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Can You Feel Pregnancy Symptoms At 2 Weeks?

Pregnancy is calculated from the first day of your last menstrual cycle. And total pregnancy is of 40 weeks. Hence, if you are under the impression that you conceived about two weeks ago, you might actually be four or even five weeks pregnant.

Considering this, 2 weeks pregnancy means you are in the second week of your recent menstrual cycle. That means, you are probably not pregnant yet or maybe just pregnant. If you are in the second week of the cycle, you probably cannot feel any pregnancy signs or symptoms, but that is because you are simply not pregnant yet.

Can You Feel Pregnancy Symptoms At 2 Weeks?

Can You Feel Pregnancy Symptoms At 2 Weeks?

At 2 weeks of pregnancy, you are probably ovulating or going to be ovulating within a day or two. This is the period when you will be able to conceive or get pregnant. It is advisable to watch out for any ovulation signs and then time the sex according to your ovulation period to have the best shot at conception. Some of the signs of ovulation may include-

Cervical Mucus-

Around ovulation, the cervical mucus becomes clear, thin and stringy. It just resembles egg whites

This consistency of the mucus provides a favorable passage for the sperms to travel up to the egg

Improved Sense Of Smell-

Exactly! This is nature’s way to help you smell the pheromones and attempt to procreate

Hormones are responsible for this as they improve your ability to smell different scents which may be otherwise unnoticeable

Sore Or Tender Breasts-

Your breasts may feel slightly sore or tender to touch

Hormones are responsible for these changes


This is a phenomenon which happens around or during your ovulation period

As your ovary releases an egg, there may be a slight twinge or pain in your pelvic region, especially at one side-the side that releases the egg. You are probably ovulating from ovary on that side.


A light spot of blood red or brown on your undergarments may be suggestive of ovulation, as it may happen due to the follicle that ruptures

However, if it is more than just spotting or if it is actual bleeding, it might be something else and it is advisable that you see your doctor immediately, without wasting any more time

Increase In Sex Drive-

This may happen if you know you are ovulating, and you want to get conceived

Your sex desire may suddenly increase in such a case

Cervical Changes-

If cervix is observed routinely, you may see that it becomes softer, higher and more open at the time of ovulation

Those women who want to conceive even do an ovulation test to know the exact time when they may be at their most fertile period

A good shot at conceiving is to have sex every alternate day from the end of the second week of your recent cycle to the beginning of the third week, or around 12th day to 16th day of your recent menstrual cycle

At 2 weeks pregnant, there will not be many signs and symptoms to tell you for sure about your pregnancy

In fact, there are not enough pregnancy hormones in your body to start showing you signs or symptoms

This usually happens around the 4th week of pregnancy which is also probably the time when you will miss your next period

Around the 4th week the hormones are high enough to give you indication about your pregnancy

Some women, however, may start experiencing some signs and symptoms well before the fourth week

These may include light spotting, frequency in urination, sore and tender breasts, darker areolas, extreme tiredness or exhaustion, bloating and morning sickness.


Most women cannot feel any pregnancy symptoms at 2 weeks. This is because there are simply not enough hormones to influence these changes yet. Some women, however, may experience early signs and symptoms at around 3 to 4 weeks.


  1. Mayo Clinic. (2021). Ovulation signs: What to look for. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/getting-pregnant/expert-answers/ovulation-signs/faq-20425225
  2. American Pregnancy Association. (2021). Pregnancy Symptoms – Early Signs of Pregnancy. https://americanpregnancy.org/getting-pregnant/early-pregnancy-symptoms/
  3. Office on Women’s Health. (2019). Pregnancy: Ovulation and fertility. https://www.womenshealth.gov/pregnancy/you-get-pregnant/pregnancy-ovulation-and-fertility
  4. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. (2019). How Your Fetus Grows During Pregnancy. https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/how-your-fetus-grows-during-pregnancy

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:January 16, 2024

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