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Benefits of Vitamin E for Hair : Comprehensive Guide to Healthier Locks

Why is Vitamin E Famous?

Vitamin E is famous thanks to its antioxidant properties, which helps in cutting down the free radical damage and also protects the cells of the body.(1) Vitamin E is can be easily found in the supplement aisle; however, it is also added to various hair care and skin care products and for good reason too!

The use of Vitamin E in dermatology has been as old as the 1950s where it helped in protecting the skin against inflammation, aging and sun damage.(2, 3) The fat-soluble antioxidant present in it is important for a strong immune system and maintaining healthy skin.(4) In the recent times, vitamin E has been acclaimed as an all rounder cure for damaged, frizzy and unmanageable hair and turning them into luscious, shiny, locks.

If you want to know more the beneficial effects of Vitamin E for your hair, then keep on reading

What Does Vitamin E Do For Your Hair?

Studies show that vitamin E can potentially help in improving the overall health of the hair as well as scalp. However, more research is needed for understanding its true benefits.

Prevent Hair Loss with Vitamin E

A study from showed that vitamin E supplements helps in enhancing hair growth in individuals who were having hair fall.(5) The antioxidant properties in vitamin E helps in cutting down the oxidative stress in the scalp which helps with arresting hair fall. Oxidative stress has been associated with hair fall.(6)

Vitamin E Adds Shine to Your Hair

According to the Academy of Dermatology, damaged hair looks frizzy and dull when the protective fat layer of the hair shaft gets destroyed, then the hair loses its shine and becomes difficult to style or manage.(7) Adding vitamin E-rich oil to your hair care routine helps replacing the damaged protective layer and also restores the shine. Any oil helps in sealing the moisture, reducing breakage, and protecting the hair from damage.(8)

Improve Scalp Circulation using Vitamin E

Vitamin E can help in increasing blood circulation to the scalp, which in turn benefits the hair health. A study from 1999 showed that increased doses of vitamin E also helped increasing the blood flow to the eyes in type 1 diabetics.(9)

Another study from 2001 showed that increased blood circulation helped in promoting hair growth and also increased the hair follicle and size in mice.(10) However, one needs more studies to concretely conclude that vitamin E directly has an effect on the blood supply to the scalp and how it translates to when it comes to hair and hair growth.

Vitamin E Balances Oil Production

This helps in creating a protective barrier on the surface of the skin, which helps in retaining the moisture and is a boon for dry skin. Irritated and dry skin can be an indication of vitamin E deficiency.

It is not yet clear if topical vitamin E helps in balancing oil production in the scalp, however, oils which have vitamin E in them, such as avocado oil do help in moisturizing the scalp and also preventing excess production of oil.

Vitamin E Supports a Healthy Scalp

Vitamin E is vital for healthy skin this and also includes the scalp. Bad scalp health is linked to dull and lackluster hair; and here is where Vitamin E benefits by supporting the scalp by giving your hair a strong foundation to grow from by preserving the protective lipid layer and decreasing the oxidative stress.(11)

What are the Different Ways to Use Vitamin E for Your Hair?

Vitamin E need not be taken in supplement form, as this vitamin is easy to get when consuming a balanced diet. It is rare to have vitamin E deficiency in fact, as many people get lot of this vitamin from eating enriched whole foods.(12, 13) However, if you want to specifically target your hair or skin, then vitamin E can be used topically mixed in oil, shampoo, mask or conditioner.

What are the Foods High in Vitamin E?

More than external application to hair, what you put in your body, the quality and quantity of it is important for having healthy hair. A deficiency in protein, calories and micronutrients, such as vitamin E can affect the hair’s structure, growth and loss.(14) Some of the foods which are richest sources of vitamin E are: leafy greens, nuts, sunflower oil and olive oil.(15) This vitamin is also present in fortified foods, such as breakfast cereal and meats.

Are Vitamin E Supplements Necessary?

Vitamin E supplements are easily available; however, the need for them is not required most of the time as one can get this vitamin through diet alone. There are studies which also show that people can avail more benefit from vitamin E if they get it through their diet instead of a supplement.(16) Supplements also carry risk where there is the danger of taking excess of vitamin E. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting any supplement.

What Do Studies Say About Vitamin E Oil?

Majority of the vitamin E oils have carrier oil in them to dilute it and to help prevent irritation of the skin.(17) One should refrain from using pure vitamin E oil and always dilute it by mixing it in carrier oil. Vitamin E oils can also be costly and difficult to use, as they are often thick and oxidize rapidly upon air exposure. A good way to incorporate vitamin E in hair oil is to use oil, which has vitamin E as its secondary ingredient.  For maximum benefit of vitamin E-rich, oil the following steps should be followed:

Massage the vitamin E oil it on your scalp after which comb gently using wide-tooth comb. Let the oil seep into the scalp for about 15 minutes after which wash your hair using a good shampoo. If the hair does not feel dry, then conditioner can be skipped.

What About Vitamin E Shampoo and Conditioner?

There are many shampoos and conditioners available with vitamin E in them for dry and damaged hair. Always let the product sit on the scalp for some minutes before washing it away. Products which have essential oils, such as tea tree oil, peppermint or lavender are recommended for more hair benefits. A hair mask with vitamin E helps in conditioning and soothing the scalp. Even though vitamin E oil helps in moisturizing the hair, the strands of the hair can’t be magically “healed” using the mask. It is better to focus it on the scalp where it can it can get absorbed.

How to Make Homemade Vitamin E Hair Mask?

For a homemade vitamin E hair mask, combine the following ingredients using a blender: 1 banana, 1 avocado, 1 tbsp. coconut oil, 1 tbsp. avocado oil and 1 tbsp. honey. Apply this mask on clean hair. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes then wash it off. There are also many readymade vitamin E masks available in the market which is easier to use.

What Are The Risks Of Using Vitamin E For Hair?

As mentioned before, vitamin E should not be used in its concentrated form and always dilute it before using it on your hair, scalp or skin. Using undiluted vitamin E oil can potentially cause skin rash or irritation.(18)

Taking supplements also carries the risk of consuming excess vitamin E, which can cause the following: weakening of the bones, increasing the risk of prostate cancer and interfering with the production of thyroid hormone.

Always consult your doctor before starting vitamin E supplement or any other supplement for that matter.

What is the Daily Vitamin E Requirement?

The vitamin E requirement for an average adult is about 15 milligrams (22.4 IU) in a day.(20) The recommendation of The National Institute of Health is to not exceed more than 1,100 IU of synthetic vitamin E or 1,500 IU of natural-present vitamin E in a day.(21)


Vitamin E no doubt has many benefits to the hair and you can start to get those benefits by improving your diet first. There are some hair care products present with vitamin E in them, which one can use for damaged hair. Never use vitamin E in its pure form and always dilute it before using. Before starting vitamin E treatment or a supplement, always consult your dermatologist; especially if you are suffering from scalp, hair or skin condition.


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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 14, 2023

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