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Can You Give Ibuprofen To A Child?

Isobutylphenyl propionic acid is the pharmacological name of ibuprofen extensively used for killing pain and treating inflammation. It has been sold for more than five decades and most trusted medicine well-known to everyone. Compared to other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ibuprofen has fewer side effects. It is basically recommended for hyperpyrexia, sprain, fracture, painful cramps, rheumatoid arthritis, toothaches, headaches, trauma injury and nephrolithiasis (kidney stone). Ibuprofen mechanism of action is not complex. It involves the inhibition of the formation of prostaglandin in the inflammation regions by decreasing the activity of enzyme cyclooxygenase. This enzyme is recognized as pain initiator, and its decline supports in pain relief.

Can You Give Ibuprofen To A Child?

Can You Give Ibuprofen To A Child?

Physician advice is more important before parents give medicine to their children. Ibuprofen is the good medicine for children with fever and pain. But parents use ibuprofen frequently for to bring down their child fever. Overdoses could apparently increase the fever instead of remedy and sometimes it may lead to high-risk. General physicians recommend combination therapy i.e. alternate doses of paracetamol and ibuprofen. This could minimize the effect of drawbacks and safe for the children.

Ibuprofen Lysate for Infants

Children’s antipyretic sold in pharmacy store in form of tonics to avoid overdosing in children. Ibuprofen lysate for infants is available in some countries, approved by US-FDA. Chemically it is same as ibuprofen, but has more solubility in water. Patent ductus arteriosus is a serious condition that affects roughly 31% of newborns or premature baby whose birth weight is amid 501 and 1500 g. The use of ibuprofen lysate in newborns is effective and has fewer side effects. 3 months older infants with a body weight above 6 kg, ibuprofen can be given at short-term, which is generally considered as safe. Ibuprofen is recommended based on body weight of the infants i.e. 5-10 mg/kg is appropriate for the age group between 3 and 6 months. 30-40 mg/kg of dose can be administered at regular gap, not more than 3 to 4 times a day.

Ibuprofen with Other Prescription Medicines

Ibuprofen can interact with other drugs and chances of risk are high as it may increase deleterious effect on health, particularly if the individuals use some antibiotics (for example quinolone), it can cause convulsion and hence physician guidance is required to avoid risk. There is no history of food interaction with ibuprofen. Children best intake of ibuprofen is with hot milk is effective to avoid stomach upset.

How and When to Give Ibuprofen?

According to UK pharmaceutical references, children should not receive more than four doses of paracetamol or ibuprofen in 24 hours. Quantity also varies by age; therefore it is essential to follow the age instructions printed in the sachet. Usually, for pain, ibuprofen works within 20 to 30 minutes and the 6-hours gap is maintained before next dose is given. In case of long-term pain or inflammation, ibuprofen is taken regularly for a few weeks for to work properly. If any unusual symptoms or sign like vomiting or dizziness is sensed within 30 minutes, immediate medical attention is required. It is available in different forms such as tablets, capsules, injections (fluids) and tonic in varies quantity.

Ibuprofen Side Effects in Adults, Pregnant Women, and Children

Intake of ibuprofen causes adverse effects include vomiting, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, gastrointestinal ulceration sometimes may cause internal bleeding, giddiness, heartburn, skin rash, fluid retention and high blood pressure. Prolong use can increase the risk of heart failure, renal disease, and hepatic impairment. Ibuprofen can worsen asthma in immunocompromised condition and cause a fatality. Respiratory problem, bronchospasm and allergies are some of the condition induced by an overdose of ibuprofen. It is strictly not recommended in later stage pregnancy, because any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can cause miscarry. Overdosing in children and adults can damage the stomach linings and intestinal flora. Shortness of breathing, fuzzy vision, and seizure are some of the deadly symptoms experienced by children because of over dosage.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 17, 2021

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