Can Mood Disorders Go Away On Their Own?

Mood disorders are caused due to situations, biological as well as environmental factors. Some type of mood disorders, which totally depend upon the circumstances, go away on their own once the conditions disappear as seen in postpartum and premenstrual depression.

Can Mood Disorders Go Away On Their Own?

Can Mood Disorders Go Away On Their Own?

Mood disorders are the condition characterized by the presence of altered mood. The mood of the patient may either be elevated or depressed or have the episodes of these two extremes. Various types of mood disorders exist which are classified on the basis of severity and the impact on the mood. Also, the causes of mood disorders are different.

Some mood disorders are caused by the conditions which are temporary while some mood disorders are caused due to neurodevelopmental disorder. Thus, whether the mood disorder goes on its own depends upon the cause due to which it has been developed. If the mood disorder is caused due to a temporary condition, it will go away of its own once the circumstances ceased to exist. Further, there are some mild mood disorders which can be managed by changing the lifestyle.

For example, the premenstrual dysphoric disorder is caused during the premenstrual period along with premenstrual syndrome. Thus, when the menstrual cycle gets completed, the mood disorder goes away. However, some mood disorders develop due to neurodevelopment disorder or emotional trauma. Bipolar disorder does not go away of its own and usually, the patient has to live with this condition throughout his life.

Generally speaking, if the mood disorder is mild or caused due to circumstances, it may go away on its own once the condition becomes favorable.

Causes Of Mood Disorders

Causes Of Mood Disorders

Following are the various causes for mood disorders:

Emotional Trauma. Emotional trauma is one of the most common conditions responsible for causing mood disorder. Death of a close relative or any emotional stress may lead to mood disorder.

Biological Conditions. Medical history of mood disorder or family history of the mental illness also increases the risk of developing a mood disorder.

Environmental Conditions. In recent times, environmental conditions such as air pollution and electrical pollution or radiation pollution also emerged as a causative factor of mood disorder.

Substance Abuse. Mood disorder such as bipolar disorder or clinical depression is present in those patients who are struggling with drug addiction and substance abuse.

Medications. Certain medications also impact the mental health of the patient and may cause mood alterations. Antianxiety, antidepressants, decongestants and some analgesics are examples of such medications.

Types Of Mood Disorders

Following are the various types of mood disorders:

Major Depression. Almost every person has encountered depression at least once in his life due to emotional trauma or due to certain circumstances. However, most of the people able to overcome once the condition ceases. However, in some patients, depression becomes chronic and starts impacting their routine life. Such patients are said to be suffering from major or clinical depression.

Mania. Patient suffering from mania are characterized by elevated mood with increased energy and increased the ability to take uncalculated risks. The person becomes irritable and suffers from insomnia. There is an increased appetite in such patients.

Bipolar Disorder. The patient suffering from bipolar disorder has their mood-altering between mania and major depression. These patients have elevated mood at one point which may instantly be changed to depression.

Postpartum Depression. This type of mental disorders is found in women after giving birth. The depression starts 3 months after delivery and may last for at least three months.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. This disorder is a form of severe premenstrual syndrome. This is treated with antidepressants as well as contraceptives.

Dysthymia. This condition is the mild form of major depressive disorder.


Mood disorders in the mental illness are characterized by altered mood. Some of these disorders can go away on its own while some are present throughout life.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 1, 2023

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