Infections and allergies affect people in various ways. Viral infections are common and some can severely affect your health. As the world fights with new infections, it is necessary to understand the importance of having a strong immune system. How to boost your immunity? A very common question coming to your mind. Let us explore this in detail.
How To Boost Your Immunity?
When it comes to fighting infections, your immunity plays an important role. There are various ways to boost your immunity, which can help to fight viral infections and protect your health. Alternative medicine is known to offer various ways to build a strong immune system. Here, we will look at the role of alternative and wellness therapies to boost your immunity.
Strong immunity helps to fight infections, allergies, and other diseases. Several factors play a role in deciding your immunity. Similarly, many measures can also help in improving your immunity. So, how to boost your immunity? A very common question asked by many people. Especially during periods of infection, when you need to have a strong immune system.
Diet and Lifestyle
Ideally, a balanced diet that includes all food groups provides you with all the required nutrients. So, make sure you include cereals, pulses, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and oils in the right amounts for good health. A proper diet and a healthy lifestyle are very crucial to boost your immunity.
Some of the important good health guidelines to boost your immunity naturally include the following 1
- Maintain hygiene and practice proper hand washing technique
- Have a diet rich in fruits and vegetables
- Get adequate sleep
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol
- Manage your stress
- Exercise regularly
It is noted that the immune system function begins to decline with age. This may result in poorer vaccine response and increased risk of infection and malignancy in some people. Some studies have shown that regular exercise can enhance vaccination response, increase the performance of natural killer cells in the immune system.2
Exercises are good for general well being and have many other health benefits too. So make sure you spend at least 30 to 40 minutes every day doing some physical exercises.
Ayurvedic Principles
Since ancient times, many countries across the globe have been practicing traditional medicine. One such system of medicine is Ayurveda, which practices holistic principles. Originated in India, Ayurveda is one of the ancient yet living health traditions. It is also referred to as ‘science of life’ as in Sanskrit, ‘Ayu’ means life and ‘Veda’ means science or knowledge.3 This practice of medicine also deals with health promotion, disease prevention and has offered several home remedies for common ailments as well.
The possible effects of Ayurveda as an immune booster need to be considered. Some of the self-care and preventive measures, based on Ayurvedic principles can help to boost your immunity and protect your health. As stated by AYUSH department of the Indian government, enhancing your body’s natural defense system is important to maintain optimum health.4
Some of the general measures recommended for good health include the following,
- Drink warm water throughout the day
- Practice Yogasana, pranayama, and meditation for at least 30 minutes a day.
- Include turmeric, cumin, coriander, and garlic in your cooking.
Home Remedies
Here are some important ways to boost your immunity. Simple yet effective foods to include are:
Herbal tea – Add basil, cinnamon, dry ginger powder, black pepper to boiling water. You can also add some jaggery if you like and a few drops of lemon, for taste. Sip on this warm herbal tea to enjoy good health.
Turmeric milk – Already known as a home remedy, since ages, turmeric milk has now gained more popularity as an immune booster food. In Western countries, it is better known as ‘turmeric latte’. You can simply prepare it by boiling a cup of milk and adding half a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Some people also enjoy adding dry ginger powder, ground black pepper, and cinnamon.
- Steam inhalation with mint leaves may help to clear the nasal passage. Honey mixed with clove powder can help relieve throat irritation.
These home remedies are mainly meant to boost your immunity and are usually useful in mild cases of sore throat. However, if you note symptoms of dry cough, sore throat, or fever, consult your physician at the earliest. Also, if you have any nutritional deficiencies, consult your doctor for appropriate nutritional supplements and also discuss the need for vaccination, if any.
While all these measures are helpful to boost your immunity, it is equally important to practice hand hygiene, maintain social distancing, and keeping a watch for any symptoms. It is necessary to take care of elderly people, those who are sick, or those who are under treatment for any medical condition.
Also Read:
- How to Boost Immune System Naturally?
- Immune Boosting Foods: List of Foods to Build Immunity
- 11 Ayurvedic Ways to Increase Immunity During Monsoon
- 7 Foods to Build Immunity & Fight Cold and Flu
- Can Exposure To Germs Boost Kids Immune System?
- Diet To Strengthen Your Immune System
- Immune Boosters: Foods, Fruits, and Supplements that Boost Your Immune System