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Uses and Benefits of Magnesium Oil

About Magnesium Oil:

Magnesium is an important mineral required by the body. Magnesium oil can be obtained by mixing magnesium chloride flakes and water. It is not true oil but is called so because of the oily texture it gets by mixing with distilled water.

Magnesium is a nutrient that has multiple functions in the body, which include:

  • Regulating nerve and muscle function
  • Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels
  • Supporting healthy pregnancy and lactation
  • Maintaining blood pressure levels
  • Supporting protein, bone, and DNA health

Magnesium is found naturally in many foods. It is found present in the highest concentration in whole grains, dairy products, prickly pears, legumes, soy cheese, white potatoes, edamame, and green leafy vegetables such as spinach and Swiss chard.

Forms of Magnesium

Magnesium can be obtained in various forms such as pills, capsules, and oil. Magnesium oil can be rubbed on the skin

This oil can be made from scratch at home by mixing magnesium chloride flakes with distilled boiled water.

How to Make Magnesium Oil?

To make magnesium oil at home the ingredients required are(1):

  • 1/3 cup of Magnesium Chloride flakes
  • 2/3 cup of distilled water
  • A glass bowl or glass measuring cup
  • A glass spray bottle


Boil distilled water. Distilled water is used to extend the shelf life of the mixture. Mix the Magnesium Chloride in the glass bowl or measuring cup and add boiling distilled water to it. Stir it until dissolved completely. Store the mixture in a spray bottle.

This mixture can be stored at room temperature for at least six months.

Uses and Benefits of Magnesium Oil

Deficiency of magnesium can lead to many conditions that include(2):

The benefits of magnesium oil are as follows.

1. Magnesium Oil Helps Fights Fibromyalgia

The application of magnesium oil can prove to be beneficial for patients with fibromyalgia(3). It relaxes the tight muscles of the body. It is effective in reducing pain, discomfort, fatigue, and sleep disturbances.

Those with fibromyalgia have low magnesium levels in the body. Magnesium oil helps in regulating the functioning of nerves and getting rid of the pain.

2. Magnesium Oil Eases Anxiety and Depression

Low magnesium levels can lead to anxiety and depression-like symptoms.

A magnesium oil spray can improve the level of magnesium and help cope with stress and anxiety.

Magnesium chloride suppresses the release of stress hormones and prevents their entry into the brain and regulates the nervous system(4).

3. Relieves Constipation

Magnesium chloride present in magnesium oil is an excellent laxative. Due to its osmotic effect, it draws water into the gut from other tissues(5).

This facilitates peristalsis, a muscular movement that helps in stool elimination.

The water present in it adds moisture to the stool and softens it, so that it’s easily eliminated.

4. Promotes Good Night Sleep

Magnesium oil is effective in fighting insomnia(6). It can get easily absorbed and gives an uninterrupted sleep.

It activates chemicals that have calming effects on the body. It relaxes muscles and thus promotes sleep.

5. Magnesium Oil Prevents Asthma

Rubbing magnesium oil in the throat, chest, and back benefits people with asthma.

It blocks the production of pro-inflammatory compounds, which are responsible for triggering asthma attacks(7).

The anti-inflammatory and bronchodilation effect of magnesium oil is encouraged to be used as adjuvant therapy for individuals with asthma.

6. Relieves Migraines

Studies show a link between a recurring migraine attack and magnesium deficiency(8). Low magnesium levels in the brain promote hyperactivity of neurotransmitters. It causes excitation of nerves, causing headaches.

Magnesium is also known to regulate nerve function and reduce the intensity of pain.

7. Regulates Diabetes

Magnesium deficiency is a risk factor for diabetes mellitus.

Magnesium chloride is the most easily absorbed type of magnesium. It is useful for people with diabetes mellitus as it promotes healthy insulin production

Improving magnesium levels improve insulin sensitivity(9). This initiates the entry of glucose into the cells and tissues and prevents the presence of excess glucose in the bloodstream.

8. Magnesium Oil Can Help Treat Skin Problems

Rubbing magnesium oil can help in improving skin condition. It helps in getting rid of acne by reducing skin oiliness and also reduces premature skin aging.

It also combats oxidative stress by scavenging free radicals that are the reason behind the occurrence of wrinkles, dark spots, and aging.

9. Improves Hair Health

Application of magnesium oil on the scalp prevents hair fall, nourishes hair, and also reduces dandruff. Excess of calcium and deficiency magnesium lead to blocked hair follicles, leading to hair loss. Improving magnesium boosts hair growth and improves scalp health.

Side Effects of Magnesium Oil

If using magnesium for the first time, make sure you do a patch test. Do not use it if you experience a stinging or lingering burning sensation.

There is no specific dosage for the usage of topical magnesium. But never overdo it.

The National Institute of Health recommends people should not exceed the upper limit of magnesium supplementation that is based upon age(10).

The recommended upper limit of magnesium for children older than 9 years is 350mg. Excess of magnesium ingestion can cause diarrhea, cramp, and nausea.

Magnesium oil is touted to be beneficial in many conditions such as migraine and insomnia. It is always good to discuss with your doctor or nutritionist whether using it transdermally is right for you or not.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:February 15, 2021

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