Home Remedies For Mood Disorders

Mood disorders are common disorders of the mind characterized by improper action and reaction in normal circumstances. The patient develops negative thinking about everything. Patient feels sad, depressed, unhappy or empty and anxious. Patient may have mood swings. The emotional state may vary in such an extent that periods of depression may alternate with the feeling of excessive happiness. Depression, bipolar disorder, and persistent depressive disorder are examples of mood disorders. It can be treated with medicines and psychotherapy.

Home Remedies For Mood Disorders

Home Remedies For Mood Disorders

Mood disorders are the disorders of mind that interfere with the mental well being and its function. It is a common and serious disorder. This disorder deviates one’s reaction to circumstances and it affects patient’s ability to function. The disorder may cause high alternation of his emotions from feeling too much depressed or too much happy in a non-relevant situation. The home remedies for mood disorders are-

Fish Oil– it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil as a home remedy for mood disorders helps in the production of hormones and improves the health of nerve tissue. It reduces depression and improves the function of the brain. It can be consumed as supplements. It is also found in rich quantities in salmon, tuna, herring, trout, etc.

Ashwagandha– Ashwagandha as a home remedy for mood disorders acts as a nerve tonic. It improves cognitive functions such as auditory-verbal working memory, reaction time and social behaviors. It can relieve the symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Brahmi– it acts as a sedative as well as a mild stimulant. It can relieve mental strain and improve one’s memory.

Valerian Root– it has strong sedative properties that release the tension and stress o the nervous system. Its use can treat anxiety, sleep disorders, and mood disorders. It is available in the market in the form of dried valerian root, capsules, liquid extracts, and tea bags.

St. John’s Wort– it acts as an antidepressant and can be used to manage mild to moderate depression. It influences the production of various brain chemicals. It should be taken after the consent of the physician as it may interfere with the functioning of prescribed medicines.

Licorice– Licorice as a home remedy for mood disorders acts as an antidepressant and helps in hormone production. It can be taken in the form of tea.

Magnesium– magnesium has the potential to balance the mood and control the symptoms of mania. It helps in the improvement of sleep. In the situations of stress and hard work, the levels of magnesium drop down. Its deficiency may cause anxiety and insomnia. So, magnesium supplements can help in the management of mood disorders. It is found in rich quantities in pumpkin seeds, cashew, soybeans, sunflower seeds, spinach, etc.

Vitamin B– vitamin B is good for the brain. Vitamin B1, B6, B9 and B12 reduce depression, anxiety, mood swings, and fatigue. Vitamin B1 helps in the maintenance of proper blood supply to the brain and the body. Vitamin B6 reduces irritability. Vitamin B9 helps in the synthesis of important brain chemicals and improves brain function. Vitamin B12 helps in the production of neurotransmitters. Consumption of these vitamins together can improve mood disorders. They are available as supplements in the market. They can also be derived from milk, eggs, whole grains, etc.

Passionflower– it has sedative properties that calm down nervous excitability and anxiety. It can also treat problems related to sleep. It has no side effects except stomach upset.

Meditation, Yoga, Breathing Exercises And Other Methods- they can calm down one’s chain of negative thoughts, and anxiety. The patient can focus on and balance his thoughts better.


Mood disorders are the disorders of mind that deviate your reaction in normal circumstances. The patient either feels extremely sad or happy, gloomy or irresponsive relative to others. It can be managed with home remedies such as St. John’s root, magnesium, vitamin B, passion flower and others discussed above.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 25, 2021

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