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Reasons For Feeling Thirsty All The Time

Thirst is a signal given by the body for the need of water to function properly.

Sometimes in spite of drinking enough water, the body still feels dry and dehydrated and you feel like being thirsty again.

It is normal to feel thirsty after a few intervals, or after eating spicy food or just after waking up in the morning. It is important to quench the thirst and to keep the body hydrated and ready to function efficiently.

If someone feels excessive dryness in the throat or mouth and an unquenchable need for water, it could be a signal to consult a doctor.

What Is The Normal Fluid Intake?

It is important to drink water regularly, to remain healthy. Water intake can be increased by eating water-rich food such as celery, watermelon, tomatoes, melons, and oranges.

You can check whether or not, you are consuming enough fluid, with the color of the urine (1). Light color urine with light smell indicates a perfect fluid intake.

Failing to replenish the lost fluid can lead to dehydration.

Reasons For Feeling Thirsty All The Time

There are a few common causes that can increase the need for water such as:

  • Excess intake of spicy and salty food
  • Sweating
  • Exhaustion
  • Lack of sleep
  • Extensive workout session

There are also a few causes that can call for a doctor’s advice.

Vomiting and Diarrhea

Vomiting and diarrhea can lead to loss of water from the body and also alter the normal electrolyte balance. This can cause dehydration, dizziness and fatigue.

If suffering from vomiting and dehydration, make sure to replenish the lost electrolyte balance.

High Carb Intake

Those with high carb intake i.e. those who eat a lot of processed food or junk food can feel constantly thirsty.

Carbohydrates are known to absorb more water than fat and protein, which makes you feel a constant need to pee, which would eventually make you thirsty.

Loss of Blood

Excessive bleeding can spike up the thirst level due to the constant loss of fluid from the body.

Loss of blood during periods also affects the fluid volume by altering the level of estrogen and progesterone hormones in the body.

Diabetes and Thyroid

Diabetes and thyroid are two chronic health conditions that can be linked with extensive thirst.

High blood sugar leads to a constant need to urinate. This is because the system does not produce a hormone that aids the kidney to control the amount of water produced in the body.

Similarly, those suffering from hypothyroid also suffer from increased thirst just like a diabetic.

Chronic Stress

Stress can lead to low blood pressure as it affects the functioning of the adrenal glands and cause low blood pressure.

Chronic stress can be linked with excessive thirst, anxiety, and fatigue. It can also lead to improper diet and sleep, which can further lead to an unhealthy lifestyle and diseases.

An increase in thirst can be a body’s attempt to raise the blood pressure by adding more water to blood.

Diagnosis and Treatment Of Excessive Thirst

A complete medical history is requested by the doctor to diagnose the reason for excessive thirst. Make sure you inform the doctor about any medicine you are already taking.

A physical examination is done and blood and urine tests are performed. The test may include:

  • blood glucose test
  • blood count
  • urine analysis
  • serum electrolyte and serum osmolality test

According to the diagnosis, a specialist is recommended. The treatment depends on the diagnosis of the condition.

Risks Associated With Excessive Thirst

Trying to quench excessive thirst, a person drinks too much water. This can lead to overhydration, a condition in which you drink more water than you can expel.

Overhydration can lower the blood sodium level severely and could result in confusion and seizures.

Consult a doctor if:

  • If the thirst persist in spite of drinking too much fluid
  • You are feeling fatigued
  • There is blurry vision, excessive hunger, cuts or sores
  • There is more than 2.5 litres of urination per day

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 4, 2020

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