Maybe it is a kind of burning sensation or maybe it is itching; any kind of vaginal discomfort is unbearable at times. Vaginal discomfort is a condition which is experienced by many women at various point of time and there are several factors which can cause the vaginal discomfort, some of which includes menopause, sexually transmitted diseases, chemical irritants, yeast and bacterial infection, or an allergic reaction. Though at times burning sensation, itching, vaginal irritation, or any kind of the vaginal discomfort goes away on its own, at many other times, a treatment becomes necessary. There are a lot of medical solutions to vaginal discomfort and one must consult a doctor in case of severe discomfort in the vagina. However, there are also some natural treatments that one can try to ease the discomfort. Read below to know about some of the natural ways to ease vaginal discomfort.
Natural Ways To Ease Vaginal Discomfort:
It is always essential to have a proper diagnosis and medical treatment of the condition if you have a vaginal discomfort. However, along with the medical treatment, you can also try some natural means to help yourself get some kind of relief from the discomfort. Let’s take a look on some of them.
Choose Natural Products:
You must keep a note to choose only natural products always. There are chances that even without infection, there can be vaginal discomfort, such as itching and burning sensation in the vagina. Such cases may occur due to an allergic reaction from the vaginal sprays, or from the spermicidal products. Vagina can also get irritated because of the chemical irritants such as bubble bath, creams, contraceptive foams, laundry detergents, condoms, scented toilet paper, fabric softeners, and soaps. Thus, it is very much important to choose natural products, natural oils, ayurvedic products, which are safe for vagina. You must choose the products that are free from fragrance and synthetic elements.
Maintain A Proper Vaginal Hygiene:
One of the best natural ways to ease vaginal discomfort is to maintain a proper vaginal hygiene. Keeping your vagina clean helps you in getting rid of vaginal irritation, burning sensation, vaginal infection, or any kind of vaginal discomfort. You need to ensure that you are washing well from your vagina to the anus and not from the other way because the infections from the anal opening can reach your vagina. You are also required to note not to scrub the skin present around the genitals and also avoid scented pads or tampons. You can choose organic and chemical-free pads and tampons. Make sure during your menstrual periods, you are changing your tampons, napkins, or pads every 6 hours. You must also wear clean underwear.
Apply Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar also gets you some real benefits in easing vaginal discomfort. Vaginal discomfort like itching or burning sensation in the vagina can occur due to a disturbance in the pH level of vagina. Apple cider vinegar helps in balancing the pH levels, and thus helps in relieving vaginal discomfort.
You simply need to take a solution of 2 tbs of the apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of water and rinse the vulva using it, at least twice in a day until you see an improvement in your symptoms. However, make sure that if using this make symptoms go worse, then stop using it.
Eat More Of Probiotic-Rich Foods And Supplements:
One of the most effective natural ways to ease vaginal discomfort is to eat more of probiotic-rich foods and supplements. It is important to have a balance of bacteria in the body which is crucial for a proper health. This balance in bacteria is also important for the vaginal health. There are various cases of vaginal discomfort that occur because of an overgrowth of the candida bacteria in your body. According to a study it is found that eating more of probiotic-rich foods on a daily basis can help in fighting off various types of infections, such as candida infection. Apart from this, probiotics also help in managing symptoms of gonorrhea and Chlamydia. Some of the important food sources which are packed with probiotics include yogurt, kefir, kimchi, miso and pickles.
Greek Yogurt:
Greek yogurt is a probiotic and is in fact a common remedy for yeast infections. It promotes the growth of good or helpful bacteria in the vagina that in turn kills the yeast and maintains a good vaginal health.
According to a study conducted in the year 2012, that took 129 pregnant women having yeast infections it was found that yogurt was found to be more effective in treating the infection than the over-the-counter antifungal creams or medications. Researchers gave a mixture of yogurt and honey to 82 pregnant women and gave over-the-counter antifungal cream to 47 pregnant women and the result showed that yeast infection was better in case of those 82 women than the 47 women. (1)
Another study of 2015 that involved 70 pregnant women also reached the same conclusion. The mixture of yogurt and honey was far more effective than the commercial antifungal cream. (2)
To use Greek yogurt you need to insert some yogurt to your vagina or can also coat your tampon with the yogurt and insert it. Make sure you wear a pad so that yogurt does not wet your clothes. Also keep it noted to make use of plain Greek yogurt without any added sugar or flavors.
Try A Baking Soda Bath:
Baking soda bath could also be beneficial in treating vaginal discomfort, especially those caused due to yeast infections.
As per a study conducted in the year 2013, it was concluded that baking soda has got antifungal effects. (3) One more study of the year 2014 found that Candida cells that cause yeast infections, were killed by using baking soda. (4)
The National Eczema Foundation has recommended to add ¼ cup of baking soda to the bath water or prepare a paste of it and to apply on the affected region. According to a study of 2005, it was found that baking soda baths were quite effective in treating psoriasis too. (5)
You need to soak in baking soda bath for about 30 to 40 minutes to ease vaginal discomfort.
Opt For Anti-Viral Herbs:
One of the best natural ways to ease vaginal discomfort is to opt for anti-viral herbs which are immune boosting and also got virus-fighting ability. Garlic, ginger, oregano, oregano oil, olive lear, and elderberry are some of these anti-viral herbs which can be used.
Apply Garlic Topically:
We know that garlic is a natural antifungal source to kill yeast. Some compounds present in garlic can be beneficial when they are topically applied. However, many experts say not to sue garlic in the vagina and instead enjoy food with 2-3 cloves of garlic to get the benefits.
Make Use Of Myrrh:
Myrrh is a gummy substance present in the bark of some trees. This can be helpful in treating vaginal discomforts like unpleasant vaginal burning caused due to the STD Trichomoniasis.
Use Coconut Oil:
Coconut oil is an excellent and effective natural remedy to treat vaginal discomfort such as burning sensation in the vagina, especially if the symptom is due to an overgrowth of the bacteria Candida. Coconut oil has potent antimicrobial properties which make it quite effective in treating the overgrowth of bacteria. It has got a combination of caprylic acid and lauric acid that can together kill candida bacteria significantly when ingested and also when applied topically.
As per a study of 2016, it was found that coconut oil killed Candida albicans, which causes yeasts infections. (6) However, this was done in laboratory and there are not enough evidence to confirm how well it works in humans.
Wear Cotton Underwear:
Cotton underwear is quite beneficial if you suffer from vaginal discomfort. This underwear are breathable, which means they can aid in reducing itchy skin conditions. Wearing 100% cotton underwear will help in preventing yeast infections, because yeast thrives in well ventilated areas.
Get Benefits From Cold Compression:
Cold compression can ease vaginal discomfort like itching and burning sensation. It helps in soothing irritation and inflammation. For using it rightly, you need to take ice cubes in a clean and cotton cloth and apply it in the affected region for about 30 seconds. You can also rinse the vagina using cold water several times in a day to get relief from the vaginal discomfort.
Use An Antifungal Cream:
If your vaginal discomfort is due to a yeast infection, you can get benefits from the OTC antifungal creams. If you are using an antifungal cream in your vaginal make sure you wear a panty-liner.
Use Cortisone Cream:
Cortisone creams can also be helpful in treating vaginal discomforts such as itching, and burning sensation in the vagina. It reduces the itch and helps in offering you a soothing feel. You must ensure not to use the cortisone cream inside your vagina, though it can be applied on the outside skin where thee pubic hairs grow.
So, above we talked about some of the natural ways to ease vaginal comfort. In case you are suffering from any such kind of discomfort in the vagina, you can simply try any of the natural ways and look if you get any benefit out of them. However, keep a strict note to consult your doctor if none of these natural ways work on you or if you have severe cases of vaginal discomfort.
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