Quinoa has earned popularity over the past years among the IBS patients. Quinoa is considered as a good food for IBS because of its content that comprises of phytonutrient and fiber.
You may have already discovered that Quinoa is not a grain but a seed. However, most people use it as grain because of its nutritional value. Quinoa is part of foods referred to as pseudograins. Pseudograins are seeds of non-grass plants also known as broadleaf plants. This seed is also categorized under goosefoot family which makes it closely related to spinach, chard, and beetroot than to other cereals.
It has to be understood clearly that the anti-nutrients of quinoa can cause small holes in your intestine lining if not washed off properly especially if you have IBS.
Otherwise, it has been discovered that besides all the above goodies that comes with consuming Quinoa, it can also cause more harm to your gut if you have IBS or not. This is because our bodies cannot digest Quinoa properly due to the presence of molecules known as saponins found in the protective coating of the seeds.
Is Quinoa Good If You Have IBS?
Quinoa seeds contain soluble fiber which is good for IBS patients. These seeds also possess nine important types of amino acids which provide complete protein, a situation that is unfamiliar with grains. This may be the reason why the Incas community who first grew Quinoa referred to it as “gold” because it provided strength to their warriors.
Quinoa is not a real grain. These are seeds of a plant closely related to chard and spinach. It contains low gluten and a good choice for people who like wheat free foods.
However, it has no any taste close to that of spinach.
In actual fact, Quinoa has unstable flavor that can either be savoury or sweet depending with the type of meal you are preparing. You can eat quinoa with rice or plain as a hot cereal. This product has a lot of minerals especially magnesium and it is easy to digest which makes it best for IBS patients. Quinoa is also referred to as the Queen of grains.
Quinoa can be found in flakes form or as a whole grain, and can also be used in place of oatmeal. There is a new way of cooking quinoa that is easy and will give the best taste. Here is the procedure:
Note: Wash the whole quinoa before cooking it. Only take the amount you want to cook, then put in a bowl and pour in water one inch above quinoa and use my hand to swish the seeds around. Then dump it through a mesh strainer and cook.
- One glass of whole grain dry quinoa (not flakes)
- Two glasses of water (filtered water is the best)
- A pinch of sea salt
- Small well cut (with scissors) pieces of 1 strip of wakame seeds ( but this is optional)
Put the pinch of sea salt in the water and boil in a pot. You can add wakame in it (preferably sushi) to add more taste and minerals to the quinoa.
Add your quinoa in the boiling water and stir to ensure the grains are mixed with water. Allow the water get back to a boiling state.
When the water has boiled again, switch off the cooker and cover the pot with a lid.
Leave it for about 25 minutes and do something else. Within that 25minutes the quinoa will have absorbed the water and you will find it fluffy and light, ready to eat.
- Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health – The Nutrition Source: Whole Grains: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/whole-grains/
- International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders – Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Diet and Treatment: https://www.aboutibs.org/ibs-diet.html
- Celiac Disease Foundation – Quinoa: https://celiac.org/gluten-free-living/gluten-free-foods/diet/whole-grains/quinoa/
- NCBI – Oxalate content of foods and its effect on humans: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16500878/
- Cleveland Clinic – Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9636-irritable-bowel-syndrome-ibs
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