A sting from a Fire Ant can be extremely painful albeit for a few seconds to minutes. A fire ant sting can cost you a good outing with your family if you are not careful enough and invade into a fire ant colony. A fire Ant Sting causes pain almost immediately and may be so severe that you may feel miserable for a few seconds. This is then accompanied by swelling in some cases.
It should be noted that a single fire ant does not attack. An individual is always attacked by a group of fire ants always. Once bitten by a fire ant, the individual will feel the affected skin to be itchy and will have a burning sensation. This sensation may be mild or intense depending on the severity of the bite.
In some cases Fire Ant Stings may cause swelling, skin bumps or lesions filled with pus. There may also be erythema surrounding the lesions. These symptoms of fire ant stings may last for a few hours if the individual is lucky, or may persist for a few days.
Immediate medical attention is required for those individuals who have a known allergy to Fire Ant venom to prevent any serious allergic reaction. Some of the symptoms of an allergic reaction to fire ant stings are problems with breathing, dysphagia, nausea, and dizziness which need prompt treatment.
For people who do not have such problems, there are certain home remedies which are quite useful in getting rid of the symptoms of fire ant stings. This article gives an overview of some of the Home Remedies for Fire Ant Stings.
Home Remedies for Fire Ant Stings
Some of the home remedies for Fire Ant Stings are:
Cold Compresses
Applying ice to the affected area is extremely beneficial as it calms down the inflammation and swelling and reduces pain caused by Fire Ant Stings. You need to wrap some ice cubes in a towel and wrap the towel around the affected area for 15-20 minutes.
Doing it two to three times is good enough to get rid of symptoms of Fire Ant Stings. It should be noted here that ice should not be applied directly on the skin as it may result in development of blisters.
Apple Cider Vinegar
This is also quite an effective Home Remedy for Fire Ant Stings. It not only reduces inflammation but also helps in decreasing pain and swelling caused due to Fire Ant Stings. It also helps you get rid of the itching that is caused by Fire Ant Stings.
You need to apply raw Apple Cider Vinegar directly on the affected area using a cotton ball dipped in the solution. Let the solution remain there for about half an hour and then rinse the areas with cool water.
Repeat the process again after a couple of hours for added benefit. For people with sensitive skin it is recommended to mix Apple Cider Vinegar with some water before applying it on to the skin.
Baking Soda
Application of baking soda helps takes care of the itching caused by Fire Ant Stings and also decreases the erythema caused by it thus making it a useful home remedy for fire ant stings. It also helps in decreasing the effect of the venom of the fire ants by neutralizing them which reduces the chances of an infection developing quite significantly.
Mix some baking soda in water to make a thick paste. Apply this paste on the affected area. Leave the paste on for about 15 minutes and then wash the area with warm water. If the relief is limited then you can repeat the process after a couple of hours until complete relief is achieved from the symptoms of Fire Ant Stings.
Witch Hazel
Another effective natural home remedy to get rid of symptoms of fire ant stings is the use of witch hazel. It provides relief from itching and swelling caused due to Fire Ant Stings. Dip a cotton ball on Witch Hazel and apply it on to the affected area several times a day till you get relief from the symptoms of Fire Ant Stings.
Raw Honey is also quite an effective Home Remedy for Fire Ant Stings. The moisturizing property of raw honey works wonders to provide relief from Fire Ant Stings. It not only soothes the skin but also reduces the itching and swelling caused by Fire Ant Stings.
All you need to do is apply some raw honey to the affected area. Leave the honey in pl-ace for about half an hour and then rinse with cool water. This process can be repeated multiple times till you get complete relief from Fire Ant Stings.
Turmeric is known to be a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent and can help soothe the fire ant sting naturally. All you need to do is sprinkle some turmeric powder on the affected area to speed up the healing process. You can even apply a paste of turmeric powder and water on the sting area.