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Home Remedies For Osgood Schlatter Disease

Osgood Schlatter disease is a major cause of joint and knee pain in most of the growing adolescents. This is a type of inflammation below your knee area where the tendon from patellar tendon i.e. kneecap remains attached to tibia i.e. shinbone. Osgood Schlatter disease often takes place at the time of growth spurts whenever muscles, bones, tendons, and other related structures change rapidly.

As physical activity applies stress on muscles and bones, children taking part in athletics, especially in jumping and running types of sports remain at high risk related to the condition of Osgood Schlatter. However, in some of the cases, less active children and adolescents may even experience the problem.(1)

Home Remedies For Osgood Schlatter Disease

Home Remedies For Osgood Schlatter Disease

Doctors recommend for large numbers of natural remedies, which you may try to get relieved from your underlying symptoms related to Osgood Schlatter. These include the following-

Bath With Epsom Salt: Soaking or taking bath in Epsom salt is an excellent way to get immediate relief from the joint pain, especially your knee joints.

Intake Collagen: Collagen is a type of material, which lets you the easy movement of joints, so that you may move the joints smoothly without experiencing any pain. Especially, collagen intake helps you to manage joint pain related to physical activities.

Usage Of Peppermint Oil: Peppermint essential oil is helpful in the treatment of Osgood Schlatter disease. Doctors consider it as an effective yet natural muscle relaxant and painkiller. Studies have shown that it is especially helpful in releasing joint pain and headaches. Thus, you may easily try peppermint oil to treat your pain and inflammation associated with your condition.

Stretch Yourself Before Involving In An Activity: If you are involved in any type of sports activity, you should stretch your legs and hands properly before you should start any sports activity. This step is essential for you to protect the body and joints both. You should especially look for those stretches, which focus on the quadriceps. These muscles intend to flex and bend the knee joints. If you take proper care, you may reduce the pressure on your knees. Other than this, you should search for certain Osgood Schlatter related exercises, which help you minimizing your pain and reducing the pressure on the knee joints.

Have Bone Broth In Your Diet: Whatever you have in your food has a huge influence on your body, including your joints and knees. Hence, if you are suffering from Osgood Schlatter disease, you should try bone broth to help in the treatment of symptoms. Bone broth contains different types of ingredients, which have enough nutrients, like silicon, magnesium, and calcium, which otherwise may be found in special joint supplements. When you consume broth, you may intake such ingredients naturally and in turn, help your joints.

Dry Needling Method: Apply needles in specific areas of your skin to overcome your chronic pain. Especially, you should try dry needling to manage your symptoms. This method targets specific trigger points, creates alert to problematic areas of your body, and kick starts your immune system to fight with Osgood Schlatter disease.

Have Spicy Foods: If you are a diehard fan of spicy foods, you should try a few of them to relieve your pain in no time. The reason for this is that spicy food contains capsaicin i.e. a natural pain killer to manage your knee and joint pain problems.(3)

Symptoms Of Osgood Schlatter

Swelling and knee pain just below your kneecap are the prime indicators related to Osgood Schlatter disease. Pain in most of the cases becomes worse while doing certain activities. These include jumping, kneeling, and running, while the pain eases while you take rest. In most of the cases, the condition takes place in any one knee. However, in some cases, it affects both of your knees. The discomfort lasts from several weeks to months, while recurring until and unless your child stops his or her growth.(2)


To conclude, we should say that you will find plenty of home remedies in the form of exercises and food items to relieve your pain associated with Osgood Schlatter disease.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 3, 2021

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