Lifestyle Changes For Mood Disorders

Mood disorders are serious disorders of mind that impact the quality of life. It interferes with one’s daily activities. It influences one’s mood and may increase the risk of self-destruction or suicide. The affected person feels bad, empty, sad, depressed and lonely. It generates a chain of negative thoughts in the patient. It can affect anyone at any age. Women are more affected by it than men. It can be treated with medicines, psychotherapy or lifestyle modifications.

Lifestyle Changes For Mood Disorders

Mood disorders are the disorders of mind that interfere with the mental wellbeing and its function. It is a common and serious disorder. This disorder deviates one’s reaction to circumstances and it affects his ability to function. Certain lifestyle changes can improve the condition and promote a healthy mood.

Healthy Diet– a healthy balanced diet keeps the body and mind in a healthy state and it is a good lifestyle change. A healthy diet for mood disorders means the introduction of omega-3 fatty acids in the food, healthy amino acids food and complex carbohydrates. One has to avoid junk food, food high in sugar and saturated fat to fetch overall health. Amino acids are important constituents of neurotransmitters. They are found in meat, dairy products, and fruits and vegetables. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish, nuts and olive oil. The examples of complex carbohydrates are whole grains, legumes and vegetables like spinach and broccoli.

Physical Activities– physical activities especially exercise helps in the production of natural antioxidants in the body and it is a good lifestyle change. They assist a lot in the reduction of symptoms of mood disorders. It improves mood and sleep, elevates one’s self-esteem, and lowers down stress. It is known that exercising 30 minutes for three to five days in a week can relieve mood disorders without medicines.

Weight Management– mood disorders may cause weight gain. Excess weight can lower down one’s self-confidence, self-esteem, and overall health. Weight loss helps to regain them. It can be done by eating right with regular exercises.

Proper Sleep– sleep is the best way to rest and calm down the mind. Mood disorders are accompanied by improper sleep patterns. The common symptoms of improper sleep pattern are staying awake even after spending hours in the bed, waking up in the middle of the night and cannot sleep back. This results in fatigue of both mind and body. Negative thoughts keep on wandering in the mind. It is very important to set a sleep routine to fetch right amount and quality of sleep and improve from mood disorders.

Healthy Relationships– mood disorder causes a series of negative thoughts in the patient. People around the patient who can be friends or family members can help him to overcome these thoughts and this is a best lifestyle change. They can help in rooting positive thoughts in the patients.

Management Of Stress– chronic and long term stress disrupts the chain of positive thoughts in the patient. It becomes very hard and debilitating to calm down the mind. Stress keeps on building up with time. The best way to manage stress is to divert your thoughts. This can be done by exercises, listening to good music, watching favorite movies or TV series, reading a book or chatting with loved ones. Indulging in healthy activities can help to overcome mood disorders.

Meditation– Meditation is the best way of relaxing the mind and negative thought process. It is a mental exercise that involves repetitive enchanting of religious mantra or phrase and deep breathing exercises. It enlightens the mind and reduces stress. It can also assist in overcoming anxiety and other mood disorders. Deep breathing exercises also help in reestablishing normal sleep patterns.


Mood disorders are the disorders of the mind that interfere with normal life. Lifestyle changes can improve the state of mind and mood disorders. Diet modification, exercises, weight loss, stress management, and others discussed above can relieve mood disorders.

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:February 22, 2019

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