Complications Of Mood Disorders

Mood disorders are a generally manageable condition. The treatment strategy includes both the counseling of the patients and the prescription of medications. Unmanaged mood disorder may lead to complications.

Complications Of Mood Disorders

Complications Of Mood Disorders

The mood disorder is progressive disease as it takes a hit on both the physical as well as mental health of the patient. The progression of the disease is at a rapid rate when the person isolates himself from society and proper care is not provided to the patient. This leads to various complications, some of which are life-threatening. Following are the complications associated with the unmanaged mood disorder.

Suicidal Thoughts. The patient suffering from mood disorder has suicidal thought as the person is suffering from severe depression. In some circumstances, the patient may even attempt suicide. Some suicides are planned by the patient while some are the result of impulsive action.

Severe Anxiety. The condition of the patient suffering from bipolar disorder worsens as the patient has to carry the burden of severe anxiety. Severe anxiety increases the worsening of bipolar disorders and results in a poor outcome.

Eating Disorders. Eating disorder is another complication of the patient suffering from a mood disorder. Binge eating disorder is commonly found in these patients. The other eating disorder includes bulimia nervosa and anorexia. Mood disorder in conjugation with the eating disorder is difficult to treat as compared to mood disorder alone.

Alcoholism. Patient suffering from a mood disorder is under severe stress due to the symptoms. If the patient is not properly counseled, may switch themselves to alcohol and develop alcoholism.

Disability. Mood disorder, in its severe form, is extremely debilitating. The debility ranges from moderate to extremely severe.

Drug Addictions. Patient with mood disorders also gets the habit of drug administration which leads to drug addiction. The person in this condition feels very low with reduced energy and enthusiasm.

Homicide. The person with mood disorder becomes irritable, violent and aggressive. The person is always in a mood of impulsive action and thus may cause homicide.

Impulsive Response. The patient suffering from a mood disorder is in anger most of the times. This is due to emotional stress and this impulsive reaction limit the chances of socializing again with family and friends.

Severe Phobia. The patient of mood disorder develops a severe phobia for any person, place or situation. This may further lead to panic disorder.

Emotional Distress. The emotional health of the person takes a toll and the person refuses to live with the same deal and enthusiasm as he was living in the past. The person gets depressed due to guilt and the feeling of helplessness and worthlessness evolves.

Poor Performance In School And At Work. Patient, due to mental disorder, does not able to focus and concentrate. They lack the ability of rational thinking and the decision-making process is delayed. Such a progressive situation may lead to poor performance at work and in school.

Types Of Mood Disorders

Mood disorder is a condition characterized by the declined mental and physical health of the patient. Mood disorders are a group of disease which affects the mood.

Although various mood disorders are found in the literature, the description is generally done for disorders that are commonly found. These mood disorders are known as common mood disorders. Following are the most common mood disorders.

Major Depression Or Clinical Depression. It is different from general depression and the patient suffering from this mood disorder goes into depression without any obvious reason.

Manic. The patient suffering from this condition is hyperactive and has elevated mood.

Bipolar Disorder. This condition is characterized by the presence of swinging mood between the extremes of depression and manic.


If the mood disorder is not managed and the condition is allowed to progress, it results in complications. These complications are suicide, homicide, phobia, severe anxiety, emotional distress, and poor performance.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 1, 2023

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