have been using coffee powder as a scrub and as face pack remove dead skin cells and regenerate new cells. Drinking coffee is known to increase the blood circulation in the body.
Method of Using Coffee Powder to Get Rid of Cellulite from Thighs
Method 1:
- Mix together one-fourth cup of coffee grounds with three tablespoons of sugar and two tablespoons of melted coconut oil to form a paste.
- Take this paste and massage it on your thighs for several minutes using pressure with your hands.
- Once you are done with massage, take a normal shower. The ideal time to massage is before the shower only.
- Follow this practice for two or three times a week to get rid of cellulite from the thighs.
- You can also prepare the mixture and store it in a glass jar to be used later.
Method 2:
- Applying a mixture of Coffee powder and olive oil on the thighs and wrapping it as mentioned above is also very effective in getting rid of cellulite
- Heat two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and 3 table spoons of coffee powder in the microwave for a few seconds.
- Spread the warm mixture on the cellulite and cover it with plastic wrap.
- Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.
- Do this twice a week to see the improvement quickly.
Juniper Oil
Juniper oil helps in reducing fluid retention in the body and this helps in reducing cellulite naturally. Juniper Oil is also known for its detoxifying properties.
Method of Using Juniper Oil to Get Rid of Cellulite from Thighs
- Mix 10 to 15 drops of juniper oil in one fourth cup of olive oil.
- Massage the mixture on the affected area for 10 minutes.
- Massage this oil on the thighs twice daily for best results.
- You will be able to see the difference in your thighs in some time after following this oil regimen.
Juniper Berry Tea
- To prepare Juniper Berry Tea to get rid of cellulite from the thighs, bring a cup of fresh water to a boil, and then add a few dried juniper berries in a mug.
- Afterwards, pour the boiling water over these berries and allow them to sit in water for about twenty minutes before straining.
- You should drink 2 glasses of Juniper berry tea for quick results to get rid of cellulite on thigh.
- You can also add honey to improve the taste of tea.
Tangerine Oil
Tangerine oil helps improve blood circulation and break down fat pockets and cellulite. It is also helpful in detoxifying the body when used regularly.
Method of Using Tangerine Oil to Get Rid of Cellulite from Thighs
Method 1:
- To use Tangerine oil to get rid of cellulite from thighs, add a few drops of tangerine oil to one tablespoon of olive oil.
- Massage the mixture on the affected area for 10 minutes.
- Massage this oil on the thighs twice daily for best results.
- You will be able to see the difference in your thighs in some time after following this oil regimen.
Method 2:
- Tangerine can also be consumed orally to get rid of Cellulite from the thighs.
- To consume tangerine oil orally, add two or three drops of tangerine essential oil to a glass of warm water.
- Drink it once daily and you will be able to see the difference in your thighs in some time after following this oil regimen.
Green Clay
Green clay has so many healing properties making it an excellent home remedy. It is known for its properties to improve blood and lymph circulation in the body.
Green Clay also helps in removing dead skin cells, absorb impurities and fats, and repair and strengthen connective tissues, and because of all the properties mentioned above, green clay is very effective home remedy in getting rid of cellulite from the thighs.
Method of Using Green Clay to Get Rid of Cellulite from Thighs
- Mix 3 table spoons each of green clay and seaweed, and one fourth cup of lemon juice, three tablespoons of hot water, and one tablespoon of honey.
- Mix all of the above mentioned ingredients to form a thick and smooth paste.
- Rub the mixture onto the affected area using circular motions, and then cover it with plastic wrap.
- Leave it on for 30 minutes, and then wash it off with lukewarm water or take a normal shower with warmer water.
- It is advised to put this mask on before taking shower.
- Follow this treatment on a weekly basis.
- You will be able to see the difference in your thighs in some time after following this oil regimen.
Salmon to Get Rid of Cellulite from the Thighs
Salmon is rich in antioxidants, which break down fat cells in cellulite. Plus, the omega-3 fatty acids present in salmon are required by the body for smooth skin and tissue. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce appetite and low-level inflammation as well as repair and strengthen skin tissues. Salmon also helps in improving blood circulation in the body and helps in getting rid of cellulite from the thighs.
Non vegetarians should include salmon in their diet to prevent the appearance of cellulite in their thighs or any part of the body for that matter. However, it is advised to have baked and boiled salmon in diet to slow down cellulite formation and even in getting rid of excess cellulite from the body.
Green Tea
Green tea is well known home remedy for its properties to improve metabolism and burn excess fat in the body by forming fat burning enzymes. It is advised to have 2 cups of green tea in a day to get rid of cellulite from thighs and legs quickly and effectively.
Castor Oil
Castor oil is also very effective and helps you in getting rid of cellulite from the body naturally.
Method of Using Castor Oil to Get Rid of Cellulite from Thighs
- Warm a few table spoons of castor oil.
- Massage the warm oil on the thighs for at least 20 minutes while applying pressure with your hands.
- You can also mix essential oil of your choice.
- Leave it on for 30 minutes, and then wash it off with lukewarm water or take a normal shower with warmer water.
- It is advised to put this oil on before taking shower.
- Follow this treatment on a weekly basis.
- You will be able to see the difference in your thighs in some time after following this oil regimen.