Benefits of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is generally a relaxation technique, though it is also known to have several health benefits to mankind. In this current article we will talk about some of the best known benefits of aromatherapy. Hope this would be a beneficial read for you.

Benefits of Aromatherapy

Benefits of Aromatherapy:

  1. Benefits of Aromatherapy in Relieving Stress:

    Aromatherapy is known to have its beneficial effects in relieving stress. It is known that the aromatic compounds found in many essential oils are known as relaxants and can aid to soothe your mind as well as eliminate unnecessary stress or anxiety. Lemon oil, bergamont, peppermint, lavender oil, vetiver and ylang ylang are some of the essential oils known for stress relief. ` There are specific studies which shows that lemon oil can enhance mood and reduce outburst of anger.

  2. Benefits of Aromatherapy in Reducing Anxiety:

    Rose, lavender, Frankincense, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang etc. are known to reduce anxiety with their calming aromas. There was a study conducted by the Iran University of Medical Scinces to compare the effects of aromatherapy from rose oil inhalation and footbath for pregnant women who were near to delivering their first baby. It was found that during pregnancy, women who were exposed to the aromatherapy reported lower levels of stress as compared to the women who were not exposed to the rose oil aroma.

  3. Benefits of Aromatherapy in Reducing Depression:

    Aromatherapy is also known to be commonly used to eliminate feelings of depression. Most specialists suggest chamomile, peppermint, lavender and jasmine oil in terms of best essential oils for reducing depression. Though it may be true that aromatherapy may benefit in fighting against depression, one must continue with the expert psychological help and counselling along with the best medical treatments for the same.

  4. Benefits of Aromatherapy in Relieving from Headaches:

    Headaches can be common to everyone. They sometimes stop us dead in our path. One can go for aromatherapy for best solutions to current headaches. Some of the best known essential oils for headaches include peppermint, sandalwood, eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils. For relieving from the headache you can mix the essential oils in a carrier oil and spread that oil on to your scalp, temples and neck. Almond oil, coconut oil, apricot kernel, avocado oil etc are some of the best carrier oils for headaches.

  5. Aromatherapy Benefits in Improving Memory:

    Alzheimer’s disease is one of the incurable diseases which though may not be cure, can be reduced or slowed down the progress. Aromatherapy has often been known to treat Alzheimer’s diseases and dementia. There have been studies which showed the efficacy of aromatherapy on younger patients in enhancing their memory capacity for a certain amount of time after the treatment. The most commonly recommended oil for this type of memory enhancing effect is Sage oil.

    It is also found from a study conducted by the Department of Neurology by the Oregon Health and Science University that aromatherapy using lavender oil benefitted cognitive performance and subjective stress significantly.

  6. Aromatherapy Aids in Inducing Sleep:

    It is also known that aromatherapy helps in inducing sleep. Lavender oil, Frankincense, Marjoram, Chamomile oil, Clary sage oil, bergamot and valerian root etc. are known to be beneficial in inducing sleep.

  7. Benefits of Aromatherapy in Strengthening Immune System:

    One study conducted by the Medical University of Lodz has found that clary sage was effective against staphylococcus aureus because of the natural antimicrobial properties found in it. Tea tree oil is also most commonly used as an effective treatment against any skin problems such as rash or irritation caused by insect bites. Eucalyptus oil has been found to have antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

  8. Other Benefits of Aromatherapy:

    Among various other benefits of aromatherapy are the benefits for enhancing energy levels, benefits in circulation, digestion etc.

    • Cardamom, black pepper, cinnamon, angelica, jasmine, tea tree oil, sage oil etc are some of the most essential oils that provide you with energy boost.
    • Ginger, thyme, black pepper oil, rosemary oil etc are known to improve blood circulation.
    • As stimulants many essential oils can aid in increasing the rate of healing all throughout the body. Nutmeg oil can alleviate chronic inflammatory pain caused due to cancer and diabetes.
    • Peppermint oil is known to be effective in reducing nausea.


Thus there are some crucial benefits of aromatherapy which makes it a great alternative therapy accepted by many people.

Though there are benefits of aromatherapy one must consult with his or her doctor before making use of it for any condition.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 7, 2017

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