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Almonds in Weight Loss Diets : Unpacking Myths and Facts for Effective Nutrition

Are Almonds Really Fattening?

In recent years, there has been a prevailing belief that nuts, particularly almonds, should be avoided by those who are looking to shed excess weight. This is primarily due to the relatively high calorie and fat content in almonds. According to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 100 grams of almonds pack a substantial 579 calories and nearly 50 grams of fat.(1)

However, a groundbreaking study published in the journal Obesity has challenged this conventional wisdom.(2) This research, distinguished as the largest of its kind, led to a surprising finding: those who incorporated almonds into their calorie-restricted diets experienced remarkable weight loss, averaging around 9.3% of their initial body weight.

Furthermore, participants exhibited notable improvements in crucial indicators of cardiometabolic health, encompassing blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and lipid profiles.(3,4,5) This intriguing discovery suggests that rather than impeding weight loss endeavors, almonds may actually be a valuable ally in the pursuit of a balanced and effective weight-loss strategy. It underscores the importance of considering the holistic nutritional benefits of almonds beyond their caloric and fat content, highlighting their potential to contribute to overall well-being and successful weight management.

Impact of Almond Consumption on Weight Loss and Health

The research team wanted to see how eating almonds would affect weight loss. They asked 140 men and women, who were a bit overweight or obese, to join their study. They were all between 24 and 65 years old.

They split the people into two groups. One group ate almonds every day, and it made up 15 percent of their daily calories. The other group ate snacks like rice crackers or fruit bars that had the same number of calories.

For the first 12 weeks, everyone ate less food to lose weight. Then, for the next 24 weeks, they tried to keep their weight steady.

People went to the clinic at the beginning of the study, and then again after 12 and 36 weeks. The researchers checked if they lost or kept the weight they wanted. They also looked at things like how much fat and muscle they had, how big their waist was, and how many calories they burned.

They also measured things in their blood, like blood pressure, cholesterol, sugar, and insulin. These are important for heart health. They found that both groups lost about the same amount of weight, around 15 pounds.

However, the group that ate almonds had better results in some parts of their blood, which could be good for their hearts. They had lower levels of a kind of cholesterol that can be bad for arteries. This could mean they have a lower chance of heart problems.

Weight Loss Benefits of Incorporating Almonds into Your Diet

Nutritionists have emphasized on the importance of including almonds, a high-fat food, in your diet. It is important to understand that fats have often been unfairly stigmatized in relation to cholesterol and weight management, but they are actually vital nutrients that should be a part of a well-rounded diet. The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in nuts play a protective role for the heart, potentially reducing the buildup of plaque in arteries and elevating beneficial HDL cholesterol levels in the body.(6)

Nuts are also a rich source of protein, as well as a diverse array of vitamins and minerals, making them a nutritional powerhouse for both heart health and overall well-being.

Almonds may also contribute to weight loss by providing a sense of fullness, helping you become more attuned to your hunger and satisfaction signals.(7) Additionally, they can assist in portion control, aiding you in managing your serving sizes effectively.

Tips to Incorporate Nuts into Your Balanced Diet

You should seriously consider incorporating nuts, like almonds, into a well-rounded and balanced diet for optimal health. One crucial aspect to consider is portion control. While nuts are packed with nutrients, they are also calorie-dense. It is essential to be mindful of portion sizes to avoid excessive calorie intake. You should ideally aim for a serving size equivalent to about one to two ounces of nuts, or what can fit in your hand.(8)

When selecting nuts, it is recommended that you opt for unsalted or lightly salted varieties to keep sodium intake in check. It is better to avoid having flavored nuts that may contain added sugars or less healthy additives.

To maximize nutritional benefits, you should diversify your nut choices beyond just almonds. Each type offers distinct flavors and a range of nutrients.(9)

As a healthy snack alternative, you can also consider substituting nuts for processed snacks.

You can also consider sprinkling chopped nuts on salads, yogurt, or oatmeal to add crunch and flavor. Ground nuts can also serve as a wholesome coating for baked chicken or fish, providing a nutritious twist to your dishes.

Here are some other ways in which you can include nuts in your diet:

  • Choose Unsalted or Lightly Salted Varieties: Opt for unsalted or lightly salted nuts to help regulate your sodium intake. This is especially important if you are watching your salt consumption for health reasons.(10)
  • Diversify Your Nut Selection: While almonds are beneficial, don’t limit yourself to just one type of nut. Different nuts offer various flavors and a wide range of nutrients. Incorporate a variety of nuts like walnuts, cashews, and pecans into your diet.
  • Incorporate into Baking: Nuts can be included in baked goods like muffins, cookies, and bread. They not only add texture and flavor but also contribute extra nutrients to your treats.
  • Blend into Smoothies: Adding a small handful of nuts to your smoothie can increase its nutrient content and provide a creamy texture. Nuts like almonds and cashews work particularly well for this.
  • Pair with Fruits: Combine nuts with fruits for a balanced and satisfying snack. For example, apples or bananas with almond butter make a nutritious and delicious combination.
  • Experiment with Nut Butter: Nut butters (like peanut, almond, or cashew butter) can be spread on whole grain toast, used as a dip for fruits or veggies, or added to smoothies for an extra creamy texture.(11)
  • Create your own Trail Mix: Make your own custom trail mix by combining different types of nuts with dried fruits, seeds, and a touch of dark chocolate for a satisfying and energy-boosting snack.
  • Stir into Yogurt or Cottage Cheese: Add a crunch to your yogurt or cottage cheese by stirring in a handful of chopped nuts. This adds both texture and extra nutrients to your dairy-based snacks.
  • Roast Your Own: Experiment with roasting your own nuts at home. This allows you to control the level of roasting and any added seasonings or flavors, ensuring a customized and delicious snack.


Incorporating almonds into your diet can be a valuable strategy for weight loss. Their high content of heart-protective monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, along with essential nutrients, makes them a nutritious choice. However, be mindful of portion sizes to manage calorie intake effectively. Opt for unsalted varieties to control sodium levels and explore different types of nuts for diverse flavors and nutrients. By substituting unhealthy snacks with a handful of nuts and integrating them into meals, you can enjoy a satisfying and nutritious approach to weight loss. Consulting a healthcare professional or dietitian for personalized advice is always recommended.


  1. fdc.nal.usda.gov. (n.d.). FoodData Central. [online] Available at: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/170567/nutrients.
  2. Carter, S., Hill, A.M., Mead, L.C., Wong, H.Y., Yandell, C., Buckley, J.D., Tan, S.Y., Rogers, G.B., Fraysse, F. and Coates, A.M., 2023. Almonds vs. carbohydrate snacks in an energy‐restricted diet: Weight and cardiometabolic outcomes from a randomized trial. Obesity, 31(10), pp.2467-2481.
  3. Kalita, S., Khandelwal, S., Madan, J., Pandya, H., Sesikeran, B. and Krishnaswamy, K., 2018. Almonds and cardiovascular health: a review. Nutrients, 10(4), p.468.
  4. Dreher, M.L., 2021. A comprehensive review of almond clinical trials on weight measures, metabolic health biomarkers and outcomes, and the gut microbiota. Nutrients, 13(6), p.1968.
  5. Li, Z., Bhagavathula, A.S., Batavia, M., Clark, C., Abdulazeem, H.M., Rahmani, J. and Yin, F., 2020. The effect of almonds consumption on blood pressure: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of randomized control trials. Journal of King Saud University-Science, 32(2), pp.1757-1763.
  6. Marchie, A., 2004. Effect of almonds in diets to reduce coronary heart disease risk factors.
  7. Hollingworth, S., Dalton, M., Blundell, J.E. and Finlayson, G., 2019. Evaluation of the influence of raw almonds on appetite control: Satiation, satiety, hedonics and consumer perceptions. Nutrients, 11(9), p.2030.
  8. Hull, S., Re, R., Chambers, L., Echaniz, A. and Wickham, M.S., 2015. A mid-morning snack of almonds generates satiety and appropriate adjustment of subsequent food intake in healthy women. European journal of nutrition, 54, pp.803-810.
  9. Fischer, S. and Glei, M., 2013. Potential health benefits of nuts. Ernaehrungs Umschau International, 60(12), pp.206-215.
  10. Richardson, D.P., Astrup, A., Cocaul, A. and Ellis, P., 2009. The nutritional and health benefits of almonds: a healthy food choice. Food Sci. Technol. Bull. Funct. Foods, 6, pp.41-50.
  11. Blomhoff, R., Carlsen, M.H., Andersen, L.F. and Jacobs, D.R., 2006. Health benefits of nuts: potential role of antioxidants. British Journal of Nutrition, 96(S2), pp.S52-S60.

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Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 23, 2023

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