Uterine fibroids are the overgrowth of muscle tissue in the uterus. It can be small or tiny in size that cannot be seen with naked eyes or as big as a peanut in the uterus. It develops inside the uterine wall or sometimes outside the uterine wall. It affects women in their reproductive age. It is induced due to high levels of estrogen in the body. It mostly affects black women more than white women. Its symptoms include heavy bleeding during or in between the menses, pain in the back or abdomen, constipation, and many more.
How To Treat Uterine Fibroids Naturally?
Uterine fibroids are the common cause of tumors in the uterus. However, it is not a cancerous growth. It is made up of smooth muscles and connective tissues that grow and attach to the walls of the uterus. The size of fibroid varies in sizes, small to big similar to a pea in size. They can be single to multiple in number. They develop in the age between 30 or 50 years of age. It does not grow before pubertal age or after menopause. If uterine fibroids are grown before menopause, it tends to shrink after menopause. Its growth is marked highest in pregnancy and it reduces significantly when pregnancy is gone.(1)
The natural way by which uterine fibroids can be treated are-
Flaxseeds– flax seeds are considered as selective estrogen receptor modulators. It regulates the sensitivity of estrogen in the uterus. It is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids which has lots of positive effects on the body. It is also a good source of fiber that promotes the easy mobility of bowels.(2)
Green Tea– according to various studies, green tea is an anti-inflammatory herb. It can decrease the size of the uterus and relieve inflammation by removing toxins from the body.(3)
Water- the water should be consumed eight to ten glasses regularly in a day. It is useful to remove toxins and other harmful chemicals from the body.(1)
Diet Modification- sea vegetables are rich in vitamin B12 that helps in cleansing of the blood. Organic food should be included in the diet that can reduce the effects of estrogen in the body.(1)
Fasting- it can be used as the best source for cleansing the toxins from the body.(1)
Soy – it is not considered well for hormonal problems in women. However, in the case of uterine fibroids, soy is found to be beneficial for women. It leaves anti-estrogenic effects on the uterus. It should be consumed in moderation to manage fibroids.(2)
Beans – bean is a rich source of protein and fiber that significantly reduces the inflammation of uterus that results in swelling in uterine fibroids. Its examples are kidney beans, mung beans, and lentils. It is considered a healthy replacement of protein.(2)
Whole Grains- whole grains like noodles, pasta, and bread reduce insulin stabilization. High levels of insulin are released from white starchy food that can promote the growth of uterine fibroids. It is a good source of fiber that reduces excess estrogen.(2)
Pears And Apples- apples and pears are rich in fiber that disturbs the growth of the tumor.(2)
Vitamin K- vitamin K helps in coagulation of the blood. It reduces intense blood flow to the uterus that helps in the prevention of anemia.(2)
Vegetable Juices- vegetable juices are good sources of essential nutrients in the body.(2)
Avoidance Of Sugar, Caffeine, And Alcohol- these items are considered as inflammatory agents that may induce more pain in uterine fibroids. These food items should be avoided in fibroids.(2)
Uterine fibroids can be managed efficiently in natural ways. It can be managed with flaxseeds, green tea, soy, vegetable juices, beans, whole grains, soya and others discussed above can help to reduce the symptoms of fibroids.
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