Alternative Treatment For Mood Disorders

Mood disorders belong to the category of diseases or illnesses, which mention severe changes in the mood of individuals. As the name highlights, mood of an individual involves the prime underlying feature associated with the condition.

Groups Of Mood Disorders

Mood disorders come under few of the basic groups related to elevated mood of an individual. These include-

  • Hypomania or mania
  • Depressed mood, most of which are major depressive disorder
  • Moods cycle between depression and mania, known commonly as manic depression or bipolar disorder

Alternative Treatment For Mood Disorders

Most of the research studies conducted on individuals suffering from mood disorders, especially bipolar disorders have reported that usage of alternative treatment options have succeeded to boost the condition of patients at a relatively faster pace. These options include-

Fish And Fish Oil. Fish and fish oil act as common sources of primary types of omega-3 fatty acids named eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. Both of the mentioned fatty acids are able to affect your brain chemicals related to mood disorders and can be used as a good alternative treatment. Bipolar disorder problem thus becomes relatively less in areas, where individuals consume fish oil as well as fish. In addition, Omega3 fatty acids are able to reduce aggression and irritability, maintain the stability of one’s mood, reduce the symptoms related to depression and bring significant improvement in the functions performed by the human brain.

S-adenosylmethionine Supplement Substance. S-adenosylmethionine substance in supplement form takes place naturally in the human body and it is beneficial to deal with the problem of depression. As a supplement of amino acid, it has proved to be effective to cure mood disorder.

Rhodiola Rosea. Also known as golden root or arctic root, Rhodiola Rosea is helpful as an alternative treatment for depression from its mild form to moderate one.

Choline. Choline is a water-soluble type of vitamin and it is effective to deal with mania and rapid form of bipolar disorder symptoms in individuals. Latest study conducted on six individuals suffering from rapid cycling bipolar disorder has revealed that patients received choline on a daily basis in combination with lithium treatment showed improved symptoms related to mania and hypomania both.

N-acetylcysteine. N-acetylcysteine antioxidant has proved to be beneficial to reduce or manage oxidative type of stress. Furthermore, patient intake the antioxidant in combination with regular bipolar medication treatment experienced drastic improvement in mania, depression and life quality.

IPSRT i.e. Interpersonal And Social Rhythm Therapy. Sleep deprivation and erratic patterns may worsen your symptoms related to mood disorder. Positively, you may try for IPSRT treatment i.e. a specific type of psychotherapy to assist you in dealing your bipolar disorder based on-

  • Adopting appropriate sleeping habits
  • Maintaining your regular schedule
  • Learn ways to resolve problems, which may interrupt your routine

Accordingly, interpersonal and social rhythm therapy in combination with prescribed bipolar medicines helps in reducing the numbers of your depressive and manic episodes.
Calming Techniques. Stress may make your mood disorder problem complicated. Because of this, you should try calming techniques aim to reduce your stress and anxiety.

These techniques include-

Even though calming techniques are not able to cure your condition, they help you managing various symptoms related to disorder and thereby, form significant parts related to the complete treatment plan.

Changes In Your Lifestyle

Along with the alternative treatments/therapies mentioned here, you can manage your condition related to mood disorder based on few changes in your lifestyle.

Regular Physical Exercise. Physical exercise is helpful in stabilizing your moods, as it eases depression levels and increases your sleep.

Enough Amount of Sleep. Adequate hours of sleep reduce irritability and thus, stabilize the mood. Because of this, you should stay aware of tips related to improving your sleep, which include establishment of an appropriate sleeping routine and creating a calm type of bedroom environment.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:February 28, 2019

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