Mood disorders are common serious disorders of mind that may cause disability. It causes the development of negative thinking in the mind that generates unhappiness, bad feeling, emptiness, anxiety, and depression. Depression, bipolar disorder, and persistent depressive disorder are examples of mood disorders. This disorder deviates the emotional reaction of a person towards any circumstance and ability to function. The emotional state may vary in such an extent that periods of depression may alternate with the feeling of excessive happiness. It can be treated with medicines and psychotherapy.
Do I Have A Mood Disorder?
If you experience the above symptoms that may have the following characteristics, then you may have mood disorder-
- Your emotions interfere with your relationship, work, social activities, and daily activities
- You feel symptoms more during drinking or drugs
- You feel sadness that develops suicidal thoughts and behavior.
These symptoms signal mood disorders. However, the mood disorders rarely disappear by themselves and the condition may get worse with time. In most cases, the disorder improves with medicines and psychotherapy. It is important to seek the help of professionals to get rid of it before it gets worse.
Mood disorders influence one’s mood and may increase the risk of self-destruction or suicide. The affected person feels bad, empty, sad, depressed and lonely. It can be understood by the following symptoms-
Major Depressive Disorder– the person who has this type of mood disorder has a long and persistent session of great sadness. Any circumstance of happiness cannot make him happy. He is always sad.
Cyclothymic Disorder– this disorder brings up and downs of one’s emotions. The person with this disorder is happy at one moment and sad at other irrespective of the situation.
Bipolar Disorder– it is also known as manic depression or bipolar affective disorder. In this type of mood disorder, the person’s feeling alternates. There is a period of depression followed by a period of extreme laughter (mania).
Persistent Depressive Disorder– in this type of mood disorder, the person feels extreme depression.
Depression Induced By Substance Abuse Or Medicines– in this disorder, the symptoms of depression is triggered by use or withdrawal or exposure to substances like alcohol, cocaine, heroin, etc. and certain medicines. Depression starts either during or soon after the use or withdrawal of substance and exposure to certain chemicals in the work area.
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder– this disorder is seen in the children. It is characterized by excessive anger or outburst of temper that are not natural in the child’s developmental age. It is a chronic, severe and persistent form of depression.
Depression Due To Medical Illness– a mood disorder can develop after a medical illness that may have caused significant loss of pressure and impaired physical activities or imposed physical impacts.
Premenstrual Dysphorbic Disorder– this disorder may develop in the premenstrual phase of a woman and disappears after the onset of menses. In this mood disorder, the women feel irritability and changes in mood.
Puerperal Depressive Disorder– some may feel depression just after the delivery of a baby in the puerperium. She feels extreme sad and depressive.
Seasonal Affective Disorder– this disorder appears in the form of depression for few hours during the daylight in the spring season
Mood disorders are the disorders of mind that interfere with the mental well-being and its function. It is a common and serious disorder. This disorder deviates one’s normal reaction to circumstances. It affects his ability to function. The affected person may not understand this condition. The disorder may cause high alternation of his emotions from feeling too much depressed or too much happy in a non-relevant situation.
Mood disorders are disorders of mind that are characterized by imbalanced deviation of emotions or mood of a person in normal circumstances. When you feel too much sad, depressed or happy according to the circumstances discussed above, you may have mood disorder.
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