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Which Oil Is Best For Osteoarthritis & What About Gels?

Osteoarthritis is one of the common types of arthritis, which affects millions of people across the world. This takes place whenever protective cartilage, which cushions the end areas of bones wears down with time. Even though osteoarthritis may cause damage to almost every joint, the disorder mainly affects the joints in your knees, hands, spine, and hips.

Which Oil Is Best For Osteoarthritis?

Which Oil Is Best For Osteoarthritis?

According to experts, there are different types of oils, which help you to treat the problem of osteoarthritis or at least to manage its underlying condition and avoid the related risk factors. These include the following-

Olive Oil: Olive oil contains a high amount of monounsaturated fats combined with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds. Because of this, the oil gives plenty of health benefits. Moreover, as an extra virgin type of oil, it never changes its properties. Moreover, olive oil comes with various biologically active compounds, like oleocanthal, polyphenols, oleuropein, lignans, and hydroxytyrosol, all of which help in reducing joint damages related to osteoarthritis.

Walnut Oil: Walnut oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially alpha-linolenic acid, which comes with cardiovascular as well as cholesterol controlling features. These fatty acids may even reduce the levels of CRP i.e. C-reactive protein i.e. a measurement of inflammation across the body.

Grapes-Seed Oil: Grapes seed oil, as the name highlights is a byproduct formed while pressing the grapes’ seeds. The oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids in high amounts and constitutes an excellent source of essential nutrients, especially Vitamin E.

Avocado Oil: Avocado oil is pale green colored oil and is rich in monounsaturated fats. Because of this, the oil may reduce your risks related to stroke and other related heart problems. Research studies have revealed that avocado oil contains an anti-inflammatory effect to reduce CRP. Along with this, avocado oil is an excellent source of Vitamin E antioxidants.

Canola Oil: Canola oil has low saturated fatty acids and is an excellent source of both polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. The oil helps reduce cholesterol levels and cardiac problems. (2)

Are Gels Are Helpful In Osteoarthritis?

Most of the patients suffering from osteoarthritis ask a common question of whether gels help manage their osteoarthritis symptoms. The answer to this question is yes and you will get justification based on the roles of two different types of gels, as we have discussed here.

Voltaren Gel To Deal With Osteoarthritis: FDA has recently approved Voltaren gel as a perfect skin gel to treat the problem of joint pain and inflammation related to osteoarthritis. The reason for this is that Voltaren gel contains an NSAID i.e. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug of diclofenac sodium. You may apply the gel to the affected joints due to osteoarthritis. Particularly, Voltaren gel has proved to treat pain in your hand and knee osteoarthritis. However, there is no evidence about the application of Voltaren gel on the joints of your hips, spine, and shoulders. (3)

Arnica Gel To Deal With Osteoarthritis: Arnica gel contains a large number of anti-inflammatory properties in purported form, because of which it has become a preferable option among osteoarthritis patients. Arnica is especially helpful in treating muscular aches and joint pain, along with other symptoms of osteoarthritis. Besides, the gel is useful to deal with muscle spasms, muscle soreness, sprains, and bruises related to sports activity. (4)

Common Symptoms Of Osteoarthritis

Pain: Your affected joints may hurt at the time or after your body movement.

Stiffness: You may notice stiffness in your joints while you wake up in the morning or after staying inactive for a long time.

Loss In Your Flexibility: You may face difficulty to move the joints through its complete range of motion.

Tenderness: Your bone joints may experience tenderness while you apply light pressure across or on it.

Swelling: Swelling may take place because of the inflammation of soft tissues across the joint. (1)


To conclude, we should say that there are large numbers of oils and gels used to treat or at least manage the pain, soreness, and inflammation related to osteoarthritis. Other than this, a few of the oils are helpful to avoid osteoarthritis risk factors.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 23, 2020

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