It can be tough being a teenager and it is perfectly normal for you to feel irritable or sad once in a while. But if these feelings do not seem to go away or become difficult to handle, you may be depressed. The good news is that you will not have to feel this way for too long. You have more power than you think and there is help available for you at all times. There are a host of things that you can do to feel better and recover from depression.
As a teenager you may feel like no one is able to understand you. Depression is seen commonly amongst teens and in more numbers than you can imagine. You are not the only teenager suffering and your depression is not a bleak case. Even though you may find the depression can never lift you, it will- only when you take a proper treatment and make healthy lifestyle changes.
Signs and Symptoms of Depression in Teenagers
It is hard to express verbally how it feels to be struck with depression and people experience it in a different way altogether. There are certain problems that depressed teenagers often experience. Signs and symptoms of depression in teenagers include:
- You feel angry, irritable or sad most of the time.
- Nothing seems to amuse you anymore and you are not able to find any point in trying.
- You feel very low about yourself- guilty, worthless or just feel wrong
- You do not sleep enough or tend to sleep a lot
- You have explained headaches that are frequent including other physical issues.
- Anything can make you weep
- You have lost or gained weight all of a sudden without making any attempts for it.
- Loss of concentration and your grades may be affected in a huge way.
- You feel hopeless and helpless
- Suicidal thoughts or thinking of dying.
Teen Depression-What to do if you Feel Like you Cannot Take it Anymore!
If you begin to feel overwhelming or you are unable to find any solution apart from harming others or yourself, it is time for you to seek help instantly for Teen Depression. Asking for help or depending on someone can seek difficult when you are struggling with such emotions. You can call 1-800-273-TALK in the United States, if you find speaking to a stranger much easier. Speaking to someone who listens to you can be comforting. You can visit or IASP, if you are seeking for help outside the United States.
Depression in Teenagers – Coping Tips for Depression and Suicidal Thoughts
The below mentioned coping tips can help depressed teenagers in getting through depression till they are ready to speak about it to someone:
- There is always another way, even if you are not able for find it right now. Most teenagers who have tried committing suicide say that they did so because they felt that there was no other possible solution for the issues they were feeling. During that depressive phase, they could only see death as their way to get out of the situation. Always remember, no matter how terrible you feel, all these sentiments will pass with time.
- During depressive episodes, thinking or bearing thoughts of harming yourself does not make you a bad person. When you are depressed, you may always feel that things are out of character. If you brave enough to speak about yourself, no one will ever condemn or judge you for it.
- While dealing with depression in teenage years, if you cannot control your emotions and want to do something, tell yourself to wait for a day before making any decisions. Doing this can grant you some time to think through all the issues that are troubling your mind and make some time for maintaining distance from such issues. When you take your time off, try talking to people who are supportive to you. Talk to a pal or dial a hotline number when you feel aloof.
- If your thoughts go beyond your control and you feel like out of control, make sure that someone is with you at those times. Even if you cannot speak about your issues verbally, hang out with the friends as well as family members to stay away from any kind of danger.
Try not to do anything that can cause permanent damage or prove to be fatal for you as well as others. Above all, remember that suicide is a permanent solution to a worthless and temporary problem. There is help available if you ask for it. So, be sure to take the first leap and ask for it.
Coping Tip #1 For Depression in Teenager: Seeking Help is the Bravest Thing to do for a Depressed Teenager
You may feel like your parents will not understand the problems especially when they are constantly nagging or angry about the way you behave. Your parents may be frustrated because they are unable to figure out what is wrong or have no idea to grant some help.
Most parents are yet unaware about depression, so they may not be able to identify it in their teenagers. Therefore, you should try to educate them via the information that is available online on various web portals. Letting your parents know about the depression will motivate them to give you all the help you wish to get from them.
If your parents are offensive or have certain issues to handle that deprives them from caring for you, try finding another adult on whom you can lean on. This person can help in approaching towards your parents or help you in finding all the support you need.
Talk to someone about the thoughts that are troubling you. Seeking help is the bravest thing to do and it is also the very first thing you can do for getting means of recovery.
Coping Tip #2 For Depression in Teenager: It is Important to Share and Accept Your Feelings
You may find it hard to speak about the way you are feeling especially when you are feeling worthless, depressed, ashamed or hopeless.
It is imperative to remember that each person struggles with similar feelings some day or the other. If you have encountered such feelings, then it does not make you flawed, weak or hopeless. Accepting the emotions or your feelings and speaking about them boldly will help you in feeling less lonely.
No matter how you feel, people love you and they care for you. If you can gather all your courage to speak about depression, it will surely be resolved. Some people are of a notion that speaking about the sad feelings can worsen them but this is not at all true. In fact, when you speak about them to some other person who is good listener, you will eventually feel better.
Techniques for Recovery from Depression in Teenagers
It is not the teenager’s fault that they are depressed and it was not caused by their deeds. Nevertheless, it is important to have some control to feel better in the long run. Staying in connection with your friends as well as family members can be of great help in keeping your stress levels under control.
Along with it, be sure to take medication and therapy to feel better in the long run. Look into all the other treatment options with your parents. If you are on some medications, try to do some research about it as the antidepressants, which are prescribed for adults may not work for teens. The following techniques will help in the process of recovery from depression:
In Order to Recover from Teenage Depression, do not Isolate Yourself
By surrounding yourself with friends and family members all the time, teenagers will be able to recover quickly from depression. When you are depressed, you may not have the feeling to see anybody or do anything. Isolating from social affairs will only make the depression worse. You may eventually feel better when you begin socializing with others.
Spend some time with your friends, especially with the ones that are upbeat, active and make you feel better about yourself. Avoid spending time with those kids who are into drugs and alcohol or make you feel insecure about yourself. It is also a better idea to limit the time you devote to internet surfing or playing games.
Keep your Body Healthy is a Great Way for Teenagers to Recover from Depression
By keeping yourself fit and healthy, you will be able to recover from depression sooner than you think. Your mood can boost in an outstanding way when you make lifestyle changes that are healthy. Exercising and following a regular diet can be of great help in relieving depression. When you exercise, endorphins or feel good hormones are released that can make you happier. Exercise has proven to be as effective as medication and therapy, so engage yourself in riding bike, playing your favorite sport and dancing. As long as you are active, any activity will work.
As far as food is concerned, try to maintain a healthy diet. Following an improper diet can make you feel tired and sluggish that often worsens the feelings of depression. Minerals like B-vitamins and iron along with other vitamins are needed to keep your body healthy. Make sure to eat a lot of whole grains, fruits as well as vegetables. Speak to your doctor, nurse or parents about making your diet nutritious.
Teenagers Should Avoid Alcohol and Drugs at Any Cost to Recover Quickly from Depression
Keep distance from drugs and alcohol, as they will surely cause more harm to teenagers with depression. Avoiding when you feel low, chances are that you may choose to drink or take drugs as an act of escapism. You are constantly looking to boost your mood even for a little time. Substance not only worsens depression but also causes depression. Drug and alcohol use can increase suicidal thoughts as well as feelings. In other words, taking drugs and consuming alcohol will not make you feel better in the future.
If you have an addiction for drugs or alcohol, try to ask for help. You will need special attention and treatment to treat this problem other than relieving depression.
Look for Ways to Reduce Stress and Worry in Order to Recover from Teenage Depression
Chronic stress can be a root cause for depression, finding ways to reduce stress can help a teenager recover from depression. Worry and stress can take a bigger piece of your sound mind, which will lead you to depression. Speak about it to your counselor or teacher if sitting in the class seems overwhelming. If you cannot tell your parents about the health concerns, try seeking the help of a doctor. A physician may approach your parents and guide in seeking the right treatment.
If you are facing any troubles in friendship, family or any other relationship, speak about it to an adult whom you trust. Your college may have a counselor who can help you or ask your parents to visit a therapist asking for your treatment.
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