How Long Should You Wait Before Going To Sleep After Eating?

If you eat and retire to bed within a few minutes, then the first thing that happens is that the food remains undigested into your stomach. If you sleep just after finishing your meal, then your eating will muddle with the digestive mechanism and it will result in many digestive diseases. Now, if you suffer from improper digestions, then you will come across problems, such as GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) and this is recognized as a scientific name for the reflux of foods that come back into your oesophagus. This permits your stomach acid to develop a burning sensation which you experience in your throat.

How Long Should You Wait Before Going To Sleep After Eating?

How Long Should You Wait Before Going to Sleep after Eating?

Generally, you are advised to wait for a couple of hours between your meal and your sleep time. This time is needed as it permits good digestion and additionally, the contents of the stomach get moved to the small intestine. It is highly important to avert problems, such as heartburn during the night and even sleeping disorders or insomnia. When you allow 2-3 hours, you lessen the chances of the symptoms of heartburn. In fact, lying down might cause your stomach’s contents to reflux into the oesophagus and this results in GERD symptoms and heartburn. Again, it happens more when your stomach hasn’t got wholly emptied by the time you retire to bed.

Eating too close to sleep time might harm your sleep and this turns particularly true when you consume too much or consume some foods which can encourage heartburn. There are some people who describe it as “burping up food”. Acidic and spicy foods are particularly bothersome. Peppermint, chocolate, and alcohol worsen the condition of reflux and heartburn more. Additionally, caffeine in tea, coffee, energy drinks, chocolate, soda pop should be strictly avoided as they block adenosine. This is a chemical which makes you feel sleepy and if you consume too much of these components prior to bedtime then it increases the chances of insomnia. You can also urinate at night and this can result in disruptive nocturia. If you wish, you can take a light snack before retiring to bed and if you can tolerate it well, you aren’t needed to bother.


It is necessary to leave 2-3 hours of gap after eating before you go to bed. This also helps in improving your digestion. If you have adjusted your meals and permitted 2-3 hours for the food to get digested and still suffering from sleeping disorder or heartburn, contact a specialist for a remedy.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 23, 2023

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