15 Useful Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Red Bumps On Legs

Red bumps on legs can at times make you worry and be really frustrating. Though there are various ways to treat these conditions, trying out some of the effective home remedies could be many of our first choices. So, here, let us know about some of the home remedies to get rid of red bumps on legs.

15 Useful Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Red Bumps On Legs

15 Useful Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Red Bumps On Legs:

#1. Baking Soda:

Baking soda is a real great exfoliator that helps in removing dead skin cells from the legs and is also capable enough in cleaning the pores deeply. For making use of this home remedy to get rid of red bumps on legs, put 3 tablespoons of baking soda in to a little amount of water and spread this on the affected area and scrub it for about 5 minutes, very gently. Then after, rinse it off with some clean water. You must make use of it on a regular basis until you see desired results.

#2. Apple Cider Vinegar:

This has anti-inflammatory property that helps to stop infection and also helps the bumps on the legs to heal quickly. Dip a cotton ball in Apple cider vinegar and apply it to the red bumps. Continue doing this every day until you see effective results.

Alternatively, you can also mix one part of Apple cider vinegar with two parts of warm water. Wet a cloth with this mixture and press the cloth gently on your affected skin for about 5 minutes and then after rinse it off with clean water. This could also get you desired results in some days.

#3. Milk:

One more effective home remedy to get rid of red bumps on legs could be milk. Lactic acid present in milk helps to soften your skin and also help you reduce bumps on the legs. For using this as a home remedy you need to put a few cups on milk in warm water and wet a cloth with this solution and apply it on the affected area for about 15 minutes. Continuing this process regularly for some days could provide you with effective results.

#4. Sugar and Sour Cream:

Sugar and sour cream mixture is especially good for individuals having Keratosis pilaris that cause red bumps. Add one teaspoon of sugar to two tablespoons of sour cream and apply the mixture on the bumps and then gently massage for about 5 minutes, before rinsing it off. Continue this on a regular basis until you see positive results.

#5. Coconut Oil:

Moisturizing is required so as to make your bump feel better and also look better. You can use oils like coconut oil, green tea oil, cocoa butter oil, Camellia oil, lemon oil, etc, for moisturizing the red bumps on legs. Coconut oil is made of fatty acids, which can be easily absorbed by the skin. It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, which help in reducing inflammation and redness of your skin.You can apply coconut oil on the red bumps on your legs and leave it on. Doing this regularly for couple of days can help get rid of red bumps on legs.

Alternatively, 2 parts of coconut oil can also be mixed with one part of brown or white sugar and be applied on the red bumps and gently be scrubbed for about 5 minutes, before rinsing it off with clean water. Repeated use of this remedy could get you some good results.

#6. Lotions and Creams:

You can also use lotions that are produced commercially for moisturizing your skin. Applying creams like Lubriderm, Vaseline etc, can be effective in moisturizing your legs and can also help get rid of red bumps on legs.

#7. Oatmeal Bath:

Prepare an oatmeal bath and soak in it to derive its beneficial properties. Apart from the fact that oatmeal bath will make you feel really relaxed, it will also keep your skin moisturized and also help you in getting rid of the red bumps on legs. Put a handful of oats in warm water in bathing tub and soak in it for about 15 minutes and repeat the process 3 to 4 times in a week until you get the desired results.

#8. Olive Oil:

Being rich in Vitamin E, olive oil can be useful home remedy for red bumps on legs. It is also helpful in treating various other skin problems. Add one teaspoon of sugar to one tablespoon of olive oil and apply this to your bumps and gently massage it for about 5 minutes. You must continue this process until you get desired results. You can also directly use olive oil to massage on the bumps regularly.

#9. Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil has anti-bacterial properties which makes it an effective home remedy for treating folliculitis and razor bumps. Before apply tea tree oil, you must dilute a little of the tea tree oil with coconut oil in a container and apply it on the affected area of the skin for 15 minutes.

#10. Lemons:

Lemons are also known to be used in treating red bumps on legs. These fruits are loaded with vitamin C and are also very good in drying off the bumps. Squeeze out the juice from one lemon and dip a ball of cotton in to the juice and apply this on the affected area and leave overnight. Wash off the area using warm water and moisturizer.

#11. Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera is a good home remedy to get rid of red bumps on legs because of its wonderful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera can also sooth the itching associated with red bumps. Extract the gel from fresh Aloe vera and apply the gel on the bumps, and then wash it off after 15 minutes. Continuing this process will help you see visible results.

#12. Soap:

Using soaps that are gentle on your skin can help get rid of red bumps on legs. The best soaps you can use in case you have bumps on your legs are the hydrating soaps that do not have detergent in them.

#13. Vitamin A Capsules:

Vitamin A capsules contain retinol, which is a derivative that aids with cell turnover and also helps in preventing the hair follicles from plugging. They are very effective in treating bumps on the legs, as the capsules inhibit the activity of the sebaceous glands and also suppresses the formation of androgen.

Apply the oil of Vitamin A capsule to the red bumps on legs and massage them gently. You can leave this for about 15 minutes before washing it off. After rubbing the retinol from vitamin A on your red bumps, avoid going out when it is sunny as it can make your skin very photosensitive.

#14. Bathing After Exercise:

It is always important to take a bath after engaging in exercise or other physical activities that make you sweat. This is essential so as to prevent sweat from accumulating on the skin as this could encourage the formation of red bumps on your legs.

#15. Appropriate Diet As A Home Remedy To Get Rid Of Red Bumps On Legs:

In order to improve the health of your skin and also to get rid of red bumps on your legs, you must consider modifying your diet. This is because the food choice you make, has an influence on the skin health. Consuming specific mineral in your regular diet is very effective in treating red bumps and also beneficial in making the skin look and feel real good. Such foods actually provide the skin immunity when they are consumed. A lot of individuals notice significant changes in their skin health after taking appropriate diet within a short span of time. Let us take a look on the diet for getting rid of red bumps on legs.

Foods Rich in Vitamin A:

Vitamin A is useful in treating the bumps on legs. So, it is very much essential for eating foods that are rich in vitamin A. It is because, red bumps can also be caused because of a deficiency in Vitamin A. Consume fruits like strawberries, grapes and vegetables like tomatoes, carrots, etc. Other foods that contain Vitamin A include egg yolk, kidney and liver from pastured chickens and butter and cream from pastured cows. You can also take cod liver oil supplement.

Foods Loaded With Vitamin C:

Lack of Vitamin C can also be responsible for some skin conditions leading to the formation of red bumps on legs. So, you must add foods rich in Vitamin C in your diet so as to help you get rid of the bumps fast. Increase your intake of vitamin C by taking foods like dark green and leafy vegetables, Brussels, broccolis, citrus fruits, kiwi, guava, sprouts, strawberries,etc. along with bell peppers which are all good sources of getting your vitamin C on a regular basis. Fresh herbs like thyme, chives, basil, parsley and cilantro,, etc. are also a great way of getting it in to your regular diet.

Other Diet Consideration:

You should also consume lots of other fresh fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water so as to keep your skin hydrated. Aim at having 8 to 10 glasses of water on a daily basis. Eating nuts, oily fish and other kinds of food rich in Omega 3 fatty acids are also beneficial for your body and can help you get rid of red bumps on your legs.

Apart from the home remedies mentioned above, one can also trying the following to help get rid of red bmps on legs:

Hydrocortisone Cream:

Hydrocortisone cream is one over the counter treatment that you can apply on the skin over to soothe bumps that are itchy. This treatment is generally for 7 days. Apply a small amount of the cream on the bumps and gently massage it on to your skin.

Alpha Hydroxyl Acid:

Alpha Hydroxyl Acids are organic and they are used for exfoliation so as to get rid of the red bumps on legs. The acids under this category are lactic acid, citric acid, malic acid and glycolic acid. They can be used on the skin without any negative effect. For best results, simply massage it on the affected areas and wash it off for about 5 minutes. For those individuals that have very sensitive skin, you should try using 5% alpha hydroxyl acids.


So, these were some of the best home remedies for red bumps on legs. You can try them out and take the best benefits from them. However, do consult with doctor in case you have serious issues of the condition.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 20, 2018

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