Keloid is the name given to elevated scars that form on the surface of the skin as a result of some abrasions or injury which results in development of scar or fibrous tissue as the wound heals.
Sometimes, there is excess growth of fibrous tissue which causes the scars to become slightly elevated resulting in what we call as Keloids. Keloids usually are harmless but look quite unsightly and this is the main reason why people go to dermatologist to get rid of these Keloids.
The dermatologist may recommend some surgical as well as nonsurgical approaches to treat Keloids like laser treatments and the like but most of us are not aware that there are some Home Remedies which can help you get rid of Keloids. This article gives some of the simplest and best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Keloids.
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Keloids
Some of the Home Remedies to Get Rid of Keloids are:
Apple Cider Vinegar
This is a Home Remedy which is useful for many skin infections due to its antimicrobial and antiinflammatory properties. It is also quite effective in Getting Rid of Keloids as it reduces the size of the keloid as well as takes care of the erythema which accompanies the keloids on the surface of the skin.
You need to take a table spoon of Apple Cider Vinegar and apply it directly on the scar. Now, gently massage the area of the scar until the whole of the Apple Cider Vinegar is absorbed into the skin.
Let the area dry up on its own. Repeat this process several times in a day for about a couple of weeks and then you will definitely see a change in the size and shape of the Keloids with the Keloids diminishing and eventually going away.
Aloe Vera Gel
This is yet another effective Home Remedy to Get Rid of Keloids. Aloe Vera has properties which are extremely effective for skin infections and disorders apart from being an excellent home remedy for hair falls. Aloe Vera helps the skin get back its lost glossiness and facilitates regeneration of the skin cells and thus is an effective Home Remedy to Get Rid of Keloids.
Clean the area of the keloid thoroughly. Now apply Aloe Vera Gel directly on the scar and let the gel remain there for a few hours. After all the gel has been absorbed on the skin repeat the process. This needs to be done for a few weeks and you will eventually be able to get rid of Keloids.
Baking Soda
This is also a very beneficial home remedy to get rid of keloids. Baking Soda helps to get rid of dead skin cells and also cleans the skin and thus helps the skin get rid of keloids. All you need to do is mix some baking soda with hydrogen peroxide so that a paste of formed.
Apply the paste directly on the Keloid and let it remain there for some time. Wash the area and once it is dry, repeat the process several times in a day. This process needs to be done for a few weeks and eventually you will get rid of the Keloid.
Gentle Massage
A simple thing like a gentle massage on the keloid can also help you get rid of them. All you need to do is gently massage the area of the keloid. This will promote blood circulation and help remove the dead cells. Doing this for a few days will help you immensely to get rid of keloids naturally. You can also use coconut oil for massaging the area of the keloids.
Lemon Juice
This is also quite an effective home remedy to get rid of keloids. Lemon Juice has a lot of properties which are extremely good for skin conditioning. It is also quite helpful in getting rid of keloids due to the presence of vitamin C which is extremely essential for a healthy skin.
Lemon also is a powerful antioxidant and helps a great deal in reducing the size of the keloids and also prevents further development of keloids. Thus it is quite an effective home and natural remedy to get rid of keloids. All you need to do is take a lemon and extract all the juice from it and apply it on the keloid directly. After some time wash the area with warm water. Repeat the process for a few days and eventually you will get rid of keloids naturally.
Honey due to its properties is an extremely useful home remedy for many conditions and can be useful in getting rid of keloids as well. Honey is a natural skin moisturizer and is a perfect solution for many skin related conditions including Keloids. All you need to do is take some honey and apply it on the area of the Keloids. Now, gently massage the area. Do this about three times every day and eventually you will Get Rid of Keloids.
Sandalwood is also a very good Home Remedy to Get Rid of Keloids. Sandalwood is extremely good for the skin. It has properties which cleanse and tone the skin. Sandalwood powder when mixed with rose water can be extremely beneficial in getting rid of keloids. You just need to take some sandalwood powder and mix it in rose water to form a paste. Now apply the paste on the keloid and allow it to dry. Keep applying the paste several times a day for a few weeks and you will get rid of keloids naturally.
Garlic can help to get rid of keloids as it is extremely good for the skin but some people prefer not to use Garlic as a remedy because of its distinct smell. In case if you want to use garlic to get rid of keloids then you can use garlic oil and place it on the scar. Leave the oil in place for a few minutes. Wash the area thoroughly. Repeat this process for a few days and you will eventually get rid of keloids naturally.
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