Emerged as a wonder drink, apple cider vinegar is known for the numerous health benefits it serves the body with.
Drinking apple cider vinegar helps in improving acne and scars, aids weight loss, keeps a check on the blood sugar level and boosts health.(1,2)
Despite the numerous benefits, there are certain cautions which should be practiced while consuming apple cider vinegar. Otherwise, there can be harmful effects on health.
7 Things To Avoid While Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar
Do Not Drink Apple Cider Vinegar Right After Eating Food
- Consuming a small quantity of apple cider vinegar before eating can help break down the food as it helps replace the lost gastric juices.
- Drinking it, right after eating meals can delay the digestion process. This is not healthy at all.
- It is recommended to drink it before meals or on an empty stomach as it can benefit and boost the ability of the body to process food.
- If you want to drink it after meals, wait for at least 20 minutes.
Do Not Inhale Apple Cider Vinegar
Inhaling apple cider vinegar can majorly affect the lungs. It can also cause a burning sensation in the lungs.
Always Dilute It While Drinking
- Apple cider vinegar is highly acidic. Drinks swigs of it can erode the tooth enamel.
- Even when diluted it is highly acidic, if taking it in swigs imagine the acidic level.
Do Not Drink Too Much Of Apple Cider Vinegar
- The health benefits of apple cider vinegar are making a row nowadays. Many think consuming more means more benefits. This is not true.
- Drinking a lot of apple cider vinegar can prove to be dangerous for the body. It can cause a burning sensation and numerous side effects.
- It should be started in small quantities. Drinking beyond 2 teaspoons and also without diluting is not recommended.
Do Not Drink It Right Before Going To Bed
- Drinking apple cider vinegar right before going to bed can be harmful to the esophagus. A gap of at least 30 minutes should be there in between drinking it and going off to sleep.
- Health experts do not recommend drinking it before going to bed at all.
Never Apply Apple Cider Vinegar On Skin
- Apple cider vinegar also has a few beauty benefits such as it helps banish acne, reduces dandruff, and eases sunburn.
- But due to its acidic nature, apple cider vinegar should not be applied to the skin directly. Prolonged exposure to acidic vinegar can kill skin cells, erode the skin and leave permanent chemical burns.
- If you want to use it on blemishes or as a toner, do not forget diluting it.
Do Not Drink Apple Cider Vinegar If Suffering From H.Pylori Infection
- Helicobacter pylori is a bacteria linked with ulcers. The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar can worsen the condition by causing more irritation.
- It is always good to consult a doctor before staring it.
- Anything benefitting the body if not used correctly can be of much harm. It is always better to know about the product properly. It is best to consult a healthcare professional to know how and how much the product can benefit the body.
Knowing about all the benefits and side effects, you can actually be sure of what you are consuming and the best way to take it.
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