Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Or Gestational Hypertension: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention

Pregnancy Induced Hypertension or Gestational Hypertension– This is a medical condition in females in which there is observation of persistent high blood pressure after approximately 20 weeks into pregnancy resulting in variety of symptoms and complications during pregnancy.

What Is Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Or Gestational Hypertension?

Pregnancy Induced Hypertension, which is also known by the name of Gestational Hypertension, is a medical condition in which there is persistent high blood pressure at the time of pregnancy. Pregnancy Induced Hypertension or Gestational Hypertension can cause a potentially serious medical condition called Preeclampsia. Around 10% of pregnant females suffer from Pregnancy Induced Hypertension or Gestational Hypertension.

Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Or Gestational Hypertension

Who Is At Risk For Developing Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Or Gestational Hypertension?

The Following Individuals Are At Increased Risk For Developing Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Or Gestational Hypertension:

  • First pregnancy
  • Females with siblings or mother affected with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension or Gestational Hypertension
  • Females with more than one baby
  • Females of the age group 20-40
  • Females with a history of hypertension or renal dysfunction prior to pregnancy

Symptoms Of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Or Gestational Hypertension

Diagnosis of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension or Gestational Hypertension

In case if a pregnant female has the above mentioned symptoms, then the physician may order blood tests to look for proteinuria and other abnormal results. If there is a suspicion of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension or Gestational Hypertension, then a non-stress test may be done to observe the heart rate of the baby.

Treatment For Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Or Gestational Hypertension

Treatment of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension or Gestational Hypertension is dependent on the date of delivery. If the delivery date is pretty close and the development of the baby is normal then an earlier delivery can be considered. In case of the baby has not fully developed then the following treatments can be done:

  • Adequate rest making sure to lie on the left side to take pressure off of major blood vessels due to the fetus
  • Increased frequency of prenatal checkup
  • Salt restriction
  • Increased water consumption

Prevention Of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Or Gestational Hypertension

At present, there is no clear cut way to prevent hypertension except adequate diet and exercise. Some preventive measures for Pregnancy Induced Hypertension or Gestational Hypertension are:

  • Using minimum salt if possible
  • Adequate water consumption
  • Increased protein intake
  • Taking adequate rest
  • Regular exercise
  • Strict avoidance of alcohol
  • Avoiding caffeine intake.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 2, 2021

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