What Is An Example Of A Mood Disorder?

Any disorder which alters the mood substantially comes under the category of mood disorder. The mood may either be elevated, depressed or swing in between the two extremes.

What Is An Example Of A Mood Disorder?

Mood disorders are the group of disorders, some of which are serious, which are related to altered mood behaviors. The person suffering from mood disorders may have either elevated mood as seen in mania or hypomania, or he may suffer from chronic depression which can be classified as major depression or the mood of the person swings between mania or depression. Mania, clinical depression and bipolar disorder are the serious form of mood disorder; however, various mood disorders are mild.

Dysthymia is the milder form of the major depressive disorder while cyclothymic disorder is the milder form of bipolar disorder. Mood disorders may also be caused due to medication or substance abuse. Mood disorders severely affect the health of the patent, both physically as well mentally. The capacity of the person to take logical decisions is significantly hampered and the quick decision making takes a toll. The person is emotionally handicapped and starts living in isolation. The person loses interest or pleasure in doing things that were once giving pleasure. The patient develops a feeling of guilt and becomes violent at times. Suicidal thoughts, suicidal attempts, and genocide are one of the most devastating symptoms related to mood disorders.

Types Of Mood Disorder

Types Of Mood Disorder

Following are the various types of mood disorders:

Major Depressive Disorder. This mood disorder is the extreme form of depression and various symptoms are present to qualify it as mood disorder according to the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders.

Psychotic Major Depression. This condition is characterized by the presence of symptoms of psychosis and depression. The patient develops delusion or hallucinations.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Depression. This is the severe form of premenstrual disorder. This affects almost 5-8% of menstrual women. The treatment is generally done through antidepressants.

Seasonal Affective Disorder. Also known as winter blues, the condition occurs during a particular season. It may be due to the fact they during winter, people are exposed to a relatively low level of sunlight, leading to seasonal affective disorder.

Bipolar Disorder. The patient suffering from bipolar disorder has their mood swinging in between the two extremes. The mood of the patient may either be mania, which is characterized by elevated mood, or maybe in a depression.

Dysthymia. This condition has symptoms similar to major depressive disorder, but the severity is relatively less as compared to depressive disorder.

Cyclothymia. This condition is characterized by the symptoms of bipolar disorder, but the intensity of symptoms is low.

Major Depressive Disorder

A major depressive disorder is an example of a mood disorder. As this condition is one of the most common conditions of mood disorder, it is also classified in common mood disorder. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual published by the American Psychiatrist association, to qualify a patient suffering from Major Depressive disorder, the following symptoms should be presented by the patient.

  • Suicidal Thoughts. The patient suffering from depressive disorder should be so depressed that the suicidal thoughts are common, and the patient may attempt to suicide.
  • Fatigue And Lethargy. The patient with depression should have a feeling of fatigue, lethargy or weakness and this condition affects the routine life.
  • Loss Of Appetite. The patient with depression has a loss of appetite. This may lead to unexplained or unintended weight loss.
  • Feeling Of Worthlessness. Depressive patient feels that there is no worth of them and are living in guilt.
  • Depressed Mood. The patient has a depressed mood and has reduced movement.
  • Reduced Concentration. The concentration of such patients is greatly reduced and the ability to take a quick decision is hampered.


There are various types of mood disorders depending upon the severity and type of mood change. Various mood disorders are manic, clinical depression, cyclothymia, dysthymia, bipolar disorder, and Premenstrual dysphoric depression.

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 26, 2021

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