Scanning the Chakras for Physical & Emotional Disturbances

Understanding the Removal of Problems with Chakra Healing!

All our life problems are associated with chakras in one way or the other. If you say you have a certain disease or you feel in a certain way or you do not feel anything at all, everything has an association with one or more chakras inside you and these can be solved by getting your chakras up and working.

To know how chakras help in getting rid of all your life problems, you need to know what disturbances, imbalances and difficulties are associated with various chakras.

Chakras, as we all know by now, are the energy centers which supply energy to the body through various nadis and through the nadis to the entire body. Any blockage in the chakras or the nadis leads to problems associated with one or another part of the body. They are responsible for absorbing vital energy-informational particles of a different spectrum from the surrounding environment and for releasing energy particles from a human body.

Every Chakra has its own energy spectrum and any excess energy is released outside the human body through the work of Chakras.

To keep a balance of energy in the human body, chakras facilitate the work of certain organs and body systems by supplying energy and emitting used energy from within the certain organs and body system depending on their location in the human body.

Scanning the Root Chakra or Muldhara for Physical and Emotional Disturbances

Physical Disturbances: This is the first chakra and is located at the base of the spine, and is responsible for the survival instincts shelter, protection, and safety. When your Root Chakra is imbalanced or blocked, or the energy is not able to flow, the following disturbances will be seen:

Physical imbalances in The Root Chakra or Muladhara include:

  • Problems in the legs. Now, this can be a chronic pain in the legs or something else related to legs.
  • Issues in Feet. Maybe a natural tendency to get your feet hurt or any other problem related to the feet.
  • Disorders related to Rectum.
  • Problems or pain in the tailbone or the last vertebrae.
  • Physical imbalance in the root chakra can lead to a naturally weak immune system.
  • It can also lead to issues with male reproductive parts.
  • Men can have issues in the prostate gland when the Root Chakra is not balanced or blocked.
  • Other problems include degenerative arthritis.
  • Knee pain and other knee issues.
  • Back Ailments like Sciatica.
  • Eating disorders, bad digestion, and constipation.
  • Lethargy and exhaustion.

Emotional Disturbances: Emotional imbalances in the Root chakra or Muladhara include:

  • You will have to feel related to your basic survival needs like money, shelter, and food.
  • Thoughts of the basic needs of life and urge to run after money.
  • Feelings of insecurity.
  • Rage, fear, and anger.
  • By getting your Root Chakra or Muladhara healed, you can get rid of all the issues mentioned above.

Scanning the Sacral Chakra or Svadhishthana for Physical and Emotional Disturbances

This is the second chakra, located at the pubic bone, and rules over birth and certain creative energies. It is also responsible for sexuality in males and females. Having the Sacral Chakra healed you can get rid of the problems mentioned below:

Physical Disturbances: The Physical disturbances associated with The Sacral Chakra or Svadhishthana are mentioned below. If you feel and experience any such issues, it means your sacral chakra is blocked.

  • Sexual and reproductive issues both in males and females.
  • Urinary problems.
  • Kidney dysfunctions.
  • Hip, pelvic and lower back issues.

Emotional Disturbances: Emotional imbalances in the Sacral Chakra or Svadhishthana include:

  • Lacking or overly commitment to relationships.
  • Less expressive or over expressive in terms of emotions.
  • Our ability to have fun, creativity, pleasure, sexuality.
  • Fears of betrayal come to mind.
  • Various addictions.

Scanning the Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra for Physical and Emotional Disturbances

This is the third chakra, located two inches above the navel. Imbalance in the Solar Plexus Chakra or The Manipura causes a lot of physical and emotional imbalance in the human body.

Physical Disturbances: The Physical disturbances associated with The Sacral Chakra or Svadhishthana are mentioned below. If you feel and experience any such issues, it means your Solar Plexus Chakra or The Manipura is blocked. Fixing the Solar Plexus Chakra will help and heal the issues mentioned below:

  • You might start getting digestive problems if Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra is blocked or imbalanced.
  • People with liver dysfunction have their Manipura Chakra blocked.
  • People suffering from chronic fatigue or people who get tired very easily have their Solar Plexus.
  • People with High Blood Pressure and Diabetes also have their Manipura Chakra blocked.
  • People with Stomach ulcers and Gastritis also have their Solar Plexus.
  • People with pancreas and gallbladder issues usually have Manipura Chakra blocked.
  • Colon diseases occur because of an imbalance in Solar Plexus.

Emotional Disturbances: Emotional imbalances in the Solar Plexus Chakra or The Manipura include:

  • Disturbance in the Solar Plexus Chakra or The Manipura include issues of personal power and self-esteem. You think there is no one above you or you get offended very easily.
  • Your inner critic comes out and you start finding flaws in everything and everyone.
  • People with imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra or The Manipura gives rise fears of rejection in personal as well as professional life.
  • You are very much worried and overly sensitive about your physical appearances.

Scanning the Heart Chakra or Anahata Chakra for Physical and Emotional Disturbances

Anahata or The Heart Chakra is the fourth chakra in the sequence and is located at the heart, and rules over love and its related emotions.

Physical Disturbances: The Physical disturbances associated with Anahata or The Heart Chakra are mentioned below. If you feel and experience any such issues, it means your Anahata is blocked. Fixing The Heart Chakra will help and heal the issues mentioned below:

  • The physical counterparts of Anahata Chakra are the heart and lungs and middle back.
  • Blockage in Heart Chakra can lead to Heart Attack, Angina, and other heart-related diseases. This is not a myth but there is a science behind it. When your chakra is blocked, you tend to have stress and frustration and fear of things which is the major reason for most of the diseases and heart diseases amongst the top in the list.
  • It also leads to improper circulation of blood in the body.
  • Blockage in Anahata or The Heart Chakra also leads to respiratory ailments like asthma.
  • In females, blockage may lead to issues in Breast
  • Heart Chakra blockage also lead to problems in the lymphatic system.
  • Problems in the upper back, shoulder problems, arm and wrist pain also occur because of imbalance or blockage in Anahata or The Heart Chakra.

Emotional Disturbances: Emotional imbalances in Anahata or The Heart Chakra:

  • It gives rise to the feelings of self Hatred and a person’s suicidal tendency increases with the disturbance in Anahata Chakra.
  • An over active The Heart Chakra may also case over loving someone.
  • It gives rise to the feelings of jealousy and crudeness.
  • Blockage in Anahata Chakra develops a fear of abandonment by the loved ones.
  • It also gives rise to anger and bitterness in humans.
  • Blockage in The Heart Chakra develops a fear of loneliness. Such person is scared to live alone.

Scanning Vishuddha Chakra or the Throat Chakra for Physical and Emotional Disturbances

Vishuddha Chakra or The Throat Chakra is the fifth chakra in the sequence and is located at the throat, and rules over communication to self and with others, creativity and truth.

Physical Disturbances: The Physical disturbances associated with Vishuddha Chakra or The Throat Chakra are mentioned below. If you feel and experience any such issues, it means your Vishuddha Chakra. Fixing the Throat Chakra will help and heal the issues mentioned below:

  • Any blockage in Vishuddha Chakra causes thyroid issues, be it Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism.
  • Sore throats also occur because of disturbances in The Throat Chakra
  • Other throat related infections like laryngitis occur because of disturbances in Vishuddha Chakra.
  • Issues in TMJ (Temporo Mandibular joint) also occur because of blockage in The Throat Chakra.
  • Various ear infections happen because of disturbances in Temporo Mandibular Joint.
  • Mouth Ulcers also occur because of blockages in Vishuddha Chakra.
  • Any facial problems related to chin, cheek, lips or tongue also arise because of it.
  • Neck and shoulder pain is also a result of the disturbance in Vishuddha Chakra or The Throat Chakra.

Emotional Disturbances: Emotional imbalances in Vishuddha Chakra or The Throat Chakra include issues like:

  • Issues of self-expression through communication, both spoken and written occur because of under or over active Vishuddha Chakra or The Throat Chakra.
  • You get fearful of the fact that you have no choice or power over things.
  • No willpower or being out of control.
  • People with underactive Vishuddha Chakra are fearful of public speaking.
  • Over or underactive The Throat Chakra makes people either too talkative or too shy.
  • Such people always feel the need to be an expert in everything they do.
  • People with disturbances in The Throat Chakra are usually unable, to tell the truth, and are generally liars.
  • Such people are not able to express themselves or their emotions.

Scanning Ajna or the Third Eye Chakra for Physical and Emotional Disturbances

Ajna or The Third Eye Chakra is the sixth chakra which is located centrally on the forehead above the eyebrows and is responsible for vision, insight, intellect, clarity, and intuition.

Physical Disturbances: The Physical disturbances associated with Ajna or The Third Eye Chakra are mentioned below. If you feel and experience any such issues, it means your Ajna or The Third Eye Chakra. Fixing the Ajna or The Third Eye Chakra will help and heal the issues mentioned below:

  • The physical counterparts that Ajna Chakra is responsible for are the eyes, ears, head, and brain.
  • People with imbalanced The Third Eye Chakra generally have an Astronaut personality. Such people are either too logical or too hypothetical.
  • People with disturbances in Ajna Chakra generally have too many thoughts at once.
  • People with imbalance The Third Eye Chakra suffer from frequent headaches and migraines. Such people are either very forgetful or remember everything.
  • They are also unable to meditate.
  • People with imbalanced Ajna or The Third Eye Chakra have poor eyesight.
  • Sinus Issues are very frequent in people with imbalanced Ajna Chakra.

Emotional Disturbances: Emotional imbalances in Ajna or The Third Eye Chakra include issues like:

  • People with Ajna Chakra blockages have the inability to concentrate or stay focused on anything. They keep deviating from one thing or thought to another.
  • People with Third Eye Chakra blockages get tensed on smallest of things very easily.
  • They are also very moody.
  • People with blocked Ajna or The Third Eye Chakra have an inability to look at one’s own fears and to learn from others.
  • Such people keep day dreaming often and live in a world of their own dreams.

Scanning Sahasrara or the Crown Chakra for Physical and Emotional Disturbances

Sahasrara or The Crown Chakra is the seventh and last chakra which is located at the top of the head and is responsible for Unity, Divinity, Oneness, and inspiration with the Universe.

Physical Disturbances: The Physical disturbances associated with Sahasrara or The Crown Chakra are mentioned below. If you feel and experience any such issues, it means your Sahasrara or The Crown Chakra. Fixing the Sahasrara or The Crown Chakra will help and heal the issues mentioned below:

  • The physical counterparts that are associated with Sahasrara Chakra are the brain and head, the pineal and pituitary glands, and their hormones.
  • Imbalanced The Crown Chakra leads to the inability to connect to the physical world, confusion, headaches, hallucinations.
  • Imbalanced Sahasrara Chakra also leads to mental illness, worry, and excessive or very little ego
  • People with inactive The Crown Chakra lead to depression.
  • Such people lack the ability to learn and grow and remain stagnant.
  • People with imbalanced Sahasrara Chakra are sensitive to light, sound, environment.

Emotional Disturbances: Emotional imbalances in Sahasrara or The Crown Chakra include issues like:

  • People with well balanced Sahasrara Chakra are very knowledgeable and have the power to control their brain.
  • Imbalanced Crown Chakra gives rise to rigid thoughts on religion and spirituality.
  • People with blocked Crown Chakra are constantly confused.
  • Such people carry prejudices over everything and are unable to deal with their own thoughts.
  • People with inactive or imbalanced Sahasrara Chakra also develop the fear of alienation.

Though all the chakras have different functions and have different areas that they are responsible for, but they say that all the chakras are interrelated with each other and if there is imbalance in one of the chakras it may be because of the fact that the chakra below it might be blocked, not functioning properly, underactive or overactive.

All the reasons and signs mentioned for each chakra specifies the area and part of the body they are responsible for maintaining the balance of. They can result because of any of the reasons listed below:

Blockage in the passage of energy. Energy is not able to flow in the body. It is stuck inside the body.

  • Under active Chakras
  • Hyper active Chakras

There are several methods available to get the Chakras up and working and the Chakra healing essentially helps in getting rid of all your problems mentioned above. Chakra Healers and various healing centers are available where you can book your sessions to get a therapy for getting them healed. You can also try the below-mentioned methods to heal the chakras and literally get rid of all your difficulties:

  • Meditation.
  • Deep Breathing or Pranayama.
  • Yoga.
  • Maintaining a sense of happiness and gratitude at all times is an instantaneous way of clearing negative energies.
  • It is said even in the worst times you always have something or the other to be grateful for and if you keep that attitude in your life, most of your problems and difficulties will be gone.
  • Professionals who can see the auric fields can see the dark aura getting cleaned if people start keeping positive and grateful attitude in life.

When one goes for a chakra healing session at various healing centers or a professional will always advise you to get all your chakras heals simultaneously and not a single chakra at one time. Chakras work in collaboration with each other. They work individually as well. With all the physical and emotional problems mentioned above, it is clear that you can get rid of all the difficulties in your life if you get your chakras healed.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:September 19, 2017

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