Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good For High Blood Pressure?

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good For High Blood Pressure?

Apple cider vinegar became a hot topic given that it is a natural remedy for several illnesses and a powerhouse in the world of nutrition. Although many discuss its advantage in the field of weight loss programs, receiving scientific approval is pending. When consumption is in the form of a pill or diluted with distilled water, apple cider vinegar is capable of lowering high blood pressure and regulate the same.

Apple cider vinegar possesses the ability to reduce high blood pressure. The ingredients present in it are capable of controlling the pressure. However, it is crucial to consume it in the right quantity. Speaking with a specialist and dietician will be helpful, as it is capable of interacting with numerous drugs and medicines.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good For High Blood Pressure?

Apple Cider Vinegar And Relationship With Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or known as hypertension is a common ailment where the heart pumps or works excessively than required to compensate for the demand raised by the body due to clogged arteries, which make a smooth flow of blood a difficult task. Attending to the situation is essential to keep things under control. It is a severe condition, as it causes trouble to the heart. Seeing a doctor is an excellent move to understand the present scenario of the blood pressure. Additionally, numerous natural remedies and diet changes help in regulating high blood pressure.

Many of the treatments require the patients to keep an eye on their weight, indulge in physical activities, and consume low-fat diet to reduce cholesterol and fat that clog the arteries. Cutting down smoking, quitting alcohol, and reducing stress level further aid in improving the condition.

Additional Benefits

Apple cider vinegar is a valuable source of potassium. The natural potassium content helps in reduction of hair loss, prevent cold symptoms from occurrence, and avoid loss of enamel. The vinegar has malic acid, which acts as anti-bacterial and anti-viral, making it an effective addition to the food to keep away cold sores. Furthermore, the acetic acid in the apple cider vinegar helps in reducing the digestion of starches, which in turn boosts the absorption of glucose by the blood at a reasonable rate. The pivotal role suggests the link between apple cider vinegar and weight loss, as regulating blood sugar is a critical aspect of weight management programs.

Identifying the Blood Pressure

It is essential for a person to visit the physician to learn about the status of blood pressure. Alternatively, one can look at affordable home solutions and portable products that provide information about blood pressure. As hypertension is a serious issue and linked with cardiovascular illnesses, monitoring it frequently will be helpful in attending to it at the earliest. If there is a sign of high blood pressure, then it is crucial to make lifestyle changes and opt for low-fat diet or seek the assistance of dietician to prepare a menu that helps in reduction of blood pressure.

The Dosage Level of Apple Cider Vinegar

The required dosage level of apple cider vinegar is two tablespoons diluted with water. Consuming it before a meal is essential. Although many individuals prefer to enjoy the drink in an 8 oz. glass filled with water, apple cider vinegar is only useful when it is in a highly concentrated format. As the concentrated composition is acidic, many think that consuming it could pose a threat to the digestive system. Likewise, the acidic nature creates a displeasing taste. The maximum intake of the dose of the apple cider vinegar is two tablespoons for three times in a day.

It is vital to consult a physician or dietician to possess knowledge on the amount that an individual can consume. Apple cider vinegar interacts with different medications, and therefore, understanding its use in the right quantity is essential. As high blood pressure is a severe condition, consulting doctor will provide the chance for the specialist to offer the recommended solutions.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 23, 2018

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