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Truths and Myths Of ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can affect children, teenagers and even adults. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is diagnosed as a mental disorder that affects children. ADHD victims may be hyperactive. They may also have no control over their impulses and could also have problems paying attention.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) will affect the school life of children. However, not everything published about ADHD could be true. There is certain truth behind the “facts” of ADHD. There are certain myths also associated with ADHD.

More boys than girls are affected by ADHD. It usually comes to the fore during the early school years. This is the time when children begin to have difficulty paying attention.

When ADHD affects adults, they could have difficulty managing time, organizing, setting goals, and even performing their job. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) disorder can also affect relationships, addiction and self-esteem.[1]

What are Some of the Main Truths About ADHD?

There are some important truths about ADHD that you should be aware about:

The Truth: ADHD Is All Too Real

All psychological, educational medical organizations in the United States have said that ADHD is a real, brain-based medical disorder. The same organizations have also concluded that children and adults suffering from ADHD can benefit from proper treatment.

The Truth: ADHD is Non-Discriminatory

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can best be termed as a non-discriminatory disorder that affects people belonging to different ages, genders and socio-economic backgrounds. Boys suffer more from ADHD as opposed to girls. The difference lies in the fact that some patient will suffer from hyperactivity while some don’t.

The Truth: Diagnosing ADHD is Complex

For a person to be diagnosed with ADHD, they have to exhibit a number of symptoms for close to six months. The diagnostic process of ADHD is also complicated considering a majority of the symptoms resemble extreme forms of normal behavior. The ADHD symptoms are usually excessive and persistent. Behaviors become more extreme and are manifested throughout life of the ADHD patient. Tests will not be able to confirm if a person is suffering from ADHD. Diagnosticians depend on tools, including a person’s behavior and environment, for a proper diagnosis of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

The Truth: No One Can Be Blamed for ADHD

ADHD is not the result of moral failure, family problems or schools, food allergies, or excess sugar. Research suggests that ADHD is highly genetic and is brain-based. Some of the causes of ADHD include gender, prenatal risks and environmental toxins, among other reasons.

The Truth: Other Mental Conditions Can Occur Along with ADHD

It should be noted that around 30% of children and around 26-40% of adults with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) usually suffer from anxiety disorder too. Experts are also of the opinion that about 70% of people with ADHD will also receive treatment for depression. Sleep disorders also affect ADHD patients.

The Truth: ADHD Treatment in Multi-Faceted

Current treatments work to reduce ADHD symptoms while also improving functioning. Some of the treatments for ADHD include: medication, psychotherapy, education or training, in addition to educational support. A person suffering from ADHD usually benefits from a combination of treatments.[2]

What are the Myths About ADHD?

Although there are truths about the ADHD, there are certain myths that should be dispelled too.

The Myth: ADHD is Not a Medical Condition

ADHD is not a medical condition is the biggest myth of all. In fact, ADHD can be best termed as a medical disorder, and it would be inaccurate if called a condition of the child’s will and behavior. It should also be noted that a child with ADHD does not make a conscious decision to misbehave.

The Myth: ADHD is Caused by Bad Parenting

ADHD disorder is not caused by bad parenting. But, it should be noted that good parenting techniques can help improve symptoms of ADHD and can also make things worse.

The Myth: ADHD is a Life Sentence

Although ADHD symptoms usually continue till adulthood, there are ways one can cope with the symptoms of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). People suffering from ADHD tend to have good energy, can be creative, and can achieve more than what other people are capable of and are definitely be able to live a happy life.

The Myth: Children Who Take ADHD Medicine Will Abuse Drugs Later

One of the biggest myths regarding ADHD is that children taking ADHD medication will abuse drugs later on. In fact, children who are on ADHD medication will be less likely to abuse drugs as adults. If ADHD is not treated, it then increases the chance of an individual abusing drugs or alcohol. Sticking to the right ADHD treatment will help in the long run.

The medication taken for ADHD is safe and effective over a prolonged period of time. These drugs do not necessarily “cure” ADHD, but they are effective in helping ease symptoms of the ADHD disorder. The medication does not turn children in drug addicts.

The Myth: ADHD Patients are “Good-For-Nothing”

Studies suggest that children and adults suffering from ADHD have above-average intelligence. ADHD patients are not lazy and worthless. In fact, there are a number of people who have achieved monumental success despite suffering from ADHD. Some of these people have gone done in history as masters of their craft, including Mozart, Benjamin Franklin, George Bernard Shaw, Salvador Dali and Abraham Lincoln.

The Myth: Only Boys are Affected by ADHD

Despite the notion that only boys are affected by ADHD, it is not true. Girls are also likely to suffer from ADHD just like boys. Gender does not make a difference in the symptoms that lead to the ADHD disorder. However, it is true that ADHD is more prevalent among boys than girls.

The Myth: Children ADHD to Their Advantage

Children do not, and cannot, fake ADHD symptoms, as it is a disability. Children affected by ADHD are faced with the task of having to deal with the ADHD symptoms, which include inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. This causes them to have quite a few difficulties in life. Therefore, it is unfair to assume that children use the ADHD disorder as a way to get an advantage in society and this myth regarding ADHD should be dispelled.[3] [4]


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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:June 8, 2022

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