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Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi): Cognitive Benefits, Stress Reduction, and More

  1.  Introduction

    1. What is Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi)?

      Bacopa monnieri, commonly known as Brahmi is a perennial herb that is native to wetlands and marshy areas of India, Southeast Asia, and other regions of tropical and subtropical climate (1). It is a key ingredient in traditional Ayurvedic medications, where it has been used for centuries for supporting cognitive health and treating various ailments (2).

      Brahmi is known for its potential cognitive-enhancing effects, including improving memory, learning capacity, and mental clarity. It also is known to possess neuroprotective, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties, indicating potential benefits for neurological health and overall well-being.

      Despite having a long history of traditional use, modern scientific research has been increasingly exploring its potential advantages, making it a subject of interest in the field of natural medicine.

    2. Historical Context and Traditional Use of Ayurvedic Medicine

      Bacopa monnieri holds a rich historical context and has been a significant herb in traditional healing practices. It is considered one of the oldest and most revered herbs in Ayurveda. Charak Samhita and Sushruta Samhita, ancient Ayurvedic text mentions its role in enhancing cognitive function, promoting longevity, and as a remedy for various ailments.

      Brahmi has a strong foundation in traditional Ayurvedic practices and is important to note that in modern times its usage should be guided by healthcare professionals, particularly those with specific health conditions or those taking other medications.

    3. Importance of Studying Potential Advantages of Bacopa Monnieri

      Studying the potential advantages of Bacopa monnieri is important for several reasons, including: 

      • Having an understanding of the scientific basis behind the traditional use of Brahmi in Ayurvedic medicine helps validate the wisdom of ancient healing practices and can lead to the development of evidence-based natural remedies.
      • Cognitive health is of paramount importance in the aging population. Investigating the effects of Brahmi on memory, learning, and neuroprotection holds promise in addressing age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
      • Research on Brahmi’s adaptogenic and anxiolytic properties provides potential solutions for stress-related disorders.
      • Research can offer Brahmi as an alternative to synthetic drugs that may be causing side effects or dependencies.
      • Global trend towards holistic health, wellness, and preventive medicine has led to increased interest in herbal supplements and traditional remedies.
      • If research substantiates the advantages of Brahmi, it could have a positive impact on public health.
      • The active compound present in Brahmi known as bacosides, may serve as a basis for the development of new pharmaceuticals.

      Studying the advantages of Bacopa monnieri is pivotal for integrating traditional wisdom with modern science, promoting holistic healthcare, and offering viable solutions for a range of health concerns in an increasingly health-conscious global community.

  2. Advantages of Bacopa Monnieri

    1. Cognitive Enhancement

      Cognitive enhancement or augmentation of cognitive functions including memory, attention, learning, problem-solving, and decision-making.

      Bacopa monnieri has shown promising potential in enhancing brain function. A study done on mice showed supplementing with Bacopa monnieri improved spatial learning and the ability to retain information (3). It also found that it increased dendritic length and branching. Dendrites are the parts of nerve cells that are linked to learning and memory.

      Another study was done on 60-year-old adults for 12 weeks. They were given 300 mg and 600 mg of bacopa monnieri daily. It was found to improve memory, attention, and ability to process information (5).

      One more study was done on 46 healthy adults who were given 300mg of Bacopa monnieri daily for 12 weeks. It significantly improved the speed of processing visual information, learning rate, and memory (4).

    2. Stress Reduction and Anxiety Management

      Bacopa can be helpful in reducing stress and anxiety. It is considered an adaptogenic herb, which means it increases the resistance of the body to stress (5).

      Bacopa monnieri can be helpful in reducing stress and anxiety by elevating mood and reducing levels of cortisol, a hormone that is closely linked to stress levels (6).

      A rodent study showed Bacopa monnieri has anti-anxiety effects comparable to those of lorazepam, which is a prescription medication used for the treatment of anxiety (7).

      However, studies done on humans show mixed results. A 12-week human study found that taking 300 mg of Bacopa monnieri daily significantly reduced anxiety and depression scores in adults (4). Another recent study found taking 500 mg of Bacopa monnieri twice daily for 4 weeks reduced depression, anxiety, and stress (8).

    3. Mood Regulation

      Bacopa monnieri has mood regulation properties. It modulates serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is known to be associated with mood regulation. An imbalance in serotonin levels is linked with mood disorders like depression and anxiety.

      Research suggested that Brahmi has antidepressant-like effects (10).

      Brahmi has neuroprotective properties and plays a role in mood regulation. By addressing both cognitive function and mood regulation it provides a holistic approach to mental well-being.

      Brahmi may offer potential mood-regulating benefits, but it is not a substitute for professional mental health treatment. Those experiencing mood disorders should seek medical guidance and treatment from a qualified healthcare professional.

    4. Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Effects

      Inflammation is the natural response of the body to help heal and fight disease. Low levels of inflammation are linked with many chronic conditions, which include diabetes and heart and kidney disease.

      Bacopa monnieri showed to suppress the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, in test-tube studies (11). In the test tube studies, it also inhibited enzymes such as cyclooxygenases, caspases, and lipoxygenases that play key roles in inflammation and pain (12).

      In animal studies, Bacopa monnieri has shown to possess anti-inflammatory effects comparable to diclofenac and indomethacin, two anti-inflammatories used in the treatment of inflammation (13).

      Antioxidants are the substances that play the role of protecting against cell damage. Bacopa monnieri has shown to neutralize free radicals and prevent fat molecules from reacting to free radicals (14).

      On reacting with free radicles, fat molecules undergo a process called lipid peroxidation that is linked to several conditions including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other neurodegenerative disorders (15).

      A study done on rats showed that treating dementia with Bacopa monnieri reduced free radicles and reversed signs of memory impairment (16). More studies are needed to understand the effect of Bacopa monnieri on neurodegenerative disease.

    5. Reduces the Symptoms of ADHD

      ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder that includes the following symptoms:

      • Hyperactivity
      • Impulsivity
      • Inattentiveness

      A study done on 31 children aged 6-12 years found that on taking 225 mg of Bacopa monnieri, the symptoms of ADHD including restlessness, poor self-control, inattentiveness, and impulsivity reduced significantly in 85% of children (17).

      One more study done on 112 males of 6-14 years with ADHD found cognitive, sleep, and mood benefits in those taking Bacopa monnieri, but there were no behavioral outcomes (18).

    6. May have Anticancer Properties

      Various test-tube and animal studies show that Bacopa monnieri may have anticancer properties.

      In a test tube study, it was shown that active compounds known as Bacosides present in Bacopa monnieri kill the aggressive brain tumor cells and inhibit the growth of breast, brain, and colon cancer (19, 20).

      Also, another study showed Bacopa monnieri induced breast cancer cell death in animals (21).

  3. Side Effects of Bacopa Monnieri

    Bacopa monnieri is generally considered safe when it is used as directed by an expert. Individual reactions may vary, which is why consulting a healthcare professional is important before starting any new supplement.

    Some of the side effects of Bacopa monnieri include:

    • Digestive symptoms include nausea, stomach cramps, and diarrhea (22). These symptoms are usually mild and may subside after a short period.
    • The safety of Bacopa monnieri for pregnant and breastfeeding females has not yet been assessed. Therefore, it is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding females (23).
    • Bacopa monnieri may interact with certain medications including amitriptyline. Before starting it, consulting a healthcare provider is important, particularly for those taking medication for any chronic disease (24).
  4. How to Take Bacopa Monnieri

    The dosage of Bacopa monnieri may range from 300-450 mg per day (25). The dose recommendation may vary widely depending on the product of purchase. Speaking with a healthcare professional is important regarding any question related to the dosage.

    It is available in the form of capsules, tablets, extracts, and dried herbs or tea.

    The individual responses to supplements may vary. Therefore, using them with caution is important. One can start with the lowest dose and gradually increase it to avoid any unnecessary side effects.

  5. Conclusion

    Bacopa monnieri or Brahmi is an herb with a history of traditional use. It is known for enhancing the cognitive function. Generally considered safe, it can lead to some side effects including digestive issues, dry mouth, and nausea. It is therefore important to consult a healthcare professional before starting Brahmi or any other new supplement.

    When taking Bacopa it is important to follow the recommended dosage. It is available in capsules, extract, or dried leaves and the type can be chosen completely on preference and product availability.

    The result of the benefits of Bacopa monnieri may take several weeks to become noticeable. Both positive and negative changes should be monitored to assess their effectiveness.

    Bacopa monnieri can be a valuable addition to a holistic approach to cognitive health but should be used responsibly under the guidance of a healthcare provider. The expertise can help tailor the use of Bacopa to specific needs and circumstances.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:October 24, 2023

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