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Skin Health Benefits of Niacinamide & Its Risks and Side Effects

What is Niacinamide?

Niacinamide is also known as nicotinamide which is a form of vitamin B-3. It is an essential vitamin. Deficiency of this vitamin can lead to skin, kidney, and brain disorders.  The deficiency can be prevented by taking niacinamide.

Some of the niacinamide benefits can be obtained from the food that you eat such as:

  • Eggs
  • Beans
  • Cereals
  • Green veggies
  • Fish
  • Milk

For visible skin benefits, it is suitable to apply niacinamide topically.

Skin Health Benefits of Niacinamide

  1. Reduces Hyperpigmentation And Evens Skin Tone

     Niacinamide can help fade away pigmentation on the skin. Research shows 5 percent niacinamide can help in lightening dark spots(1).

    Niacinamide is thought to inhibit the transfer of melanosomes that produce and store melanin (a pigment that gives brown or black color to skin and hair).

  2. Strengthens The Skin Barrier

    The skin barrier is made up of lipids, ceramides, and fatty acids. These together keep the skin moisture in and foreign invaders such as bacteria and free radicals out.

    Niacinamide can help grow the skin barrier and that can help retain moisture(2). It promotes the production of ceramides and elastin, both of which are the components of the skin barrier. It helps in strengthening the complexion’s natural protective shield, leaving a hydrated, healthy skin.

  3. Regulates Oil Production

    Niacinamide helps regulate and stabilize oil production, which restores the strength of the skin barrier and regulates the amount of oil produced by the sebaceous glands.

    It prevents the glands to go overdrive with oil production. Excess sebum (oil) on the skin can clog the pores and can lead to comedones and inflammatory acne.

  4. Improves Skin Texture And Fades Fine Lines On The Skin

    As a person ages, the natural reserves and the ability to produce protein, in the body decline. The research found that 5 percent of niacinamide is helpful in reducing some signs of sun damage that include fine lines and wrinkles(3).

    An intact lipid barrier, promotes the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, thereby promoting a youthful and supple complexion.

  5. Provide Antioxidant Protection And Repairs Damaged DNA

    On topical application, niacinamide converts into nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) that has potent free-radical fighting antioxidant property.

    DNA damage is crucial for skin. It results from everyday stressors such as pollution and UV exposure.

    Niacinamide works by increasing the amount of nicotinamide and reduce oxidative cellular damage within the skin cells.

  6. Soothes Skin and Minimizes Redness and Blotchiness

    With its ability to strengthen and improve the functioning of the skin barrier, niacinamide decreases the redness on the skin(4).

    It can be effective in reducing the redness of eczema, acne, and other inflammatory skin conditions.

  7. Improves Dullness Of Skin

    Niacinamide is an ideal topical applicant that can restore the skin tone and also improve and prevent sallowness (yellow or brown tone) of the complexion.

Are There Any Risks Or Side Effects Of Using Niacinamide?

Topically, niacinamide is considered safe to be used. Those with pre-existing allergies are more likely to experience allergic reactions. It is because niacinamide can cause the release of histamines in the body.

It is advisable to do a patch test before using it widely. If you experience redness, itching, or swelling, discontinue the usage.

What Result To Expect When Using Niacinamide?

As with any other skincare product, the result can be seen after using niacinamide for at least 4 weeks.

After eight weeks of niacinamide  usage, smoother, toned, and hydrated skin is seen. It is important to be patient and regular with the routine to see the visible effects.

If you are amongst those who do not notice any change, even after a couple of months, it is good to consult a dermatologist.

On topical application, niacinamide has a positive effect on the skin. It helps reduce inflammation and hyperpigmentation and improves overall skin texture. It also brightens the skin.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:October 12, 2020

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