Cause of Lower Back and Gluteal Pain & Ways To Get Rid Of It

The lumbar spine which is also known as the lower back is a marvel in the human body. The interconnecting bones, joints, ligaments, nerves, and muscles in the lower back work in sync to provide support, flexibility and strength to the body. The lower back and gluteal region faces so much pressure every day that it is considered one of the easiest areas in the body to get injured. In most of the cases, if you are feeling pain in the lower back and gluteal region, it goes away with a couple of days of rest.

However, in some cases, lower back and gluteal pain keeps on increasing and spreads to the lower portion of the body till the foot.

The Symptoms of Lower Back Pain & Gluteal Pain

  • Stinging pain that goes from the lower back to the legs.
  • Muscle spasms in the lower back.
  • Low back pain worsens on sitting or walking for a long period of time.
  • Difficulty in standing up due to low back and gluteal pain.
  • Numbness in the legs along with lower back pain.

Types of Lower Back Pain

There are two main types of lower back pain that are:

Mechanical or Axial Pain is the most common pain that patients feel in their lower back area. Mechanical pain is generally radiated from the lower back to buttocks and the upper legs. It is generally caused by prolonged sitting, walking etc.

Radicular Pain is a type of lower back pain caused because of the damage to the spinal nerve root, which can cause inflammation in the nerves. The patient feels sharp sensations of pain and burning type sensation as well in the lower back. The pain is generally felt on one side of the body.

Causes of Lower Back Pain & Gluteal Pain

Causes of Lower Back Pain & Gluteal Pain

There are a number of causes of lower back pain such as:

  • Strain on the lower back and gluteal muscles.
  • Sprain to the lower back and gluteal muscles.
  • Pressure on lower back due to the lifting of heavy objects.
  • Sudden movement to the lower back.
  • Falling on the lower back.
  • Bad posture.
  • Sports injury to the lower back.

Acute lower back pain can be associated with a number of medical conditions such as:

Treatment: How To Get Rid Of Lower Back and Gluteal Pain?

In many cases, simple rest can help in reducing the lower back and gluteal pain. However, in some cases, you will need medical attention. As there are a number of reasons that can cause lower back and gluteal pain, it is important to understand what is causing it. If you are more of a desk jockey and work majorly while sitting, it puts pressure on your lower back and gluteus region and it will start paining eventually. On the other hand, if you are very active and indulge in sports, an injury can cause lower back and gluteal pain.

Based on the causes, the doctor can prescribe rest, medicine, change in diet, change in lifestyle and even in some cases surgery to get rid of lower back and gluteal pain. It is very important to understand the treatment care, which will help to avoid lower back and gluteal pain for the rest of your life.

Deep Gluteal Syndrome

Deep gluteal pain is the acute pain that occurs in the lower back of your body and radiates to the thighs, back of the leg and foot. Deep gluteal pain generally happens on the one side of the body. Deep gluteal pain does not go away just by resting. You will need medical attention to get rid of deep gluteal pain. Deep gluteal pain is common in patients who have desk jobs and spend a lot of time sitting.

When you are suffering from deep gluteal syndrome, you will find it difficult to stand, walk and sit for a long duration of time. Deep gluteal syndrome also causes numbness in the lower back, buttocks, and things which may go till the foot. Deep gluteal pain or syndrome is caused by the pressure on the nerve that sends the pain sensation signals to the brain.

When you have deep gluteal pain, the doctor may ask you to get some imaging tests like MRI and CT scan done so that he can understand the amount of damage to the nerve. He will also ask some questions about your lifestyle, job, diet, and routine. These tests along with the answers that you provide, the medication and physiotherapy will be prescribed. In most of the cases, medication helps in reducing the lower back and deep gluteal syndrome pain, but in some rare cases, you may need surgery as well.


The lower back is one of the most important parts of your body. The lower back provides strength and stamina to your body and helps you in completing a lot of day-to-day chores. The complex network of bones, ligaments, nerves, and muscles in the lower back make them strong, but on the same hand vulnerable to injuries as well. Even a fall can cause severe damage and if not taken proper care in time, it may lead to acute pain and trauma to the lower back.

If you start to feel pain in the lower back, make sure to check with the doctor and start the treatment as soon as possible to avoid any long-term damage. With proper care, you can reduce the chances of getting lower back and gluteal pain again.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 15, 2020

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