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How To Know If You Have Diabetes

How would you tell whether you have diabetes or not? Several early symptoms result from higher levels of glucose in your blood, a form of sugar. Amputation, eyesight issues, kidney problems, heart problems, and diabetes are some of the significant health issues that the condition can lead to. Because it might go unnoticed until it develops major consequences, diabetes is sometimes referred to as the “silent killer.” Type 2 diabetes is so deadly that it elevates blood sugar levels to record highs. It is a condition that affects more than 30 million people around the globe.(1)

Diabetes is a severe, however common medical condition. If you suspect that you have diabetes, then you should monitor your blood glucose levels to ensure that they are under the normal range. Diabetes arrives in 2 forms – Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes.

The only way to recognize your diabetic condition is to get tested. The common screening methods involved here are the A1C and plasma glucose tests. Our post will dive deeper into the warning signs, screening, diagnosing, and treatment options.

How To Know If You Have Diabetes?

The Early Symptoms of Diabetes Include:


For various reasons, men with diabetes may feel tired.(6) The body’s energy-producing cells can suffer damage from high blood sugar levels, and you could feel exhausted. Having diabetes can make it difficult for the body to absorb nutrients from food, leading to fatigue. You must go to the doctor to check if you have fatigue and other diabetes symptoms.

Gaining Weight

One may begin to acquire weight if their body starts to reject insulin, which raises their blood sugar levels. It is because the body begins to retain more sugar as fat. Individuals who have diabetes, therefore, frequently gain a lot of weight.

Frequent Urination

Bladder nerves can suffer damage from diabetes. As a result, you could visit the restroom more frequently and with an overactive bladder. Consult a physician immediately if you notice these signs or symptoms so your diabetes can be properly diagnosed and treated. Diabetes can trigger other major health issues if it is not addressed.

Always Feeling Thirsty

Dehydration can result from increased urine brought on by high blood sugar levels. As a result, if you frequently feel thirsty and have a dry mouth, you may have diabetes.(2)

Hunger Cravings

One of the primary indicators of diabetes is hunger. It occurs for several reasons. Whenever your blood sugar levels increase out of bounds, the body tries eliminating or throwing out the excessive sugar in the form of urine. It is why you feel thirsty and starts consuming more liquid while maximizing sugar excretion and consumption of liquid.

Additionally, the additional sugar in your blood compromises your brain’s ability to communicate feelings of hunger and fullness. Consequently, you could still feel hungry after a substantial meal since your brain needs the proper signals.

Other Symptoms Of Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 is a form of diabetes whose symptoms start showing quickly in weeks or even months.(3) They are mainly diagnosed in young adults and children, although they occur at any age, mainly among kids aged ten to fourteen.(4, 5)

The following are a couple more symptoms that your child might experience along with the others:

These flu-like symptoms are caused whenever they are left undiagnosed due to ketones building up in your blood. The condition is diabetic ketoacidosis, a medical emergency that needs immediate attention.

Why Do These Signs Occur?

Diabetes symptoms develop when all or part of the blood’s glucose isn’t utilized as an energy source. Your thirst increases when your body attempts to lower blood sugar levels by excreting extra glucose in urine. The fungus that develops thrush thrives in environments with high blood glucose, such as urine. But not everybody has symptoms. In reality, 6 out of 10 patients with a type 2 diabetes diagnosis do not show any symptoms.

When To Consult A Physician?

If you can relate to any of the following:

  • The signs of diabetes are present in either you or your child
  • You think you or your kid has a high probability of getting diabetes.
  • Speak with them and urge them to seek expert guidance if they believe your buddy or companion is also in danger of developing diabetes.

Risk Factors For Diabetes

In comparison to others, certain persons are more likely to acquire diabetes. Their ethnicity, genes, or even living decisions may be to blame for their diabetes, based on the kind. These are referred to as danger factors for diabetes. It might be easier to evaluate if you require action to reduce your chances if you are aware of the risk factors and whether they apply to you.(7)

Diagnosing and Treating Diabetes

There are many different approaches to treating diabetes. Regardless of the kind of diabetes you have, it’s crucial to maintain a healthy diet, get enough exercise, and practice regular tracking.

  • Type 1 Diabetes: – Those who have type 1 diabetes must take insulin for the entire duration of their lives, and this is because your pancreas does not create the necessary amounts of insulin.
  • Type 2 Diabetes: – Changing your lifestyle to include a healthier diet, losing weight, and exercising may help you manage type 2 diabetes. To control your glucose levels, you may be required to take injectable or oral drugs, such as metformin or insulin.

You must carefully monitor your meals if you have type 1 or 2 diabetes to keep your blood glucose levels from rising too high. Generally, this entails monitoring your carbohydrate consumption and avoiding processed, low-fiber meals like white bread, sugary items, juices, etc.

Is Diabetes Preventable?

There is no way to stop type 1 diabetes. By maintaining a healthy weight, being physically active, and eating well, you might well be able to decrease your chance of acquiring type 2 diabetes. Nevertheless, genetics and other factors may raise your risk despite your efforts.

It’s crucial to schedule routine checks with your physician or another healthcare provider if you possess any diabetes risk factors. By doing this, you can stop diabetes from getting worse and leading to more severe health issues.


It’s critical to be aware of the warning signs and symptoms of diabetes, which include vision problems, increased hunger or thirst, gaining weight, and fatigue. Because many persons with diabetes don’t exhibit the typical symptoms, a person with diabetes could not be aware of their condition.

However, if they experience the typical signs of diabetes, such as excessive eating and increased urination, they can mistake these symptoms for something else, such as a virus or aging. A blood glucose test is a great decision to determine whether you have diabetes when symptoms co-occur with other risk factors.

Talk with your physician about strategies to manage your blood glucose levels and avoid problems if you already have diabetes or are in danger of developing it.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 13, 2022

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