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Alternative Treatment For Neuromas

Morton’s Neuroma refers to abnormal thickening of one’s nerve tissue between his/her third and fourth toe areas. Even though doctors are unaware of the exact reason of the problem, a majority of researchers perceive that hammertoes, flat feet, bunions, high arches and tight shoes are few major factors contributing the condition. Patient with Morton’s Neuroma often experience toe cramping, tingling, shooting and sharp foot pains. Even the pain becomes worse with time.

To get immediate results and overcome your symptoms, you should never overlook your foot pain that lasts for a relatively long time than only few days. You should consult with your doctor in case you experience tingling or burning pain in your ball area of the foot. You should never overlook when your condition does not improve even after you change your footwear/shoes and modify your activities triggering to cause stress in the foot.

Alternative Treatment For Neuromas

Patients suffering from the problem of Morton’s Neuroma may easily manage their symptoms by getting alternative treatments, as discussed in this article.

Ice Massage For Neuromas

Any patient experiencing pain related to Morton’s Neuroma should apply ice massage as an effective alternative treatment. Particularly, you should use ice massage for relieving your pain. For this, you have to apply cold water in a suitable paper cup and freeze similar types of cups filled with water for the night.

On the following day, you should tear off the cup’s upper parts and massage the bottom area of your foot, especially across the painful area with the respective exposed ice. Ice massage therapy is effective, as it numb the affected nerves leading to significant improvement in the symptoms.

Over-The-Counter Medications For Neuromas

Specific medications are helpful in the treatment of symptoms related to Morton’s Neuroma. Especially, a patient should intake NSAIDs i.e. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce their problems related to pain, tingling or burning sensation, inflammation and swelling associated with the condition.

However, if you are a patient of heart, liver, stomach and kidney disease, you should consult with your doctor before you should intake any NSAID. Even healthy patients should discontinue with NSAIDs immediately in case they experience vomiting with few drops of blood, stomach pain, clay-colored or bloody stools, heart problems or dark urine.

Change Your Shoes/Footwear

Tight shoes and high heels increase your risks related to the development of Morton’s Neuroma. Because of this, you should avoid wearing such shoes to avoid flare-up problems. These shoes cause problems because they add excessive pressure or compress on the affected nerve i.e. between your third toe and fourth toe. Other than this, high-heeled shoes have close relations with the development of pain and other symptoms related to Morton’s Neuroma.

By avoiding tight and high heels shoes, you will expect to get improvement in your symptoms and avoid further complications. Thus, you should go with shoes, which have broad toe boxes and additional depth. A large number of individuals have experienced relief by simply switching to low heeled shoes with wide toe boxes.


To conclude, alternative treatment options play a major role to manage or reduce your symptoms related to the problem of Morton’s Neuroma.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 11, 2023

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